Moa Gammel

Moa Gammel

Рождение : 1980-10-06, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden


Moa Gammel
Moa Gammel


Klara, a 37-year-old single nurse whose perpetual search for love is increasingly causing her to question whether it even exists.
The Year I Started Masturbating
Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.
Глубокое погружение
Две сестры — любительницы дайвинга, решились на зимнее погружение. Опасное мероприятие окончилось для героинь непредвиденным поворотом. Неспокойный океан обрушил часть скалы и одна из девушек оказалась в ловушке на десятиметровой глубине. Напарнице придётся приложить максимум усилий для спасения близкого человека. Ведь её жизнь зависит от правильных действий без секунды промедления.
JerryMaya's Detective Agency - The Secret of the Train Robber
Lasse and Maja have had their detective agency shut down by the police chief when a customer ask for help to prove her father is innocent of the train robbery he was convicted of. Lasse and Maja now see their great chance to show off.
When the conductor suddenly collapses in front of the audience and the orchestra, it’s only the start of a desparate fight for life and loss of senses. When vision goes dim, sound hazy and skin no longer reacts to touch, panic becomes clear far beyond the silver screen.
Неделя до Рождества. Эстель приземляется в аэропорту Стокгольма «Арланда». Годом ранее, она подалась в бега вместе с мужем Томми и их дочерью после того, как Томми принял участие в одном из крупнейших ограблений за всю историю Швеции. Эстель находит старых подельников Томми и утверждает, что он возвращается, чтобы вернуть свою долю добычи. Этот слух распространяется, как лесной пожар, по всему преступному миру Стокгольма. Если Томми вернется, город содрогнется от взрывов. И даже если нет... нечто еще более ужасное может произойти. ТОММИ — это история женщины, которая стоит за не столько за спиной мужчины, сколько за его именем и репутацией. Современная легенда о возвращении Королевы в город, который сгорел во время её отсутствия. История о двух сестрах, двух матерях, трех дочерях и их мужчинах.
Kärlek deluxe
Selma Trastell
Selma is a successful chick lit author who decides to start over, writing "real literature". At the same time, she embarks on parallel relationships with two different men - the bookish Nils and a rock star wannabe named John.
Four outsiders of three generations band together in a sweet and funny paean to non-conformism. After her husband's death, elderly Frida comes to know her introverted, friendless adult granddaughter, Lou, from whom she had long been kept apart by Frida's estranged daughter. Frida invites another misfit into her household: 10-year-old Tom, who welcomes the chance to spend time away from both his home and his bullying classmates. Meanwhile, Lou reluctantly gets drawn into a friendship with secondhand bookseller Henrik. A dry comedy of great charm and warmth.
Anne Snapphane
Член Нобелевского комитета, стриптизёрша из ночного клуба, левый радикал-террорист, а теперь — знаменитая телеведущая… Журналистка Анника Бенгтссон опять опережает туповатых шведских полицейских в расследовании громких убийств.
Irene Huss 12: Jagat vittne
En ung vacker kvinna hittas död i Göta Älv och på fingret bär hon en briljantförsedd vigselring som tillhör någon annan. Kriminalinspektör Irene Huss och hennes kollegor sätts på fallet och får direkt problem. Obduktionen visar att dödsorsaken inte är drunkning utan en skallskada. Vem är hon? Hon är inte saknad, ingen kan identifiera henne, ingen vet någonting. Samtidigt i ett nedgånget barackområde sitter en misshandlad man och ruvar på en fruktansvärd hemlighet... Angela Kovács återkommer i rollen som Irene Huss. Vi får även återse Lasse Brandeby, Reuben Sallmander, Eric Ericson, Dag Malmberg och Anki Lidén. Dessutom kommer en ny kriminaltekniker in i teamet i form av Moa Gammel känd från bl a Sommaren med Göran. Äntligen är succé-serien om Irene Huss tillbaka, även denna gång baserad på Helene Turstens bästsäljande deckarserie, och med mer spänning än någonsin.
Irene Huss 11: I skydd av skuggorna
Irene Huss 10: Tystnadens cirkel
Elin Nordenskiöld
A young man is found dead, dumped in a container. The body is naked, bloody and battered. An autopsy shows the victim was GHB in the body and have suffered whiplash, cuts and burns. Everything indicates that he has been kidnapped and sexually abused and tortured. There seems to be an organized gang has done this before, this is just the first time the victim has died. The tracks leading to a nightclub that Irene's daughter Jenny and her friend's visit, unaware of the danger. Irene Huss and her colleagues have a problem with the investigation when those who become victims do not report crimes because of shame, and for fear that someone will find out what happened.
Exte Robyn
Stian, 31, struggles with love, and has lowered his demands in that Department. Maybe a bit too much? It goes wrong with his awful girlfriend Stine, before he takes a long shot, to find his childhood flame, which he met in Umeå.
Irene Huss 9: En man med litet ansikte
Elin Nordenskiöld
The Hunt for a young girls killer get Inspector Irene Huss and her co-worker into a world of evil.
Irene Huss 8: Det lömska nätet
Elin Nordenskiöld
Irene Huss 7: Den som vakar i mörkret
Elin Nordenskiöld
Лапландская одиссея
Янне — человек из Лапландии, живущий на пособие. Его подружка Инари устала от непрактичности этого человека. Он даже не смог купить дигибокс, на который Инари дала деньги. И она ему поставила ультиматум: либо он к утру приносит домой этот дигибокс, либо она от него уходит. Так Янне со своими друзьями отправляется на поиски дигибокса. В пути они сталкиваются с неразрешимыми проблемами, препятствиями и искушениями. Одна из этих проблем — русские туристы.
Trust Me
A comical fresco on human misdemeanors and betrayals... A film about our right to not be perfect.
A Midsummer of Love
The Swedish summer is on and Göran, recently dumped by his girlfriend, is searching for the woman of his dreams. Göran is not altogether in harmony with himself or his work situation and is trying a little bit too hard to please everyone around him. Unlike his best friend however, he is not prepared to compromise with love and settle for the less than perfect girl. In pursuit of love he sails out to a Midsummer party in the seductive Swedish archipelago. Unexpected love lurks in the bright Swedish summer's night ready to rock the raft of romance. Comedy and romance are the main ingredients when a story unfolds about young urban self conscious people in a high society setting.
The Fur
Mrs. Henck
Doctor Henck will die on this cold and dark Christmas Eve 1897. The poor Dr Henck visits his best friend, the wealthy stockbroker John Richardt, to borrow some money for a Christmas present to his wife and newborn baby. The gentle Richardt lends his friend not only the money, but also his exclusive fur coat so that Dr Henck can walk back home in dignity. With a spark of life, and curious to see his wife's reaction, Dr Heck happily returns home wearing his friend's fur coat.
The Pyramid
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.
The Seducer of Youth
The lady
Inspired by Hjalmar Söderberg's work. Made in collaboration with Stockholm Filmfestival.
Beck 23 - The Silent Scream
Joggande kvinna
Two young girls are killed on railway by a passing train. It does not seem to fit the profile of a normal suicide. So if this is a double homicide who would do this and why? Martin Beck and his team start following the step backwards in order to figure out what has happened. With good and intensive police work they find man side trails from the main path.
The mother and the younger son in a happy family dies in a car-accident. The father and the teenage-son Jonas survives the accident. Now they have to move on with their lives together.
Barn av vår tid
23 year old Joakim's life evolves around his work at the local supermarket. His life feels empty and lonely, although he got lots of friends. Everything changes when his best friend gets killed by a psychotic man Joakim finds companionship through his sorrow with 16 year old Lotta.