Nikesh Patel

Nikesh Patel

Рождение : 1985-10-17, Wembley, London, England, UK


Nikesh Patel


A Ghost Story for Christmas: The Mezzotint
1923. In the heart of an old English college, Edward Williams receives an engraving of of an unknown country house with an imposing facade, a sweeping lawn - and, just perhaps, something else.
Good Grief
Following the success of Platform Presents’ world first, online, live, theatrical production of A Separate Peace in May 2020, they are thrilled to follow with the launch of Lorien Haynes' romantic comedy Good Grief directed by Natalie Abrahami (RSC, National Theatre, Young Vic) and starring BAFTA award-winning Sian Clifford (Fleabag) and Nikesh Patel (Artemis Fowl). Also part of this predominantly female strong team are Isobel Waller-Bridge, re-partnering with Sian Clifford having worked with Sian on ‘Fleabag’, who is developing the sound design and score. Alongside her is Fin Oates as Editor, (I Hate Suzie), award-winning Emma Dalesman as Director of Photography, Natalie Pryce as Production Designer (winner, Production Designer, Black Theatre Awards 2020). This new production, which takes the best of theatre and television production, aims to create an unmissable theatrical event for 2021.
Артемис Фаул
Укрытый от посторонних глаз, глубоко под поверхностью земной коры таится целый мир, населенный гномами, эльфами, пикси, лепреконами, брауни и другими волшебными существами. Они спрятались от людей и создали свою собственную весьма развитую цивилизацию. Их тайна так и оставалась бы нераскрытой, если бы не юный Артемис Фаул, прирождённый мошенник и единственный наследник древнего рода криминальных гениев. Он сумел не только найти доказательства существования подземного мира, но и придумал дерзкий план — ограбить его обитателей.
Hampstead Theatre At Home: Drawing The Line
London, 1947. Summoned by the Prime Minister from the Court where he is presiding judge, Cyril Radcliffe is given an unlikely mission. He is to travel to India, a country he has never visited, and, with limited survey information, no expert support and no knowledge of cartography, he is to draw the border which will divide the Indian sub-continent into two new Sovereign Dominions. To make matters even more challenging, he has only six weeks to complete the task. Wholly unsuited to his role, Radcliffe is unprepared for the dangerous whirlpool of political intrigue and passion into which he is plunged – untold consequences may even result from the illicit liaison between the Leader of the Congress Party and the Viceroy’s wife… As he begins to break under the pressure he comes to realise that he holds in his hands the fate of millions of people.
Doctor Who: Resolution
As the New Year begins, a terrifying evil is stirring from across the centuries of Earth's history. As the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz return home, will they be able to overcome the threat to planet Earth?
Halal Daddy
Raghdan Aziz
While managing a run down abattoir, young Muslim Raghdan Aziz stumbles through cultural chaos and generational conflicts, dealing with enraged fathers, stoned buddies and an alleged ex-lover of his girlfriend.
Падение Лондона
Действие фильма начинается в Лондоне, где премьер-министр Великобритании погибает при загадочных обстоятельствах. На похоронах безусловно присутствуют руководители западного мира. Но то, что начиналось как наиболее безопасное событие на земле, превращается в опаснейшее покушение на самых мощных мировых лидеров, что в свою очередь ставит под угрозу будущее всего мира. Только три человека сохраняют надежду на предотвращение катастрофы: президент США, его верный помощник — агент спецслужбы и английский агент МИ-6, который никому не доверяет.
События фильма развиваются вокруг девушки, которая стала объектом мести со стороны ее семьи за порочащую их честь связь с панджабцем, и охотника за головами, взявшегося за деньги выполнить грязную работу.
This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At the climax of their dispute they rip the family recipe book in half - one brother gets the starters and the other gets the main courses. They set up rival restaurants, across the road from each other, and spend the next twenty years trying to out-do each other. Neither brother will admit it but they both know they are not entirely successful in the 'other half' of the menu. It takes a daughter - a successful corporate lawyer marrying a man from a very different background - to reunite them. She is planning her marriage and is determined that they will both cook the wedding banquet.