Óskar Thór Axelsson

Óskar Thór Axelsson


Óskar Thór Axelsson


Молодая исландская юристка Кристин оказывается втянутой в водоворот международного заговора после того, как её обвинили в убийстве, которого она не совершала. Единственный шанс выжить заключается в раскрытии секрета старого немецкого самолёта времен Второй мировой войны, недавно обнаруженного в результате таяния одного из крупнейших ледников Исландии.
Я тебя помню
Ужасы переселения могут настичь даже в тихой Исландии. Пока семья, переехавшая в старый дом, понимает, что он проклят, в городской церкви вешается женщина, у которой три года назад пропал восьмилетний сын — и эти события как-то связывает пропажа другого ребенка 60 лет назад.
Я тебя помню
Ужасы переселения могут настичь даже в тихой Исландии. Пока семья, переехавшая в старый дом, понимает, что он проклят, в городской церкви вешается женщина, у которой три года назад пропал восьмилетний сын — и эти события как-то связывает пропажа другого ребенка 60 лет назад.
Игра Блэка
Фильм о преступном мире Рейкьявика конца 1990-х
Игра Блэка
Фильм о преступном мире Рейкьявика конца 1990-х
Pumpkin Hell
When Terry, an eleven year-old boy, is abandoned by his father at a highway-side pumpkin patch, he spends a peculiar and life changing night with Mick, the misfit proprietor of the patch.
Family Reunion
Director of Photography
New York-based Katrín is returning to her native Iceland for her grandfather's 70th birthday. Her family in Reykjavik unwittingly engages her in discussions about marriage, children and her future – while she sneaks in phone calls to her girlfriend in New York. As she struggles with coming out, events reveal that other family members have secrets of their own.
Misty Mountain
While based in a remote NATO radar station in Iceland in late 1960's, Warren occasionally time traveled into the future - to the year 2006 - and now as his former destination in time becomes his present, he returns to prevent the death of a woman he fell in love with during his travels.
Misty Mountain
While based in a remote NATO radar station in Iceland in late 1960's, Warren occasionally time traveled into the future - to the year 2006 - and now as his former destination in time becomes his present, he returns to prevent the death of a woman he fell in love with during his travels.
A Kingly Smile
A mockumentary follows the life of Friðrik as he tries to make women fall in love with them, but when as soon as they confess their love to him he breaks up with them and takes a picture of their reaction.
A Kingly Smile
A mockumentary follows the life of Friðrik as he tries to make women fall in love with them, but when as soon as they confess their love to him he breaks up with them and takes a picture of their reaction.
Flying Blind
One day a heavy smoker finally quits his habit exactly when the clock hits noon. After years of thinking about it, he has reached a point of no return. During the next hour he has to face a series of unexpected irritations. Can he resist the temptation of the seductive cigarette? Has he picked the right day for such torture?
Director of Photography
Conquering insecurity is easier said than done. Icelanders Eva and Vidar find out the hard way, as they take their relationship to the next level.