Michael Bryant

Рождение : 1928-04-05, London, England, UK

Смерть : 2002-04-25


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Michael Dennis Bryant (5 April 1928 – 25 April 2002) was a British stage and television actor. Bryant attended Battersea Grammar School and after service in the Merchant Navy and Army, he attended drama school and appeared in many productions on the London stage. He made his film debut in 1955. His greatest role was Mathieu in BBC2's 1970 adaptation of Jean-Paul Sartre's Roads to Freedom trilogy. His guest star appearance as Wing Commander Marsh, who feigns insanity in the 'Tweedledum' episode of the BBC drama series, Colditz (1972), is still widely remembered. Bryant was chosen by Orson Welles to play the lead role in The Deep, Welles's adaptation of the Charles Williams novel Dead Calm. The production frequently ran out of money, and following the death of actor Laurence Harvey in 1973, Welles stopped production and announced the movie - which had been completed except for one special effects shot of a ship exploding - would not be released. (The novel was finally adapted to film in 1989.) In 1969 Bryant took his love of the stage on a strange trip into the realm of cult films, playing a clever male prostitute who outwits a delusional family of killers in the dark comedy Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny and Girly, an adaptation of a play by Maisie Mosco. Due to poor marketing and a lack of faith in the film by the distributor, the film quickly sank into obscurity even before it could develop a cult following. One of Bryant's most memorable performances was in the classic BBC television play The Stone Tape (1972), in which he plays the leader of a team of scientists who investigate ghost sightings in a brooding gothic mansion. Bryant also had a supporting role as a sadistic psychiatrist in the cult classic black comedy The Ruling Class, with Peter O'Toole and Alastair Sim. He also appeared in Richard Attenborough's Gandhi (1982) as a British diplomat. Having played Lenin in the film Nicholas and Alexandria, Bryant would later reprise the role in Robert Bolt's play State of Revolution (1977). He had previously co-starred in Bolt's unsuccessful Gentle Jack. The 1977 production of a Bolt play though was significant for featuring the first role he performed at the National Theatre where he was a constant presence for a quarter of a century. Bryant, described by Michael Billington as "rock-solid company man", had earlier performed with the Royal Shakespeare Company from 1964, including the premiere production of Harold Pinter's The Homecoming (1965), in which he played Teddy, the returning academic. In 1980, Michael Bryant won the London Drama Critics Circle Theatre Award for Best Actor, and his other theatrical performances were equally well thought of. Bryant won Laurence Olivier Awards in 1988 and 1990 and was nominated twice more. Description above from the Wikipedia article Michael Bryant (actor), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


The Curse Of Denton Rose
A computer analyst suddenly finds himself the focus of Hollywood elites after creating a character that goes viral online in the early days of internet video. After reaching the top he finds himself where he started and contemplates the meaning of success and the value of his own art. Securing a top Hollywood agent, promise of starring in a DreamWorks Film and his own TV show a true story.
The Deep
as John Ingram
A couple's honeymoon trip aboard a yacht leads to a claustrophobic drama when another vessel runs into their voyage, apparently drifting. Shot in a piecemeal fashion between 1966 and 1969 and plagued with production problems, this film never completed principal photography and never entered post-production. The original negatives are now considered to be lost, and the film only exists in two incomplete workprint versions (one color and one black-and-white), which have received isolated public screenings since 2007.
God/ The Doctor
Полнометражный мультипликационный фильм о жизни Иисуса Христа и добрых делах, которые он совершал для людей. Он творил чудеса, учил мудрости, возвращал потерянные надежды до тех пор, пока его враги не решили его погубить.
King Lear
Adaptation of Shakespeare's play.
Гамлет, принц Датский, впадает в отчаяние, когда его овдовевшая мать выходит замуж за его дядю. Явление призрака его отца открывает Гамлету глаза на тайные делишки дяди…
Orson Welles: The One-Man Band
Self (segment "The deep") (archive footage)
Orson Welles' archives of unfinished/never released movies and the last years of his life from the perspective of Oja Kodar (life and artistic partner of Orson Welles in his last years).
Anna Lee: Headcase
Commander Martin Brierly
A bright, pretty and determined young girl named Anna Lee quits the police department in search of adventure, and joins a small and somewhat stuffy detective agency, whose members don't look particularly kindly on her short skirts, somewhat cavalier attitude toward agency rules--like showing up for work on time--and her overall demeanor. However, the agency's owner takes a shine to her and assigns her to what seems to be a relatively straightforward case: finding a young girl who's gone missing and whose family is worried about her. As it turns out, the case involves quite a bit more than just a missing girl
Franz Kafka's 'The Trial'
BBC documentary about Franz Kafka played by GREEK TV in 1990.This documentary is one of the ten films of "The Modern World: Ten Great Writers (1988)".
Картина, основанная на документальных записях, тщательно и подробно воспроизводит обстоятельства жизни академика Андрея Сахарова, его борьбы за права человека — начиная с известного письма руководству КПСС в конце 60-х годов и вплоть до ссылки в Горький.
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Doctor Caius
When Sir John Falstaff decides that he wants to have a little fun he writes two letters to a pair of Window wives: Mistress Ford and Mistress Page. When they put their heads together and compare missives, they plan a practical joke or two to teach the knight a lesson. But Mistress Ford's husband is a very jealous man and is pumping Falstaff for information of the affair. Meanwhile the Pages' daughter Anne is beseiged by suitors.
Principal Secretary
В 1869 году, когда Ганди родился, его страна ещё была украшением Британской империи и одной из драгоценностей королевы Виктории. 30 января 1948 года, в день его убийства, Индия была свободной. Это стало плодом его трудов, трудов долгой титанической жизни.
Genius Like Us - A Portrait of Joe Orton
Documentary portrait of the life of playwright Joe Orton, who was murdered by his lover Kenneth Halliwell in April 1967.
My Homeland
Perhaps this is Robert Vas' most personal film; a portrait of his country - Hungary - as seen through the eyes of an exile. Robert Vas escaped from his homeland after the brutal crushing of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising by the Russians and he was never able to return. He portrays his country through the writings of Hungary's national poets and illustrates the film with images of the Revolution and of the society it would become in the years immediately following 1956. The film was transmitted on the 20th anniversary of the crushing of the uprising.
The Daedalus Equations
Sam McInstrey
Hans Daedalus has defected from East Germany to the West. Is it possible that his opacity equations live on after his death?
The Treasure of Abbot Thomas
The Rev. Justin Somerton
Pride comes before a fall in John Bowen' adaptation of MR James' tale of a treasure hunt with a sticky end. Michael Bryant plays The Reverend Somerton whose self-assured intellectual arrogance masks a naked greed.
Mr. Axelford's Angel
Mr Axelford
A romantic tale of a scatty secretary and a stuffy boss.
If There Weren't Any Blacks You'd Have to Invent Them
Set in a cemetery, the film tells the story of a young man whom a blind man wrongly imagines to be black, and explores the nature of human prejudice.
The Duchess of Malfi
The Duchess of Malfi is recently widowed and her greedy brothers are determined she will not marry again, so they employ Daniel De Bosola, a murderer in their pay to spy on her.
Правящий класс
Dr. Herder
Когда лорд Гурни нелепым образом умирает, его титул и наследство переходят неуравновешенному сыну Джеку, который считает себя реинкарнацией Иисуса Христа. Другие лорды решают организовать хитрый план, чтобы лишить Джека титула и отправить в очередную лечебницу, но задумка выливается в нечто ужасное…
The Stone Tape
Peter Brock
A research team from an electronics company move into an old Victorian house to start work on finding a new recording medium. When team member Jill Greeley witnesses a ghost, team director Peter Brock decides not only to analyse the apparition, which he believes is a psychic impression trapped in a stone wall (dubbed a "stone tape"), but to exorcise it too - with terrifying results...
Николай и Александра
Биографическая драма о трагической судьбе семьи последнего русского императора и о перевернувшей их мир революции.
Мамочка, нянечка, сыночек и доченька
New Friend
Подростки брат с сестрой любят приводить к себе в особняк, где ещё живут мама и няня, различных людей и играть с ними в игры. А если новые друзья не следуют правилам, то они отправляются к праотцам. Впрочем, даже если они им следуют, в итоге они всё равно отправляются туда же. Но однажды у их очередного друга появляется интересная идея для новой игры.
Три сестры
Драма о трех генеральских дочках, Ольге, Маше и Ирине, заброшенных судьбой в глухое захолустье и тяготящихся скукой и однообразием провинциальной жизни. Главное желание сестер - уехать в Москву - кажется, вот-вот осуществится, но каждый раз откладывается. Мечта так и остается мечтой, а жизнь "следует своим собственным законам"... Фильм входит в цикл чеховских экранизаций BBC "Play of the Month".
Прощайте, мистер Чипс
Max Staefel
Фильм о любви между застенчивым учителем и его общительной женой. Несмотря на то, что его жена, певица Кэтрин Чиппинг рано умерла, ее любовь вдохновляет Артура Чиппинга на превращение в блестящего учителя. Нам об этом рассказывает история, полная чести, достоинства и радости от служения другим.
Torture Garden
Colin Williams (segment 1 "Enoch")
Five people visit a fairground sideshow run by the sinister Dr. Diabolo. Having shown them a handful of haunted-house-style attractions, he promises them a genuinely scary experience if they will pay extra.
The Mind Benders
Dr. Danny Tate
A British scientist is discovered to have been passing information to the Communists, then kills himself. Another scientist decides that they might have brainwashed him by a sensory deprivation technique, but he doesn’t know if someone really can be convinced to act against their strongest feelings. So he agrees to be the subject in an experiment in which others will try to make him stop loving his wife.
Life for Ruth
John's Counsel
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.
Гибель «Титаника»
Sixth Officer James Moody
Апрель 1912 года. Незабываемая ночь, вошедшая в историю человечества как ночь самых страшных потерь и самых больших приобретений. Человеческие потери не сравнимы ни с чем, но и приобретения человеческого духа также невозможно ничем измерить. Итак, 14 апреля. В Соединенные Штаты отправляется самый классный, самый непотопляемый в мире пассажирский лайнер с 2 207 пассажирами и членами команды на борту.
Uranium Boom
Ex-lumberjack Brad Collins (Dennis Morgan) and mining engineer Grady Mathews (William Talman) find uranium in the Colorado badlands. While Grady guards the claim, Brad goes to register it in town, where he meets and marries Jean Williams (Patricia Medina.) Returning to the claim, Brad learns that Jean was once Grady's fiancee. Grady, as one would expect, is somewhat put out and leaves the mine in Brad's hands, while he hooks up with a confidence man and engineers a scheme to break the back of Brad's somewhat rapidly-created mining empire.
Passage Home
Set in 1931, the film takes place aboard a merchant ship, briefly harboured in South America. A young woman (Diane Cilento) boards the ship as a passenger, resulting in disharmony among the superstitious crew members. Virtuous seaman Anthony Steel protects the girl from the lecherous advances of captain Peter Finch.