На живописной горе Мега раскинулся парк развлечений. Ничто не омрачало отдых беззаботной детворы, пока террористы злодейки Медузы не похитили телевизионную суперзвезду Дэйва Дракона, потребовав огромный выкуп. Но она не предполагала, что среди посетителей аттракционов окажутся трое неразлучных братьев — Рокки, Кольт и Там Там, которые великолепно владеют искусством джиу-джитсу и кунг-фу и в любой момент готовы вступить в единоборство со злом.
Возвращение безумных и кровожадных маньяков, в чьи сети угодили несколько невезучих странников.
John Pinetta
A recently widowed doctor moves with her daughter to start at a new hospital. While there a loving mother brings her son in for treatment. The doctor suspects that there is something wrong, and theorizes that the mother is deliberately making her son sick so that she could bring him to the hospital for the attention that it gives her. When the doctor decides to restrict the mother's access to her son and is reporting her to child services, the mother in turn decides to sue the doctor and the hospital. And some of the hospital board don't agree with her diagnosis or think that she's over-reacting. And even while the mother's not allowed access to her son, he is still sick, so is the doctor right or wrong?
The Wolf-Man
The comedic story of 5 children unexpectedly trapped in a haunted house where they encounter Dracula, the Wolfman, Igor and the Frankenstein monster.