Jenna Wheeler-Hughes

Jenna Wheeler-Hughes

Рождение : 1996-05-24,


Jenna Wheeler-Hughes
Jenna Wheeler-Hughes


Крик 6
Angry Woman
Четверо выживших после резни в Вудсборо — сёстры Карпентер и близнецы Чад и Минди — переехали в Нью-Йорк, где пытаются начать жизнь заново. Сэм посещает психотерапевта и к неудовольствию Тары трясётся над каждым её шагом, но, как вскоре выясняется, не зря. Маньяк в маске Призрачного лица снова начинает убивать, и, как предполагает Минди, из числа подозреваемых не стоит исключать ни новых знакомых, ни старых друзей.
Heritage Minutes: Liberation of the Netherlands
Marguerite Blaisse
Between 1944 and 1945, the Canadian Army was given the important yet deadly task of liberating the Netherlands.
Psycho Prom Queen
Following the suspected suicide of her friend and fellow teacher, Julie Taylor is hired to take over the senior math class for the last few weeks of school. It's been a difficult year for Julie and this is a fresh start for her and her teenager daughter Miya. Though Julie hopes that being both the new kid and the new teacher's daughter won't be too hard on Miya, she can't help but worry when her daughter becomes fast friends with the school's resident mean girl, Amy Turner.
Господин Никто
Showroom Girl
Действие картины происходит в не слишком отдалённом будущем. Главный герой внезапно просыпается в 2092 году дряхлым стариком и понимает, что он является 120-летним последним смертным на планете, доживающим свой век среди счастливых бессмертных людей.
Swamp Devil
Young Dream Girl
SWAMP DEVIL is the story of young Melanie Blaime (Cindy Sampson) and her father Howard (Bruce Dern). After a long estrangement from her father for reasons not entirely clear, Melanie returns to her childhood home of Gibbington, Vermont to confront the realization that her father is wanted for murder. As Melanie digs a little more deeply into the stories of the past, she uncovers a tale wound about the town like Spanish moss, composed of secrets and lies, murder and revenge.
The Rival
When Alice loses her baby in an act of violence, she learns she cannot have children on her own. She and her husband are overjoyed when they find a surrogate to give them the baby they've always wanted. But Alice's happiness soon turns to jealousy and a deadly rage, causing her to stop at nothing to get her baby.