Demet Evgar

Demet Evgar

Рождение : 1980-05-19, Manisa, Turkey


Demet Evgar (born 18 May 1980) is a Turkish actress and singer known for her roles in feature films and TV series. ‏‏She also pursues an active career as an actress in theatre where she had made her debut. She has founded theatre institutions such as "Pangar", "Hata Yapım Atölyesi", "Müşterek", "Multi Arts Production". Evgar was born in Manisa in 1980. Her film career has awards and box office successes. In her television career, she starred in the rom-com 1 Kadın 1 Erkek for 8 seasons. She also played supporting roles in the hit comedy series Emret Komutanım, Yedi Numara, and Tatlı Hayat. She played the role of "Kara Fatma" (guest star) in the period series Vatanım Sensin and had a leading role in drama series Avlu and Alev Alev. In 2020, she released her first official single "Nanay" and in 2021 she was featured on Can Bonomo's song "Rüyamda Buluttum".


Demet Evgar
Demet Evgar
Demet Evgar
Demet Evgar
Demet Evgar
Demet Evgar


You Can Do It, My Dear!
Self & Narrator
Throughout his impressive acting career, Haldun Dormen inspired and encouraged his theater students to work hard and follow their dreams.
‘Theatre is my life,’ Yıldız Kenter admits in her biography written by Dikmen Gürün. This is the story of a star, who has dedicated her whole life to her theatre company, students, the stage. Recounting the prizes received as well as the prices paid for pursuing your passion, Sweetie is a testimony to the transforming cultural landscape of the country as it tells Kenter Theatre’s story and thus how a private theatre has managed to survive. Including interviews by family members, students, fellow actors, as well as rare archival images and footage, Sweetie is an homage to the ‘North Star of Turkish theatre.’ The documentary was written by Zeynep Miraç, scored by Murat Evgin, and features Dikmen Gürün as advisor.
The Adventures of Sukran the Lame
A none dialogue film about a young woman called Sukran, who has an accident when she is 10 years old and stays crippled for the rest of her life. Throughout the film, she seeks to create a common ground with other people. Despite her hunger to do so, she fails with people of the opposite sex, and so turns to her own gender. Again, she meets with failure; and again, she is knocked sideways. Just like all of us, Şükran keeps looking helplessly for ways to communicate with other people until the bitter end. Her helplessness may not be the exact same to our own helplessness as spectators, but they are indeed in very close proximity.
Полёт на ковре-самолете 2
Asim Noyan swindles people with his lies and games. Asim Noyan and his gang, who no one else has been able to catch, get into a ruse again.
Fish Cracker
A brother and sister aged 8 and 14, are forced to leave the place they once called home after the sudden break-up of their parents, and revisit as ‘guests’. The return is to bid farewell to their father before they move out of the city with their mother.
Обеденный стол
Meet Neslihan. A perfect cook, an expert on Turkish cuisine, strictly loyal to her husband, an impeccable house wife ...and a serial killer.
В кругу семьи
Фикрет и Солмаз случайно знакомятся в тот день, когда поставили точку в отношениях с возлюбленными, с которыми жили на протяжении 21 года. Невротичный Фикрет, боящийся всего, неожиданным образом оказывается вовлеченным в игру, так как дочь Солмаз Зейнеп собралась выйти замуж за парня из Аданалы. Свадьба должна была состояться в кругу семьи, однако по настоянию семьи число приглашенных все больше и больше увеличивается. Подготовка к свадьбе проходит очень шумно – с выхватыванием оружия, с соблюдением всех традиций и вспыльчивыми родственниками. Смогут ли молодые влюбленные пожениться в такой обстановке?
Слепая любовь
Салим — детектив из отдела убийств. Тридцатилетний мужчина, живущий в своем собственном мире. Разведен, есть маленькая дочь. Он узнает, что длительное лечение глаз не приносит результатов, и в конечном счете он полностью ослепнет.
Плохой кот
Tacettin / Misket (voice)
Главный герой, кот Шерафеттин — смелый и ироничный, веселый и нелепый. А ещё очень независимый кот, который старается решать все свои проблемы самостоятельно. Часто из этого вырастает еще больше неприятностей.
No Way
A Turkish taxi driver tells stories which are almost unbelievable.
Thou Gild'st the Even
In a small town in Anatolia, whose inhabitants possess various supernatural powers but still have to deal with ordinary problems, Cemal helps out in his father’s barbershop and, in his free time, acts as a football referee.
Ничего себе знакомства
One of the three friends living in the slums of Istanbul Manik, Tik and Dildo's, many ordinary overflow out of the neighborhood, but the excitement continued in a lively way in themselves, the stories of adventure full of life and laughter.
Yahşi Batı
Susan Van Dyke
Two Ottoman government officials travel to USA in 19th Century in order to give gift to President from Sultan of Ottoman.
Я видел Солнце
В юго-восточной Турции идет многолетняя война, от которой люди стараются укрыться в горных пещерах. Уходя от огня и лишений, главные герои картины решаются на разлуку – одни представители семьи остаются в Стамбуле, на родине, а другие, с помощью контрабандистов, уезжают в Норвегию. Их участь, как и судьба других эмигрантов, нелегка – с трудом найдя работу в супермаркете, они живут как беженцы, готовые в любую минуту сорваться с места. Тем временем, оставшаяся в Стамбуле семья несчастлива по-своему: героиня картины переносит операцию из-за осложнений, возникших во время беременности, а ее сын сходится с компанией трансвеститов, которые стараются внушить ему новую систему ценностей..
Shattered Soul
Beyza Türker
The film takes place in three bathrooms. Two of them are side-by-side and the third sees the two right across the street. In these 3 places, 3 different couples and a young voyeur boy (actually an art student who researches for a project) are described in stories. At the core of these stories there are determinations of the nature of men and women, marriage and betrayal.