Marco Grazzini

Marco Grazzini

Рождение : 1981-04-14, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Marco Grazzini is a Canadian film and television actor. Marco was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to a Filipino mother and Italian father. He is a University of Toronto alum, having majored in Italian and Spanish with a minor in Sociology. His notable TV and film credits include NBC's Heroes Reborn, Crackle's The Art of More and Cartoon Network's Total Drama World Tour. His other passions include photography and cooking.


Marco Grazzini
Marco Grazzini
Marco Grazzini


Betty's Bad Luck In Love
Cursed from childhood to fail at romance, Betty’s relationships have always ended in disaster. But when she meets Alex, she’s tempted to try once more. Can true love prevail over a curse?
Hearts in the Game
Diego Vasquez
Hazel Miller is a top publicist in New York City looking to build her empire. Diego Vasquez is a top MLB pitcher who froze during Game 7 of the World Series. He also happens to be the guy who shattered Hazel’s heart in high school. When Hazel is tasked with spinning Diego’s image, it might be her biggest challenge professionally, and personally, as she takes him back to their hometown in Ohio to deal with what they've both left behind.
Designing Christmas
Follows Stella, who has worked for the past six years with Pablo as co-hosts of a house renovation show, but as they work together more closely than ever before, she gets complicated and unexplored feelings that may jeopardize everything.
Прямо перед глазами
У Карли появляется второй шанс завязать роман с её студенческой любовью, но она не знает, как произвести на него впечатление. На помощь приходит её новый друг Ник, который начинает давать ей советы. И вскоре Карли понимает, кто подходит ей на самом деле.
Рождество одинокой звезды
Овдовевшая Эрин решает провести Рождество на ранчо отца. Там она внезапно для себя влюбляется во владельца мексиканского ресторана и учится прощать отца.
Рождество без обёртки
Erik Gallagher
Charity, an ambitious reporter, learns the true meaning of Christmas when she investigates Erik Gallagher, a beloved member of the town who insists all the gifts he provides every Christmas are from none-other than Santa himself.
Воссоединение в Валентинов день
Fired from her job as a reality TV host, Natalie returns home for Valentine's Day, only to find herself running the town festival's auction with her ex-fiancé thanks to two scheming mothers.
Вкус лета
Потерпев неудачу на своей прежней работе помощницей шеф-повара, Габи переезжает в другой город, где открывает свой ресторан и вновь обретает страсть к любимому делу. Через некоторое время она встречает бывшего игрока в бейсбол, у которого есть свой собственный ресторан и невероятный дух соперничества.
В поисках доброго самаритянина
Jack Hansen
Таинственный незнакомец оставляет по всему Нью-Йорку сумки с деньгами. Телерепортёр Кейт Брэдли пытается выйти на след этого доброго самаритянина.
The Story of Us
Small town bookstore owner Jamie Vaughn learns that hers and other struggling local businesses face closure by a powerful Portland property developer, led by architect and former flame Sawyer O'Dell. As Valentine's Day approaches and closure seems imminent, Jamie must not only hatch a heartfelt plan to save her beloved bookstore, but she must also sort out her past feelings for Sawyer.
Officer Alvarez
Идеальное общество будущего: режим тотального надзора, отсутствие личной жизни, приватных территорий и гражданских прав. Казалось бы, в полностью контролируемом государстве нет места ошибкам и правонарушениям. Но однажды детектив Сол Фриленд знакомится с девушкой, которая не числится в базах данных. Перед копом приоткрывается дверь преступного мира новой эры…
Highly Functional
When he discovers his guardian is dying, an autistic twenty-something travels across country to bring back a deluded, has-been country singer, believing that a personal performance will inspire his guardian to live.
Не в сети
Paul Rogers
Эйден вынуждена выйти в свет после 13 лет изоляции, когда неизвестный убивает ее родителей. Она делает это, чтобы найти его и отомстить. Но убийца уже давно ждет этого и готов сделать все, чтобы взять ее.
Behind the facade of a beautiful urban home, a combination of complacency and bad investments has left power couple Ben and Gail disconnected, resentful and just about broke. When the cash-strapped yuppies fire their teen-aged daughter's lesbian Mexican nanny, Margarita, they set off a chain of events that lead to her deportation.
Deck the Halls
Fred Torres
Detective Regan Reilly and cleaning-woman-turned-private-eye Alvirah Meegan, investigate the kidnapping of Regan's father and a young female driver just before the holidays. The race is on to rescue the pair and get them home in time for Christmas.
Close Up
Mr. Heller
This tells a wonderfully layered story that illuminates the strength behind one young woman's act of rebellion and its impact on changing the world.