Three guys decide to spend a few days at a club where they find nothing but beautiful girls, since one of them has just got married. As soon as they get there, they decide to spice up their: the men make a $2000 bet for the person who achieves the most goals, which consist of having sex with women in jacuzzi tubs, having sex with two women at once, and more.
Jack Cutter is the last in long line of vampire hunters. After killing few vampires in one L.A. restaurant, he is chased both by police and by other vampires. In the process he meets an attractive woman-reporter.
Небывалое нашествие трансеров (людей, впавших в транс) поглотило Энджел Сити в 2083 году. Они разгуливают по улицам, заставляя людей прятаться под землей. Профессиональный охотник за трансерами, полицейский из будущего Джек Дэт, получает особое задание, после которого он уже никогда не вернется домой к своей жене Лене.