Kelly Sandefur


Deadly Sibling Rivalry
Visual Effects Supervisor
Two twins lead separate lives since one of them blamed the other for the accidental death of his father. Years later, one carries a conventional family life while the other has a life of excess. When the first has an accident and is in a coma, the other does not scruple to take over her identity and steal her life.
Танцующий ниндзя
Мальчик-сирота, мечтающий стать ниндзя, приезжает в Голливуд, чтобы найти своих родителей. Но когда его поиски увенчиваются успехом, обнаруживается, что родители оказались замешанными в криминальную историю и им требуется помощь.
Красавица и уродина
Visual Effects Supervisor
Нэт Купер, с юности уязвленный красотой Кристабель Эббот, через многие годы разлуки разыскивает свою возлюбленную. Кристабель все еще не замужем и поразительно хороша собой, но… неразлучна со своей весьма несимпатичной компаньонкой Джун Фиггс. Желая избавиться от Джун, Нэт подыскивает для нее бойфрендов, но наемные любовники отказываются иметь с ней дело даже за деньги. Нэт понимает: Джун нуждается в крутой перемене имиджа. Модная прическа, грамотный макияж, обновление гардероба — результат превзошел все ожидания. Когда Джун выбирается из своего кокона, Нэт осознает, что девушка его мечты, Кристабель — вовсе не красотка, а просто-напросто дурнушка… Теперь перед ним совсем другой гений красоты…
Millwood City engineer Scott Daniels, moved from Houston, investigates a series of mysterious fires. Scott's and Lourie Harper's only son Jesse, who hated the move or dad's youth home, fakes a fever and invites his new girlfriend Carmen. She's reporter Allison Saunders, Scott's high-school ex's, daughter and finds Jesse unconscious, overtaken by fumes. The sewers are full of dead rats. Cracks appear in various buildings. Gass leaks start explosive fires. Mayor Walker, who only care for politics and publicity, overrules Scott's call for a mass evacuation. Scott and city administration friend Kenny Barrows later discover the link is steam pressure drilling by Talbot's oil exploration firm, but fire chief Patterson is in league with Talbot for years, covers their tracks and undermines Scott's credibility. Written by KGF Vissers
Millwood City engineer Scott Daniels, moved from Houston, investigates a series of mysterious fires. Scott's and Lourie Harper's only son Jesse, who hated the move or dad's youth home, fakes a fever and invites his new girlfriend Carmen. She's reporter Allison Saunders, Scott's high-school ex's, daughter and finds Jesse unconscious, overtaken by fumes. The sewers are full of dead rats. Cracks appear in various buildings. Gass leaks start explosive fires. Mayor Walker, who only care for politics and publicity, overrules Scott's call for a mass evacuation. Scott and city administration friend Kenny Barrows later discover the link is steam pressure drilling by Talbot's oil exploration firm, but fire chief Patterson is in league with Talbot for years, covers their tracks and undermines Scott's credibility. Written by KGF Vissers
I Downloaded a Ghost
Visual Effects Supervisor
A young Halloween buff accidentally downloads recently deceased stand-up comic, who ends up helping her foil two bumbling crooks, as well as finishing her haunted house.
I Downloaded a Ghost
A young Halloween buff accidentally downloads recently deceased stand-up comic, who ends up helping her foil two bumbling crooks, as well as finishing her haunted house.
I Downloaded a Ghost
A young Halloween buff accidentally downloads recently deceased stand-up comic, who ends up helping her foil two bumbling crooks, as well as finishing her haunted house.
After Brad and Meg move to a detached house in need of major repairs after a fire and decades of neglect, they're happy that cheerful teenage son Tyler behaves normally, for puberty. Young daughter Gina's stories about sometimes evil 'fairies' are equally dismissed, but get worse. Self-appointed handyman warns Iver Hagen them for 'things worse than ghosts' and ever scarier things happen. Ma irrationally believes the house bad yet refuses long to have Gina examined by Dr. Werner, who has a patient Olive obsessed by similar trolls. By the time the pieces are fitted, it may be too late.
Scottsville is a sleepy town, where the yearly apple blossom festival is usually the only 'memorable' event, so Police Chief Sam Taylor is furious when young cop Ally Parks -who comes from the big city- insists on investigating the death and mutilation of prof. Fuller, who experimented on bats, and soon several other victims, as unnatural bat attacks. She finds a helpful 'expert' in animal controller Dr. John Winslow, and the couple gets help from his inquisitive daughter Genny and her practically in-living high school-friend Logan to unravel how it all ties in with local real estate mogul Carl Hart's dishonest and corrupt practices.