Patrick Holt

Patrick Holt

Рождение : 1912-01-31, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, UK

Смерть : 1993-10-12


Patrick Holt


Playing Away
The Colonel
To mark the conclusion of their "Third World Week" celebration, a cricket team in a small English village invites a black cricket team from South London to a charity game with comical results.
The Whistle Blower
Irate Driver
A war veteran tries to investigate the murder of his son who was working as a Russian translator for the British intelligence service during the Cold War. He meets a web of deception and paranoia that seems impenetrable...
Priest of Love
Arthur Lawrence
Following the banning and burning of his novel, "The Rainbow," D.H. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, move to the United States, and then to Mexico. When Lawrence contracts tuberculosis, they return to England for a short time, then to Italy, where Lawrence writes "Lady Chatterley's Lover."
Морские волки
У них было меньше всего шансов стать героями Второй мировой. Ведь они — убеленные сединами ветераны Калькуттской легкой кавалерии.Эти добровольцы не были в бою со времен Бурской войны. Но у них есть шанс изменить ситуацию, когда они отложат в сторону свои клюшки для гольфа и отставят стаканы с джином, чтобы стать «Морскими волками».
Flashpoint Africa
Mr. Barraclough
A black revolutionary group kidnaps a couple of young white women in a southern African state in the 1970s. They ask for a specific female reporter to interview them. She arrives and decides to stay with them until the girls are released.
Дикие гуси
Отряд наемников по заказу крупного британского промышленника пытается спасти африканского политического лидера. Но, когда они уже выполнили задание, их предают и бросают. Заказчик больше не нуждается в спасении человека, на которого ранее делал ставку в своей игре. Он сумел договориться о получении алмазных коней в африканской стране и без него. И ни африканский лидер, ни наемники ему больше не нужны. Теперь отряд вынужден самостоятельно пробиваться через превосходящие силы противника, теперь у них одна, единая цель — выжить…
Philby, Burgess and Maclean
Recruited by the Russians during their days at Cambridge, three young Englishmen rise to become high-ranked MI5 agents until their exposure in 1949.
Когда на земле царили динозавры
Миллион лет до нашей эры, когда на земле царили динозавры, племя жителей скал приносило в жертву богу солнца светловолосых девушек. Однажды, в день жертвоприношения, произошла страшная вспышка на солнце, от которой поднималась ужасная буря, во время которой очередная жертва — Санна, сбегает от соплеменников. Девушка находит приют в соседнем племени, живущем в песках, где она сразу завоевывает сердце ловкого Тара — вождя племени. За это темноволосые женщины песков изгоняют прекрасную соперницу в джунгли. Волей случая она становится«приемной дочерью» громадного динозавра и «сестрой ее детенышу».
Captain Lundsford
Достоверное историческое повествование о гражданской войне XVII века, разделившей Англию на два противоборствующих лагеря, об английской буржуазной революции. Основное внимание в картине уделяется конфронтации Оливера Кромвеля и короля Карла I. Кромвель — идеалист, преданный своему делу, с холодными, измученными глазами, хриплым голосом и несгибаемым духом. Он настроен любой ценой спасти свою любимую Англию от коррупции слабого, жадного двора и установить власть парламента, который был бы по-настоящему демократическим, выражал интересы народа, не являлся бы игрушкой короля…
No Blade of Grass
David Custance
A strange new virus has appeared, which only attacks strains of grasses such as wheat and rice, and the world is descending into famine and chaos. Architect John, along with his family and friends, is making his way from London to his brother's farm in northern England where there will hopefully be food and safety for all of them.
Волшебный христианин
Duke in Sotheby's
Сэр Гай Гранд, эксцентричный миллиардер, вместе со своим недавно усыновленным наследником, а ранее бездомным, Янгменом, любит развлекаться, разыгрывая людей. Гранд не против раздавать большие суммы денег различным людям, подкупать их, чтобы удовлетворять свои прихоти или шокировать их. Цель его розыгрышей - показать своему наследнику, что «каждый имеет свою цену» - все просто зависит от суммы, которую вы готовы заплатить. Начиная с довольно мелких обманов, они переходят к все более сложным трюкам с участием более высоких социальных слоев и более широкой аудитории. Как показывает их беседа, Гранд рассматривает свои сюжеты как «образовательные».
Дэвид Голт покидает своего отца, ветерана Гражданской войны, Джозиа и обосновывается в Техасе. Сын меняет свое имя, живет в относительном одиночестве, пока банда его отца не вторгается в Техас шесть лет спустя...
An American agent has tracked down the stronghold of an evil criminal mastermind, determined to take over the world (what, another one ?).
The Fighting Prince of Donegal
Ireland 1587. Hugh O'Donnell inherits the title of The O'Donnell, the prince of Donegal, and tries to unite Ireland to make war on England. But then Hugh is kidnapped and imprisoned by the Viceroy of Ireland and held ransom for the Clans' good behavior. Hugh must escape prison and the Viceroy's villainous henchman, Captain Leeds, before he can fight.
Girl in the Headlines
Called in to investigate the murder of a model, Chief Inspector Birkett and Sergeant Saunders soon discover that the victim had been leading somewhat of an immoral life.
Night of the Prowler
Robert Langton
An avaricious, ambitious fellow, desiring to hold the reins for a major auto company, must frame someone for murder before he can get what he wants. He chooses a reformed embezzler who works for the company.
Afternoon of a Nymph
An agent invites his young starlet to a party, to meet all the right people. A chance to move on from the commercials she has been doing, to bigger roles and maybe stardom. However while she is there, she realizes there is a price to pay...
Inspector Gregory
Scotland Yard investigate when a woman, apparently the estranged wife of a London painter, is murdered with a shotgun in rural Surrey at the same time as the artist's striking model with her long black hair disappears.
The Frightened City
Supt. Carter
A London accountant (Herbert Lom) forms six gangs into a syndicate which he tries to control with a killer (Sean Connery).
Too Hot to Handle
Inspector West
A French reporter working on a steamy story about the secret strip joints found in London's Soho district becomes involved in the lives of the owner and star of a famous club.
The Challenge
Jailed for his role in a gang heist and ditched by its female leader (Jayne Mansfield), a widower (Anthony Quayle) decides to keep the loot.
I Was Monty's Double
Col. Dawson
The incredible but true story of how an impersonator was recruited to impersonate General Montgomery to mislead the German's about his intentions before the North Africa campaign.
Fortune Is a Woman
Fred Connor
An insurance man discovers his ex-girlfriend and her husband's art-forgery/arson scam.
There's Always a Thursday
Henry ("Harry") Middleton
A meek, lowly employee at a London brokerage firm sees his life change when he's suspected of being a notorious womanizer.
Suspended Alibi
Inspector Keyes
A married man having an affair visits a friend to establish an alibi for a rendezvous with his girlfriend. His friend is murdered the same night and he is accused of the crime.
Suspended Alibi
Paul Pearson
A married man having an affair visits a friend to establish an alibi for a rendezvous with his girlfriend. His friend is murdered the same night and he is accused of the crime.
The Girl in the Picture
Inspector Bliss
A crime reporter investigating a murder discovers the case hinges on a mysterious woman he had photographed earlier.
The Gelignite Gang
John Rutherford
A tense thriller that tears the lid off Soho's underworld and reveals the cunning organization behind a gang of safe-breakers who will stop at nothing, not even murder, to achieve their goals.
Alias John Preston
Sylvia's Husband
A mysterious young man settles in a rural English town and immediately starts making a good impression. Before long he has insinuated himself into local life, is married and is serving on the board of the local hospital. Everything seems to be going well for him until a newly appointed consultant psychiatrist shows up and starts asking some probing questions.
Stolen Assignment
Henry Crossley
Henry Crossley is an artist whose wife is spending a week's holiday with her aunt. But when her aunt comes to see him, worried because her niece has not arrived, a police investigation into her disappearance begins. It seems that Henry was fully occupied at the time his wife went missing; but is his alibi completely truthful?
Miss Tulip Stays the Night
Andrew Dax
Gorgeous Kate Dax and her crime-writer husband, Andrew, investigate the murder of eccentric spinster Miss Tulip at a remote country cottage.
The Dark Avenger
Sir Ellys
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
The Men of Sherwood Forest
King Richard
Robin Hood is persuaded by two nobles whom he believes to be loyal to King Richard to recover secret plans attaining to the rescue of the king from captivity in Germany. Though disguised as a troubadour, Robin is betrayed and captured. Lady Alys and the merry men help him escape in time to foil an intended ambush on King Richard as he returns from the Crusades.
The Unholy Four
Job Crandall
Someone knocked out a man and left him for dead during a fishing trip in Portugal. That someone is either his fetching wife, or two business partners, all sporting guilty faces after his unexpected return. Two more murders and a frame-up befall the quartet before an inspector closes the case.
Come Back Peter
John Neilson
There's pandemonium in a country house when various relatives come to stay.
Circumstantial Evidence
Michael Carteret
Long after being deserted by her husband, Linda Harrison will soon be free to marry her lover, Michael Carteret. But when her husband suddenly reappears, he attempts to blackmail the couple with a threat of ruining Michael's career. When her husband is murdered, Michael appears to be the only obvious suspect - but will the circumstantial evidence be enough to sentence him to death?
Philip DeMalvoisin
В 1190 году саксонский рыцарь сэр Уилфред из Айвенго инкогнито возвращается в Англию из Третьего Крестового похода, чтобы собрать деньги для выкупа короля Англии Ричарда Львиное Сердце из австрийского плена. В Англии Айвенго узнает, что брат Ричарда, принц Джон, намерен вероломно узурпировать королевскую власть. Верный Ричарду отважный Айвенго не намерен мириться с ситуацией, и онрешает действовать. Прелестная девушка Ребекка, дочь спасенного бесстрашным рыцарем, богатого еврея, подарит Айвенго фамильные драгоценности, чтобы он смог купить снаряжение иучаствовать в престижном рыцарском турнире в Эшби. Там Айвенго должен выиграть призовые деньги для выкупа Ричарда из неволи. Многострадальная Англия ждет своего короля.
13 East Street
Insp. Gerald Blake
When police inspector Gerald Blake wants to infiltrate a London stolen-goods gang, he does a thorough job of it. First, he robs a jewelry store, gets caught and is sentenced to prison. Then he teams up with gang-member Joey to make their escape. Once in the gang, Blake identifies the boss, Larry, and most of the other thieves, but not the "inside man." As a big fur job looms closer, the detective's task is complicated by the playful but seductive advances of Judy, a dazzling blonde who happens also to be the jealous Larry's girl friend.
Оставшийся в тени
Sitter in Bath Studio
Фильм посвящен трагической судьбе изобретателя первой в мире кинокамеры Уильяма Фриз-Грина. Свою деятельность Фриз-Грин начал в одной из фотостудий Бристоля и вскоре завоевал признание своими талантливыми снимками. Но ему хочется воспроизвести жизнь в движении. После долгих усилий ему удалось создать необходимый аппарат, но им никто не заинтересовался и бедность не покидала семейство Фриз-Гринов. Он похоронил первую жену, а вторая ушла, не вынеся постоянной нужды. Сыновья вступили в армию во время Первой мировой войны, и Фриз-Грин умер в полной неизвестности, одиноким, без всяких средств к существованию.
Guilt Is My Shadow
A woman is haunted by her conscience after she murders a man and then hides the body. Based on the novel 'You're Best Alone' by Norah Lofts.
Boys in Brown
Jackie lives in poverty with his widowed mother. In a bid to escape poverty he gets involved in a robbery that sees him sentenced to three years in Borstal where he meets a tough crowd, tougher than anything on the outside.
Marry Me
Martin Roberts
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
A Boy, a Girl and a Bike
Sam Walters
The lives of the members of a West Yorkshire cycling club are complicated by romantic entanglements and a series of bike thefts.
Portrait from Life
A British army officer becomes fascinated by the portrait of a young woman. He travels to Germany to find her, only to discover that she is suffering from amnesia.
Fly Away Peter
John Nielson
Director Charles Saunders' low-key domestic comedy, adapted from A.P. Dearsley's play, centers on a middle-aged London couple who react in different ways as their four children grow up, fall in love and make career choices.
My Sister and I
Roger Crisp
A family is in need of a new house help so they employ a mysterious young woman. They soon realise all is not as it seems as the past comes back to haunt the woman of the house.
When The Bough Breaks
Robert Norman
The bewildered wife of a bigamist allows her child to be adopted and then regrets it.
The October Man
Harry Carden
Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash , is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
The Master of Bankdam
Lemuel Pickersgill
Two brothers struggle for control of the family business in 19th century Yorkshire.
A young German girl marries an Englishman and moves into his family's household during the last days of World War II. The family and community have conflicting feelings about her presence in the community, and as a result, the family is forced to face their own moral code as they deal with their own prejudices and fears about the seemingly innocent German girl. The war ends, and she finally seems to be accepted into the family and community when her Nazi brother shows up to create havoc.
The Mark of Cain
John Howard
An attractive young French girl instigates rivalry between two brothers when she becomes the bride of the younger one.
Hungry Hill
Life becomes a tragedy for the wife of an Irish heir to a 19th-century family feud and fortune.
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
Dangerous Comment
A young pilot, annoyed at not being selected to take part in a raid on an enemy target, moans to his fiancée, who in turn chatters to a friend at a cocktail bar.
Sword of Honour
Lord Talmadge
A recruit at Sandhurst initially makes a poor impression, but goes on to prove himself by riding in the Grand National.
The Challenge
Dramatization of the first climbing of the Matterhorn in 1865.