Torgny Anderberg

Torgny Anderberg

Рождение : 1919-02-25, Västra Vram, Skåne län, Sweden

Смерть : 2000-11-06


Torgny Anderberg


The Condor Man
A documentary about director Torgny Anderberg who made films about and who fought for the rights of the indigenous people of Peru. It shows Torgny complete his last journey to the jungle to meet with the Ashaninka people. Torgny died shortly after; his colleague Helgi Felixson helped finishing the film.
The Condor Man
A documentary about director Torgny Anderberg who made films about and who fought for the rights of the indigenous people of Peru. It shows Torgny complete his last journey to the jungle to meet with the Ashaninka people. Torgny died shortly after; his colleague Helgi Felixson helped finishing the film.
There Is Only One Sun
Torgny Anderberg goes back to the Peruvian rain forest after 17 years, to meet again with the Ashaninka people. They tell of their current situation, and the struggles they face.
There Is Only One Sun
Torgny Anderberg goes back to the Peruvian rain forest after 17 years, to meet again with the Ashaninka people. They tell of their current situation, and the struggles they face.
Raroia: The Paradise Island
Director Torgny Anderberg goes back to visit the island of Raroia in French Polynesia, where thirty years earlier he made a film.
Raroia: The Paradise Island
Director Torgny Anderberg goes back to visit the island of Raroia in French Polynesia, where thirty years earlier he made a film.
Evald Hammar
A young American girl is found dead in Gota Kanal, Swedens largest channel. Since there are hardly any clues or evidence at all it seems as if the murder cant be solved. Martin Beck and his men are assigned to the case. Soon they find a likely suspect and together with a police woman they begin a cat and mouse game to catch him. Plot by Mattias Pettersson.
The Fire Engine That Disappeared
Evald Hammar
A routine mission ends up in a flaming inferno when a house suddenly explodes. It looks like a spectacular suicide attempt but the technical investigation reveals unexpected evidence. Beck and his men are soon on the tracks of a narcotic syndicate...
Freud Leaving Home
Chicken customer
In this story, the 60th birthday of Cohen-family matriarch Rosha is the occasion for a gathering of her children from the diverse places around the world. The central character in this drama, however, is Angelique, whose interest in psychoanalysis has earned her the nickname of "Freud." Her older brother is gay and lives in Florida with his lover. Her older sister has married into an Orthodox family, and lives in Jerusalem. They have all gathered in Sweden for their grandmother's birthday. Meanwhile, Rosha's daughter, the mother of these diverse children, has taken ill and is in the hospital. She has been diagnosed with a very advanced, inoperable brain tumor. Freud, who never left home, is perhaps as upset by this news as anyone, and she startles everyone by going out and beginning an affair with a biker. However, she is deeply involved in the new situation: she insists that their mother be brought home from the hospital rather than being allowed to suffer and die there.
Frihetens murar
Head Waiter
An Argentine actor comes to Sweden. He has pictured Sweden as a paradise. From his small rented room, he tries in vain to make contact with the Swedes.
Человек на крыше
В стокгольмском госпитале Саббатсберг жестоко убит пациент. Следователи Бек и Рённ расследуют дело, которое оказывается сложнее, чем они думали. Убитый - комиссар полиции - имел плохую репутацию из-за того, что истязал задержанных и издевался над подчинёнными. Но кто из обиженных им людей мог пойти на убийство? Расследуя преступление, Бек узнаёт о давней трагедии, которая стала причиной цепи событий, приведшей к убийству, и понимает, что его жизнь и жизни его коллег в смертельной опасности. А в это время, совсем рядом, вооружённый до зубов человек уже карабкается на крышу высотного здания...
Poor painter helps a paralysed child.
Poor painter helps a paralysed child.
Komedi i Hägerskog
Narcissa and Elina work in a small town social service office and have various erotic encounters with the people who visit it.
Komedi i Hägerskog
Narcissa and Elina work in a small town social service office and have various erotic encounters with the people who visit it.
Komedi i Hägerskog
Narcissa and Elina work in a small town social service office and have various erotic encounters with the people who visit it.
An engineer and an actor, two extremely similar men, change their identity with each other.
An engineer and an actor, two extremely similar men, change their identity with each other.
In a magnificent villa a 25-year-old son of Count lives with his family. He falls in love with an elementary school teacher. So does even his father the Count.
Set in th 1930's depression times. A wealthy industrialist suffers a stroke. His wife takes over both family and business. The son worships his mother, but is forced to choose sides when he falls in love with the poor Aina.
Good Friends and Faithful Neighbors
Hugo Frejer terrorizes his family and surroundings with his unhappy mood.
Fridolfs farliga ålder
Selma and her friend Agatha are watching a movie on TV. Agatha starts to talk about older men and their dangerous age, but Selma can't image that her husband Fridolf is among those.
Fly mej en greve
The burglar Karl Kilian Ledig tries to get his somewhat reluctant son Carl Gustaf interested in his "profession". He bring him along one evening to the sculpture Ulla-Carin von Knaake's house to break in and steal from her safe. Complications arise when Ulla-Carin and some of her friends unexpectedly come home and she imagines that Carl Gustaf is a model she has hired from a model agency.
Fridolf sticker opp!
A comedy about the shunned office worker Fridolf who gets into trouble when a rationalization expert audits the colonial goods company. It doesn't get any better when Fridolf invites the clerk Lisa, who is newly employed and feels lonely, to his home, a visit that his jealous wife Selma does not appreciate.
In this follow up to the mondo success "Anaconda", the explorer Rolf Blomberg travels into Brazil's jungle in search of the terrifying Xavante indians. The expedition starts at the harbor town Belém at the end of the Amazon river, and continues inwards from there. In the ghost town Manaus, in the middle of the jungle, we visit the strange opera house (that is depicted in Herzog's Fitzcarraldo). On the river island Bananal in Rio Araguaya we meet the indian tribe Carajá and experience their daily life with bow hunting, fishing and dance rituals. at Rio das Mortes in Mato Grosso we win the friendship of the terrifying Xavante indians. After a visit to Rio de Janeiro the expedition continues to the Atlantic coast and Portaleza whose population of fishermen still use a primitive fishing raft, "jangada", for their long and dangerous hunting journeys at sea.
Little Fridolf and Me
Fridolf and his wife Selma gets a telegram from their daughter Maggan. She is engaged and are her way home to show her little baby.
Den glade skomakaren
Sture and Birgit are secretly engaged. One day when they are kissing, they are discovered by Sture's father Dana. However, he promises not to reveal anything, as Sture would probably lose his job on Birgit's father Hjalle's shipyard. When Hjalle is forced by a usurer to pay back 23,000 on a loan, he gets problem. Dana promises to solve the problem, the question is just how. There is only one person that could help him, his childhood friend Gösta Hägg that nowadays is the director of a big company. But time passes quickly, and where is Mr. Hägg ...?
Научно-популярный фильм об охоте на самую большую змею в мире — анаконду. Захватывающая история о путешествии экспедиции в тропический лес Амазонки, где обитает анаконда. В то же время фильм демонстрирует не только богатую фауну и флору этих мест, но также жизнь индейских племён и их обычаи.
Научно-популярный фильм об охоте на самую большую змею в мире — анаконду. Захватывающая история о путешествии экспедиции в тропический лес Амазонки, где обитает анаконда. В то же время фильм демонстрирует не только богатую фауну и флору этих мест, но также жизнь индейских племён и их обычаи.
Spöke på semester
Gold digger
"Ghost on Holiday" - Stockholm 1950 is experiencing a gold rush, after the discovery of gold during the building of the new underground. Assistant Borgkrona (Järrell) owns a plot in the gold area. The lawyer Målbrott informs Borgkrona that he has inherited a haunted castle and must stay there for a fortnight. However, once at the castle he meets his old relative who is a ghost (Järrell) and the two trade places
Фрёкен Юлия
Дочь состоятельного графа Юлия влюбляется в лакея отца и решает уйти с ним из дома родителей, чтобы избежать гнева окружающих.
Två trappor över gården
Assistant Director
The rootless, misfit artist Bengt Hallberg escapes from a mental hospital. The head doctor believes him to be a hopeless case and dangerous for the environment. Bengt looks up Inga Larsson, the only person that matters to him.
Lång-Lasse i Delsbo
Assistant Director
it's the 1840s and a rural parish plagued by drinking and fighting gets a new vicar who has decided to instill law, order and fear of God into the parishioners.
Lång-Lasse i Delsbo
Halvar i Bakmossen
it's the 1840s and a rural parish plagued by drinking and fighting gets a new vicar who has decided to instill law, order and fear of God into the parishioners.
The People from Simlangs Valley
Корабль идет в Индию
Моряк Юханнес Блум возвращается домой после семи лет в море и узнает, что жизнь Салли, о которой он думал все это время, идет плохо. Этой ночью Юханнесу предстоит вспомнить, что же случилось семь лет назад…
Livet i finnskogarna
In a rural parish in 1906, young Heikki, one of the Finnish immigrants, lives a wild and free life in the deep forest. After poaching, his furs are confiscated and Heikki vows to have his revenge by seducing the young women of the parish, one by one.
Sjul Kosin
In the early 18th century the priest Martin Ryselius has become widower and stands alone with a one-year-old daughter. He is seeking the meaning of existence by heading north in Sweden for a priesthood service in the mountains.
Rattens musketörer
Three cab drivers win a big sum of money and try to adjust to their new lifestyles.
Wandering with the Moon
Dan, aged 19, leaves his home after a quarrel with his father. At the side of the country road he meets a traveling theater company who has run out of money. He falls in love with the young actress Pia and together they leave, meeting a string of peculiar characters: a vagabond, a friendly vicar and a cynical adventurer.
The Girl and the Devil
Mattias' farm hand
The soul of an evil witch about to be burned is transferred to the child of a pregnant woman in the audience. 19 years later a timid girl arrives at a farm looking for work. The farmer employs her despite his wife's protests. Soon it stands clear that the girl is in fact the evil witch, returned to wreak havoc on the farmer and his family. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.