Jamie Greco


Grindsploitation 10: Milkin' It
Tenth exploitation anthology from the twisted minds of established and up and coming directors from across the globe.
Grindsploitation 10: Milkin' It
Tenth exploitation anthology from the twisted minds of established and up and coming directors from across the globe.
Grindsploitation 10: Milkin' It
Tenth exploitation anthology from the twisted minds of established and up and coming directors from across the globe.
Поехавший убийца
Нежданно-негаданно бомж начинает смертельную веселуху на улицах Нью-Йорка. Полностью невменяемый, едва способный к самоидентификации, он не делает ни малейшей попытки скрыть плоды своих деяний. Но он с удивлением обнаруживает, что в городе с 50 000 бомжей спрятаться очень легко. И вот среди своего убийственного разгула, он видит прекрасную кассиршу, призывающую унылый народ на просмотр комедийных шоу...Сердце бомжа Базилио разбито чаровницей...но станет ли любовь исцеляющей силой и попустит ли его безумие - вот главный вопрос...
The Night She Came Home!!
A short documentary, done by John Marsh and Kelly Curtis, explores Curtis’ relationship to the Halloween franchise. Called “The Night She Came Home”, this featurette follows her as she attends a HorrorHound sponsored signing in 2012 meant to raise money for charity.
Terror Talk
Susan Jeffrey Raphael
Terror Talk
Mr. Bricks: A Heavy Metal Murder Musical
Teenie Weenie
Mr. Bricks: A Heavy Metal Murder Musical introduces tattooed muscleman Tim Dax as Mr. Bricks, an ex-con left for dead in an empty New York City warehouse. Rocked by headaches caused by the bullet lodged in his brain, he pieces together memories — the barrel of a gun…his girl’s scream…and eventually, the face of the dirty cop (Vito Trigo, Dark Windows) who pulled the trigger! All he wants is to find his missing girl Scarlet (Nicola Fiore, Mr. Cannibal Holocaust, Game Over), and vows to kill anyone that gets in his way…but what if Scarlet doesn’t want to be found?
Атака куриных зомби
Неудачник Арви, после того как его бросила подружка, решил наняться на работу в недавно открывшийся ресторан «Американский цыпленок» (American chicken). В тот же день с Арви стали случаться сплошные беды: мало того, что его бывшая подружка присоединилась к пикетчикам, требующим закрыть ресторан, так еще в еду вселились бесы, превращающие всех, кто съест «одержимые» блюда, в курообразных зомби-людоедов. Оказывается ресторан был построен на индейском кладбище и духи мертвых никому не простят подобного святотатства.
The Best of Tromadance Film Festival: Volume 3
In this third volume of the Best of Tromadance, viewers can sample fifteen of the best films from the 2003 and 2004 Film Festivals totally over three hours. Titles include Giuseppe Andrews' "Dribble;" winner of the Tromadance / Kodak Independent Soul Award, Kevin Maher's "Monkey Brains," "Kung-Fu Kitties" and "Marijuana's Revenge" by the filmmaking team of Philip Gunn, Daniel Guiterrez and David Valdez. Also included are Matt and Greg Brookens' "Skunk Ape!?," Jamie Greco's "PDA Massacre" and others.
The Best of Tromadance Film Festival: Volume 3
In this third volume of the Best of Tromadance, viewers can sample fifteen of the best films from the 2003 and 2004 Film Festivals totally over three hours. Titles include Giuseppe Andrews' "Dribble;" winner of the Tromadance / Kodak Independent Soul Award, Kevin Maher's "Monkey Brains," "Kung-Fu Kitties" and "Marijuana's Revenge" by the filmmaking team of Philip Gunn, Daniel Guiterrez and David Valdez. Also included are Matt and Greg Brookens' "Skunk Ape!?," Jamie Greco's "PDA Massacre" and others.
The Best of Tromadance Film Festival: Volume 3
In this third volume of the Best of Tromadance, viewers can sample fifteen of the best films from the 2003 and 2004 Film Festivals totally over three hours. Titles include Giuseppe Andrews' "Dribble;" winner of the Tromadance / Kodak Independent Soul Award, Kevin Maher's "Monkey Brains," "Kung-Fu Kitties" and "Marijuana's Revenge" by the filmmaking team of Philip Gunn, Daniel Guiterrez and David Valdez. Also included are Matt and Greg Brookens' "Skunk Ape!?," Jamie Greco's "PDA Massacre" and others.
Tales from the Crapper
Surly Crack-Head Trannie
Anthology of horror stories from Troma Entertainment.
PDA Massacre
A B-rated horror comedy from Troma.
PDA Massacre
A B-rated horror comedy from Troma.
PDA Massacre
A B-rated horror comedy from Troma.
PDA Massacre
A B-rated horror comedy from Troma.
Midnight Feast
As they finish yet another long shift in the kitchen, six workers discuss their aspirations and failed dreams, while the boss upstairs counts his takings.
Fatboy Slim and The Chemical Brothers - Live at Red Rocks
Foot in the Door
A young man tries to find a new job with the comic assistance of a mysterious voice.