Carla Reynolds


Police Officer
Нью-Йорк в ужасе! Город охватила серия жестоких убийств. Все свидетели утверждают, что их совершил некто в форме полицейского. Управление полиции поначалу не верит в это, и только лейтенант Френк МакКрей понимает, о ком идет речь.
Bits and Pieces
Victim #8
A psychopath with a mother fixation terrorizes a city, picking out young beautiful women as his victims.
Неукротимая сила
Eileen Fox
Группа путешественников оказывается на острове, который по легенде служит прибежищем для душ бойцов, по тем или иным причинам потерявших воинскую честь. Однако вскоре выясняется, что призраки - далеко не всё, чем может похвастаться этот островок. Ещё здесь обитает секта монахов-каннибалов, проводящих незаконные сделки с работорговцами.
Fear No Evil
Associate Producer
Brilliant and aloof teenager Andrew is always the butt of his class mates' jokes — but little do they know that he is actually the demon Lucifer. As the evil wells up within him, he avenges himself in acts of demonic murder and destruction. But his foe, the archangel Gabriel, has assumed the form of 18-year-old student Julie.
Bruce's Fists Of Vengeance
To compete in his friend Peter's martial arts tournament, Jack flies into Manila from Hong Kong and brings along a book of secret Jeet Kune Do techniques that was entrusted to him by the late martial arts legend Bruce Lee. During the competition, Jack witnesses Peter's defeat at the hands and feet of his academy's rival master, Miguel. Peter gets the book from Jack, just as Miguel learns about its existence. Miguel sends his best fighters to seize the book. Instead, they kidnap Jack and Peter's girlfriend Miriam and hold them ransom in exchange for the book. Now, working commando, Peter uses the secrets of the book to free his woman and best friend.