Thomas Baldus


9 Meter
The 16-year-old Daniel is a huge long jumping talent who constantly breaks his own records. For Daniel, breaking records is a way for him to keep his dying mother alive. She is in a coma, but Daniel discovers that every time he tells the mother about a new record, she reacts by moving a finger. Unfortunately, Daniel stops being able to beat his own record and at the same time his mother's condition gets worse. Daniel feels that he has part of the blame because he is convinced that the records helps the mother to stay alive. In a desperate attempt to avoid the doctors shutting off his mother's life support, Daniel starts to jump between rooftops. He is convinced that the adrenaline he will get by jumping at great altitude is the extra kick he needs to push his body to new records and hopefully keep his mother alive.
Тот, кто убивает - Тень прошлого
Томас Шеффер полицейский-психолог, несколько лет назад допустивший досадную ошибку, не заметив в кровавых рисунках, солдата воевавшего в Ираке, страшную психическую болезнь. Со временем болезнь прогрессирует и бывший солдат превращается в маньяка-убийцу гуляющего на свободе, осуществляя в реале то, что он когда-то рисовал на своих жутких картинках. Томас еще не знает, какими последствиями обернется его оплошность, которая поставит на кон больше, чем его собственная жизнь… А тем временем начинается охота на маньяка, но не так все просто как кажется…
Flies on the Wall
My Larsen is a documentarian in her early thirties. Self-centered and assertive, she likes to challenge and provoke her surroundings. She takes on an unusual assignment to make a film about the conservative township of Ravnsborg, but she learns there is a dark side to life in this small town. Someone is trying to cover up a terrible secret and they will stop at nothing, even murder, to keep My from discovering the truth.