Heidi Lenhart

Рождение : 1973-08-22, Los Angeles, California, USA


Няня 3
Jenny Morgan Caldwell
The Caldwells take a family trip to Puerto Rico where their father is also securing a secret business deal, while the kids find their own paths. Eight years have passed since the events of Au Pair, and newly graduated as his high school's valedictorian, Alexander Caldwell joins his visiting sister, college freshman Katie and her roommate Ariana on a family summer vacation with father Oliver and stepmother Jenny. Oliver and Jenny's current nanny declines to join them and the over-worked parents/executives must take care of their newborn baby Sarah in Puerto Rico. Amidst corporate scheming by the young company CFO Walter Hausen, who is planning a takeover of Oliver's company CCI Tekhausen (formed in Au Pair II), Oliver and Jenny must contend with bridging the generation gap with the family, new career motivations and the romances of their 'newly reformed' prankster kids.
Крокодил 2: Список жертв
Ограбив банк, отчаянные бандиты захватывают самолет, летящий в Акапулько, который в результате их необдуманных действий терпит крушение в диких тропических дебрях. Оказавшись в самом сердце печально знаменитых Дьявольских топей, преступники заставляют выживших пассажиров, среди которых стюардесса Мия, тащить тяжелые сумки с деньгами. Но они не подозревают, что в мутной воде затаились гигантские прожорливые крокодилы, готовые разделаться со всеми, кто вторгается в их владения. Не надеясь на помощь спасателей, Мия и ее собратья по несчастью сделают всё, чтобы остаться в живых, но есть ли хоть какие-то шансы у измученных людей, оказавшихся между кровавыми челюстями хитрых рептилий и жестокими преступниками, для которых важна только их добыча?
Няня 2
Jenny Morgan
A father and the former nanny to his children prepare a merger between his company and a European conglomerate.
Final Ascent
A man leading an expedition into the Rocky Mountains becomes entangled with a deadly band of thieves in search of their lost loot.
Jennifer Morgan
A young MBA mistakenly interviews for the wrong job... and ends up as an Au Pair for a pair of snotty rich kids.
Воссоединение семейки Аддамс
Melinda Adams
Горестное известие поразило семью «вурдалаков» Адамсов: самые старшие — дедушка и бабушка — стали непонятным образом терять облик монстров. Чтобы предотвратить несчастье, Аддамсы собираются на семейный совет, где начинается целый каскад бесовских шуток и невероятных выходок со стороны всех Аддамсов от мала до велика. Итак, семейство Аддамсов снова вместе…
Red Meat
Chris and Stefan invite Victor to join their group where they talk about their experiences with women over a meal of red meat. As the night progresses, Stefan relates his wild encounters with fleeting sex, Chris talks about his need for intellectual stimulation, and Victor recounts his relationship with a dying woman.
Deadly Sins
New area deputy Jack Gales arrives on the island to find that a girl at the local Catholic girls school has been found dead. After investigating, he finds that students have been disappearing regularly for five years, about the time Mother Bernadette passed away. Gales and the Mother Superior's secretary Cristina work together to try and unravel the mystery.
Blindfold: Acts of Obsession
Young Girl
A therapist turns an unhappy wife on to a deadly fantasy game with her husband.
A Christmas Adventure
Edited from episodes of Mori no tonto tachi
A Quiet Little Neighborhood, a Perfect Little Murder
The Neighbor
A suburban housewife (Teri Garr) thinks she has uncovered a murder plot in this genre spoof.
The Girl Who Came Between Them
A home is divided when a 13 year old Vietnamese girl moves in with a family of an ex-GI who believes that she may be his illegitimate daughter in this fact-based movie.
Perfect Victims
Young Model
A psycho who has contracted AIDS blames women for his disease, and begins to stalk and kill beautiful girls.