S.M. Abbas


Рынок торговли белыми рабами, особенно женщинами и детьми, процветает веками. А ведь мы заявляем, что наше общество — это, то общество, где женщин боготворят и идеализируют. Даже наш пантеон богов имеет женские черты во многих своих реинкарнациях.
Heeralaal Pannalaal
The movie starts with two innocent and kind hearted guys named Heeralal and Pannalal. They are famous among criminals as they have helped police in capturing them several times. Heeralal is in search of his parent’s killer but has no idea of him at all. Pannalal is in search of his father. Heeralal meets with a girl named Ruby and falls in love with her. Pannalal falls in love with Ruby’s friend, Neelam. Kalicharan, who is a renowned criminal has decided to teach a lesson to Heeralal and Pannalal for interfering in their business. But instead Kalicharan is forced to run from the police. Police commissioner, Premlal is very happy with the guys and wants to protect them from Kalicharan and his friend, Panther’s anger.
Farishta Ya Qatil
A convicted murderer saves the lives of the passengers who meet with a train accident in a desert and protects them from a gang of criminals.
Farishta Ya Qatil
A convicted murderer saves the lives of the passengers who meet with a train accident in a desert and protects them from a gang of criminals.
Счастливо и беззаботно живут два брата Виджай и Аджай. Их отец в борьбе за справедливость пытается разоблачить неугомонных контрабандистов, но сам становится их жертвой, сгорая в огне своего родного дома. Не выдерживает суровых испытаний и их мать. Братья же, спасясь от бандитов, будут разлучены. Проходят годы. Виджай с детских лет таит ненависть к контрабандистам, выполняя миссию Робин Гуда: под именем Факира он грабит нечестных людей и раздаёт всё беднякам. За его головой охотятся не только ограбленные им бандиты, но и полиция. Аджай же сам становится мишенью для нашего Робин Гуда.
Самозванцы поневоле
Виджай, оказался в тюрьме по обвинению в преступлении, которого он не совершал. Особую пикантность всей этой ситуации придает тот факт, что свидетелем на стороне обвинителя выступила его девушка Рекха. Виджай был поражен предательством Рекхи, но в заключении он все-таки решился совершить побег. Спланировав вылазку вместе со своими сокамерниками, он оказывается на свободе. Теперь он вернется в дом своей девушки для того чтобы выяснить с ней отношения и узнать страшную правду.
Dharam Singh is a honest farmer in rural India, and lives with his sister, Bela, who is now of marriageable age. One day both brother and sister witness a murder, and haul the killer to the...
Kab? Kyoon? Aur Kahan?
Dharmendra plays a suave CID Officer who romances Babita on board a ship and slowly we get to the plot which involves Babita's dad who dies under mysterious circumstances leaving behind a huge " property" and an evil looking uncle Pran who is after it and her.. Nothing is as it seems as the sinister plot unfolds and our innocent heroine is under threat of losing her sanity and perhaps her life.. Unless of course the hero manages to unravel the plot and save them all..It involves the mystery of dead body in a coffin and things that go bump in the night.
Haseena Maan Jaayegi
An army officer's wife is unsure if the man she is living with is her husband or his look-alike.
Shriman Satyawadi
An honest man instills in his only child the adage, 'Honesty is the best policy.' When the boy grows up, he has to fight for the truth and it remains to be seen if he can keep his ideologies alive.
Shriman Satyawadi
An honest man instills in his only child the adage, 'Honesty is the best policy.' When the boy grows up, he has to fight for the truth and it remains to be seen if he can keep his ideologies alive.
Shriman Satyawadi
An honest man instills in his only child the adage, 'Honesty is the best policy.' When the boy grows up, he has to fight for the truth and it remains to be seen if he can keep his ideologies alive.
After an hospital accident, a wealthy male is compelled to adopt a prostitute's son. The lead protagonist is played by Raj Kapoor.