Pierre Deladonchamps

Pierre Deladonchamps

Рождение : 1978-06-01, Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France


Pierre Deladonchamps was born on June 1, 1978 in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. He is known for starring in the thriller film Stranger by the Lake (2013), for which he won the César Award for Most Promising Actor. He went on to receive a nomination for the César Award for Best Actor for his performance in the drama A Kid (2016). He received the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters by the Government of France in 2015.


Pierre Deladonchamps
Pierre Deladonchamps


Jean-Marie Arthaud
January 13, 2018. 8h08. Hawaii is in a state of alert: ballistic missiles have just been launched in the direction of the island, there are only a few minutes left to find a shelter. Like every year, a group of friends has come to spend a week's vacation in the hotel of one of their friends, who has left to live in Hawaii. As they think they are living their last moments, years of unspoken words come back and degenerate into a settlement of accounts. Fortunately for them, it's a false alarm. Unfortunately, they still have eight days of vacation to spend together.
The Sitting Duck
Adjudant-Chef Brémont
La syndicaliste is the true story of Maureen Kearney, the head union representative of a French multinational nuclear powerhouse. She became a whistleblower, denouncing top-secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector. Alone against the world, she fought government ministers and industry leaders, tooth and nail to bring the scandal to light and to defend more than 50,000 jobs.. Her life was turned upside down when she was violently assaulted in her own home... The investigation is carried out under pressure: the subject is sensitive. Suddenly, new elements create doubt in the minds of the investigators. At first a victim, Maureen becomes a suspect.
You Will Not Have My Hate
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his love for his almost three-year-old son. And yet he seems to lose his footing in his grief.
The Takeover
Cédric works in a company specialized in precision mechanics. Its management, run by an investment fund, is disastrous. As another fund is about to buy it again, Cédric decides to take the company over, giving it to the employees.
Eloïse's Journey
Moby Dick
Eloïse is sitting alone on a bench in Paris. She can't remember who she is, where she comes from or how did she get here. So, she begins a funny investigation on her life. This amnesia might help her finding love and reinventing her life.
Femminile singolare
A Little Lesson in Love
Julie and Mathieu, soon after meeting for the first time, embark in a quest across Paris to stop one of Mathieu’s pupil at school from doing anything stupid after finding a disturbing love note. Inside Mathieu’s old little car, the two characters mix like oil and water, with the math teacher’s carelessness for others not going so well with Julie’s larger than life personality. The more Mathieu discovers some fragility under Julie’s exuberance, the more the two become inseparable.
Antoine Restac
Париж, конец XIX века. Талантливый инженер Гюстав Эйфель мечтает строить метро, подземную железную дорогу будущего. Однако встреча с таинственной женщиной из его прошлого буквально переворачивает мир Эйфеля. Их головокружительный роман вдохновляет его на создание немыслимого архитектурного шедевра – гигантской ажурной башни, ставшей в итоге символом Парижа, романтики и любви.
A set of stolen moments, captured in the privacy of different people. Couples, whether straight or gay, mixed or not share kisses, caresses, and smiles.
Мадам Клод
В Париже 1960-х влияние мадам Клод простирается далеко за пределы мира проституции — пока молодая состоятельная дама не ставит ее власть под угрозу.
Dje arrives in Paris penniless, relying on his charm to get by. He seizes every opportunity which comes his way, even if it means killing.
Bacchus Renard
Парижанка Мод — мать и архитектор, которая случайно выигрывает конкурс на реставрацию площади легендарного собора Нотр-Дам. Разрываемой между обязанностями по работе и романтическими отношениями женщине теперь предстоит пройти через настоящий эмоциональный шторм.
Gilbert Miguié
8-летняя Одетт — милый и талантливый ребёнок, увлечённый танцами. Почему девочка так боится друга родителей, который уговорил её поиграть в «щекотку»? Спустя годы Одетт продолжает танцевать, пытаясь отпустить прошлое и избавиться от гнева, накопившегося внутри.
Ветер переменился
Молодая фермерша Полина разводит скот, не причиняя вреда природе. Знакомство с Самюэлем, мастером по установке ветрогенераторов, принесет разлад в ее семью и заставит девушку переоценить ценности.
Photo de famille
Mao, son of Pierre and Claudine
Gabrielle is a "statue" for tourists, much to the chagrin of her teenage son. Elsa is in angry at the world and desperate to become pregnant. Mao is a chronically depressed video game designer who drowns his melancholy in alcohol and psychoanalysis. They are brother and sisters but do not hang out. Ever. Their parents Pierre and Claudine, separated for a long time, have really done nothing to strengthen the bonds of the family - yet, at their grandfather's funeral, they are going to have to meet, and together answer the question: "What to do with grandma?"
Soul Mates
Tristan and Louise love each other but they are tugged at by muddled feelings as their relationship is sometimes toxic. During Tristan's birthday in his parents' house, an event makes Louise furious and she decides to take vengence. Adèle and Antonin, two guests at the party, will suffer the consequences.
Soul Mates
Tristan and Louise love each other but they are tugged at by muddled feelings as their relationship is sometimes toxic. During Tristan's birthday in his parents' house, an event makes Louise furious and she decides to take vengence. Adèle and Antonin, two guests at the party, will suffer the consequences.
Нравиться, любить и быстро бегать
Jacques Tondelli
Жак — автор из Парижа. Ему еще нет и 40 лет, но он уже беспокоится о жизни до такой степени, что ему кажется, будто ничего хорошего дальше его не ждет. А в Рене живет Артур — студент, который много читает, улыбается и не сомневается в том, что у него есть все причины верить в лучшее.
Rise of a Star
Emma is about to be the new ballerina. But something upsets her. A secret. A secret liable to undermine what she has spent a whole life on.
Golden Years
Paul Grappe / Suzanne
Paul and Louise get married as World War I breaks out. After two years on the frontline, Paul maims himself and deserts his post. To hide when he is condemned to death in war-torn Paris, Louise dresses him up as a woman. He becomes Suzanne, drags his wife around the debauched Paris of the Golden Twenties and earns quite a reputation for himself.
Nos patriotes
Baptiste Elhinger
After the French defeat of summer 1940, Addi Ba, a young Senegalese rifleman escapes and hides in the Vosges. Aided by some villagers, he gets false documents that allow him to live openly.
Три поколения женщин. На протяжении 100 лет они пытаются сохранить и приумножить любовь. Их жизни меняются: появляются новые люди, отношения, ускользает красота. И только истинное чувство остается вечным.
A Kid
Mathieu Capelier
Matthieu, a 33 year old Parisian who finds out that the father he never knew has died and decides to go to his funeral in order to meet his two siblings in Quebec. But once in Montréal, he realizes that nobody is aware of his existence or even interested in it. He is alone, in hostile territory…Filled with secrets, this story about one man’s coming to term with the foreign family he never knew he had is complex with interconnected themes such as masculinity, family, paternity and filial devotion coiling in the layers underneath.
House of Time
Louis Legarec
Robert d'Eglantine invites his friends to spend a few days in an old country house where he proposes them to embark on a daring adventure with a surprising destination.
Небольшой промышленный городок на востоке Франции, зажатый со всех сторон небольшими пригородами, каналами и сельскими фермами. Для тринадцатилетнего Джимми, как и для всех остальных учеников, наступает очередное лето – впереди каникулы. Но для нашего героя и его восьмилетнего сводного брата Кевина это не очень веселое время. Новый мамин бойфренд, живущий в мире алкоголя и наркотиков, совершенно не имеет тормозов.
Béatrice and Laurent live together. Laurent begins to have unprecedented difficulties, losing his sense of taste,smell and touch, little by little. But more worryingly, this problem only concerns his perception of his partner, and he starts to wonder if the problem is really his.
Оценщица широкого профиля Кью: Глаза Моны Лизы
Richard Ble
Администрация Лувра нанимает оценщицу Ринду Рико в качестве временного куратора для проведения выставки известной картины да Винчи «Мона Лиза» в Японии. За девушкой постоянно следует журналист Огасавара Юто, жаждущий получить материал для новой статьи. Совсем скоро они вдвоем попытаются раскрыть тайну Моны Лизы.
Незнакомец у озера
Лето, укромное местечко на берегу озера, куда мужчины приходят в поисках партнеров. Франк влюбляется в Мишеля — красивого, мощного и смертельно опасного человека. Франк все это знает, но хочет пережить эту страсть.
L'amour en jeu
The Rebel, Louise Michel
Henri Bauer
A fiercely active Communard, Louise Michel is condemned for taking arms against Bismarck. Along with thousands of other revolutionaries, she is deported to New Caledonia, whilst, back in Paris, a young parliamentarian Georges Clemenceau campaigns for a truce with the Communards. During her exile, Louise Michel becomes a teacher and wins the admiration of the other deportees, inspiring them to rise up against the colonial order…
An avid reader of books her whole life, everything changes the day she falls in love with a young pop star she sees on TV. She'll do anything to meet her Idol...
Ma France à moi
France has been living alone in her apartment since the death of her husband. When she hears on the radio that the Singa association puts homeless migrants in contact with people who can take them in, she decides, against the advice of her family, led by her son, to take in Reza, a young Afghan broken by war and exodus. This is the story of two worlds that collide, get used to each other and end up reaching out to each other.