Ethan Holzman


3 Day Test
Martin Taylor has totally lost touch with his family. He has no clue who his teenage daughter's friends are, why his son only communicates with an electronic sign outside his bedroom door, or why his youngest child only watches faith TV. Convinced the family needs to reconnect, Martin surprises the wife and kids with a little experiment-he locks them in their own home with no power, no heat, no running water, and absolutely no contact with the world outside! The sudden holiday staycation isn't what the Taylors had in mind for the weekend, but they'll have to team up to prove they can survive Dad's wacky mission. With a heartfelt message and some persistence, one little member of the family helps put their priorities back in the pews, because they'll need all the faith they have to get through this!
American Addict
Riveting look at the politics, big business and the medical industry that has made America the most prescription-addicted society in the world. America is less than 5% of the World's population but consumes 80% of the World's prescription narcotics. We have gone from being the land of the free to the land of the addicted.
Time Expired
Randall Zimmerman (Eric Starkey) is a simple man who loves his job as a parking enforcement officer. When he discovers he is dying, he just wants everything to stay the way that it is. Unfortunately for Randall, his friends and family have other ideas. His best friend Jay (Topher Owen) urges him to "live life to the fullest" by going on crazy adventures. His girlfriend Sasha (Carrie Slaughter) wants to have his baby. And his mother Corinna (Rebekah Turner) tries to save his life with home cooking, yoga, and smothering love. Randall must find a way to help all of them fulfill their needs if he's going to have any chance of achieving his own dying wish -- fixing a meter that's been broken for more than a year!
25 Hill
This is the story of an 11-year-old boy whose derby dreams are left in pieces when his soldier father is killed in Afghanistan. The boy teams up with a father figure whose own son, a firefighter, died in the line of duty, and the two help each other find redemption and revive the derby.
Donna on Demand
A twisted take on low-voltage celebrity and overnight "Internet stars" and what happens when the two cross paths. An off-kilter love triangle with a girl half his age, a disapproving string of ex-wives... And a stalker in a monkey mask.
Всё или ничего
Assistant Sound Editor
Профессиональный футболист, бывший игрок Национальной Футбольной Лиги Пол Кру, попадает в тюрьму за вождение автомобиля в нетрезвом состоянии. Начальник тюрьмы Хэйзен, задумавший организовать футбольный матч между охранниками и заключенными, предлагает Полу собрать свою команду. При этом он обещает сократить футболисту срок, если победу одержат охранники. Согласится ли Кру поступиться своими принципами ради скорейшего освобождения или же достойно поборется за победу?
The Ruining
The Troma Team is proud to present THE RUINING, a striking new work by filmmaker Chris Burgard. Filmed over ten years, The Ruining succeeds in echoing the grime and grit of late 70's and early 80's horror cinema. Traditional family values are disturbingly challenged when two Los Angeles couples run into trouble on a remote mountain camping trip. Thirty years ago government drilling poisoned the water in a small town. Half of the town died. Those that are left are horribly addicted to psychedelic eggs bred by old Henry Behrens. When the strangers enter into his domain the stage is set for selective breeding and feeding of human flesh. Henry's 17-year-old daughter Becky is beautiful and thinks that she is a German shepherd. - Written by Troma Entertainment
The Girl with the Hungry Eyes
Уилл Томпсон — в прошлом, самый молодой миллионер Голливуда — знакомится через компьютерную сеть с некой Делайлой, вместе с которой они через Интернет воплощают свои самые дикие сексуальные фантазии. Но однажды, в порыве страсти, Делайла называет ему свой адрес, чтобы Уилл «проник в ее дом, как грабитель, насильно овладел ею и затем застрелил». И он поверил, как верил всем своим многочисленным женщинам…