Swaroop Kumar


Легенда о Бхагате Сингхе
Motilal Nehru
Фильм повествует об одном из величайших пенджабцев, сражавшихся за свободу своей страны - Бхагат Сингхе, и его смелых и патриотичных товарищей. Методом достижения своих целей они видят в радикальных методах, и приступают к действиям. В итоге эта деятельность приводит Бхагата и его друзей - Сукхдева, Раджгуру, Джатин Даса, Джай Гопала, Аджоя Гхоша и других в тюрьму... Добьются ли своего молодые герои?.
Sindoor Ki Saugandh
Orphaned Roshni lives a poor-lifestyle with her maternal uncle, Gulal, and his wife, and they do Nautanki (singing and dancing) from village to village for a living. She is in love with Sharad and both want to get married. Lusty Thakur Gajraj Singh, who will shortly become an MLA, takes a liking to Roshni and, together with bandit Bhairav Singh, abduct Roshni in her bridal gear, killing Sharad, and having their way with her. Roshni survives, decides to complain to the Police, not only refuse to take any action, but the Police Inspector in Charge also has his way with her. Humiliated, she is left on the streets, rescued by kind-hearted bandit, Shankara, who recruits her and she swears to avenge her humiliation by killing her molesters. She unleashes a wave of terror attacks, prompting the government to assign Inspector Ramesh Kumar to arrest her at any and all costs. The question remains, does Roshni have enough time to carry out her vengeance before being arrested by Ramesh Kumar?
Jeevan Daata
Two small children, a boy named Guddu, and his sister named Guddiya are separated from their parents, and take shelter in a temple. Guddiya is not feeling well, so Guddu goes to buy some medication, but when he returns she is nowhere to be found. Years later, Guddu, who calls himself Shankar, has grown up to be a petty criminal. On numerous occasions he comes to the assistance of a CBI Officer, Vijay Sharma, then meets and falls in love with his daughter, Kiran Sharma. Unfortunately, Vijay gets killed, and both Kiran and Shankar band together to look for his killers. The question is whether Shankar will be able to successfully avenge Vijay's death, and if at all he will be re-united with his sister, Guddiya. What Shankar does not know that his mother is in jail, convicted for killing his very own father, Masterji, while purportedly having an affair with a male from their village.
Долг чести
Савитри влюбляется в Виджая , который спасает свою сестру от дакаита по имени Шамшера. Оба становятся очень близкими, а затем решают жениться. Прежде чем брак может состояться, Шамшера убивает Виджая, а Савитри рожает мальчика, но ему говорят, что ребенок родился мертвым. Затем она выходит замуж за Тхакура Прем Сингха , который отвечает за то, что ослепил Шамшеру одним глазом и отправил его в тюрьму. Впоследствии Савитри рожает еще одного мальчика, Раджеша. Спустя годы она сталкивается с молодым человеком по имени Рави и шокирована, увидев сходство между ним и ее бывшим любовником. Она узнает, что Рави - ее сын, но решает не говорить своему мужу.
Противостояние судьбе
Geeta is proud of her police inspector husband, Ashwini, who is honest and diligent. But that pride soon turns to sorrow, as he is shot and killed right outside their doorstep. Devastated by his death, Geeta brings up her son, Vijay, and ensures that he gets employed with the city's police force. Vijay is honest and diligent as his father was, and is assigned to rein the ring-leader named "Spider". His investigations lead him to suspect a very close friend of his father, Sohanlal Puri, one who had come forward and honored him with a gold medal, one who is rich and influential beyond compare, and quite capable of killing again to maintain his position.
Ram Tera Desh
When Sunita, a middle-class girl, marries Prem, a rich man, she is ill-treated and not respected, as her father is unable to pay dowry. She must now find a way to regain her self-respect in the house.
Девятнадцать двадцать
Шанти – женщина богобоязненная и часто посещает храм. У нее трое детей (два сына и дочь). Она бедна, вдова и работает в каменоломне. Такими трудами заработаешь не деньги, а болезни. У Шанти туберкулез, а надсмотрщику совсем не надо такие работники. Шанти совсем стало плохо. Она слегла – врач сказал, что ее часы сочтены. Ночью бедняжка умерла. Детей забрал сосед, но как с ними быть он не знает. Он тоже не в состоянии их кормить. Малыши все понимают, они решили уехать в Бомбей – там, им кажется, все будет лучше.
Assistant Director
Plain-clothes Inspector Dharam Dev is hot on the tracks of notorious underworld don, Durgaprasad, alias "D.P." But Durgraprased is not only elusive, but shrewd and cunning as well, and spreads of web of lies and deceit, and entraps Dharam in it, and a result of which Dharam himself becomes a suspect for murder, and is arrested.