Lucretia Love

Lucretia Love

Рождение : 1941-03-25, Borger, Texas, USA

Смерть : 2019-01-09


Lucretia Love
Lucretia Love


Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype
Debra Kate
An ugly, misshapen podiatrist ingests a formula made by a colleague and turns into a handsome, devil-may-care (but violent) ladies' man.
Charleston is a 1977 Italian comedy film written and directed by Marcello Fondato. It reprises the style of the film The Sting.
Дамы и господа, спокойной ночи!
English Teacher
Нам предлагают насладиться прямым эфиром идиотского канала 3TG в компании неотразимого ведущего. Сегодня в программе: выпуск новостей с сосредоточенным ковырянием в носу; урок английского языка со стриптизом и смертоубийством; телефильм «Бомба» о комиссариате городка Монтенеро, где раздается зловещие тиканье; познавательное интервью с профессором Шмидтом, предлагающим здоровый каннибализм в качестве средства от перенаселения; драматическая история генерала, пропустившего военный парад из-за аварии в санузле, а также увлекательное игровое шоу «Злой Рок-ометр», победителя которого ждет смерть от электрошока!
A Whisper in the Dark
Martino is a young child who claims to have an invisible friend called Luca. His parents assume it is just a game, but strange things start to happen.
La figliastra (Storia di corna e di passioni)
A long time ago in Sicilia, there was a common, unwritten law that linked the hereditary rights to unequivocal demonstrations of virility. Because of that traditional law, a middle-age widower whose wife died without begetting him a child, is about to lose an inheritance of a large sum of money. The man marries again, with Nadia, an attractive woman with a daughter from her first marriage, Daniela. But time passes, and Nadia is not getting pregnant, either. Eventually, his beautiful stepdaughter will help him solve his problem.
Scandal In the Family
A rich older man dies during a massage (you see, uh--never mind). His young widow (Lucrezia Love) decides she needs some male help in managing her deceased husband's estate (for some reason she doesn't ask the family lawyer who she spends all her time rolling around in the hay with), so she summons her younger step-brother to come stay with her and her "little stepdaughter" (Gloria Guida). Of course, Guida's character ends up being attracted to her new "uncle" and plots to get "his bird in her bush" by, among other things, arranging for him to witness a steamy lesbian encounter between her and a friend in a, uh, steam room. To resist this temptation, the "uncle" marries Guida off to another guy while he in turn marries her friend, but they still can't resist each other.
Enter the Devil
After a female art student purchases a life-size wooden sculpture of a crucifixion from an abandoned church, she has a vision of herself being nailed to a cross and soon becomes sexually tormented by the sculpture when it comes to life.
A Black Ribbon for Deborah
Mrs. Ofenbauer
A young woman with psychic powers is obsessed with having a child. Even though she is unable to conceive, her desire to do so creates a supernatural force determined to fulfill her wishes
They're Italy's notorious "Ladies of the evening" catering to the strange cravings of their kinky, high-paying clients. But suddenly, the girls of the street find themselves being stalked by someone with desires even they can't satisfy. After a series of shocking crimes, the clues lead police to a pornographic film maker and his stable of lovely models and starlets. But can the authorities track down the "Hooker Maniac" before he strikes again?
Убийца зарезервировал девять мест
Девять человек были приглашены в здание шикарного, но пустующего театра. Ночью двери оказались закрыты снаружи и приглашенные начали умирать от рук убийцы в маске. Увлекательный джиалло с клаустрофобической атмосферой и изобретательными убийствами. Можно сказать, что театрализация смерти достигает своего апогея — учитывая место разворачивающегося действа. Одна из жертв умирает прямо на сцене, изображая Джульетту.
Арена и обнаженные гладиаторши
Рим 2000 лет назад. Жестокие и простые нравы: если хочешь жить — убей врага и забери его оружие себе. В этом фильме мы столкнемся с необычным, но очень красивым зрелищем: женщины-гладиаторы в почти обнаженном виде сражаются друг с другом и с гладиаторами-мужчинами за свою честь и свободу, и это зрелище не для слабонервных…
Battle of the Amazons
A tribe of vicious female warriors terrorizes the countryside, and especially the males, until one day the men and some local villagers decide to fight back.
La ragazza fuoristrada
Adriana Morganti
An Italian photojournalist falls madly in love with a young black women he meets while on assignment in Egypt. She goes with him when he returns to Italy and the two soon get married. But the small town he is from is not quite so friendly nor open-minded to his new bride, and racism and petty jealousy threaten to break up their once idyllic happiness.
In Love with Sex
About the problems of frigidity encountered by a young married woman and how they are overcome with help of her husband.
1931: Once Upon a Time in New York
In 1931, when the late American Prohibition major bosses have now divided the territory to exploit, the family of one of them - killed in a clash - decides to send half a million dollars in Sicily hidden in the body of the deceased.
Holy God, Here Comes the Passatore!
George Hilton is the infamous highway robber Stefano Pelloni, known as Il Passatore and Edwige Fenech is his opinionated leading lady, Mora, in this slapstick 'comedy'
Diary of a Roman Virgin
Two Sons of Trinity
Franco and Ciccio are two cousins ​​who, in the old West, have opened a service station, where they carry out the washing and drying of the horses and a bar service for the passing riders. One day a stranger saves them from an attempted robbery against them: the girl introduces herself as Calamity Jane, as well as Franco and Ciccio's aunt.
Naughty Nun
To spite her father, a young woman enters a convent. However, the woman's old boyfriend shows up and tries to win her back.
The Devil with Seven Faces
Carroll Baker plays a dual role as translator Julie Harrison and her twin sister Mary. The serpentine plot begins as Julie tells her lawyer Dave Barton (Stephen Boyd) that Mary's life is being threatened in London while Julie herself is being stalked by a mysterious stranger in Amsterdam.
Bride (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает о слепом наёмнике, который отправляется в Мексику для получения с местного бандита Доминго принадлежащих наёмнику по контракту 50 девушек. Но Доминго окружённый головорезами не собирается так просто отдавать девушек, да к тому же слепому. Тогда Наёмник берёт в заложники брата Доминго и заставляет его выполнить условия контракта. В ответ Доминго устраивает ловушку для наёмника и берет в заложники его самого, освободив при этом брата, даже не догадываясь к каким последствиям это приведёт.
Eye of the Spider
A diamond robber, who was left behind in the hands of the police, gets out of prison and teams up with the man who funded the robbery, but who never saw the loot, to get even with the other members of the gang.
Когда женщина играет в динг-донг
История о двух племенах, живущих в каменном веке, которые постоянно ведут между собой войну. Один из представителей племени жителей пещеры победил в соревновании по ловле свиней и выиграл приз — красивую женщину. Однако их игре в «динг-донг» помешала война с племенем жителей озера. Непрекращающиеся военные действия очень расстраивают женщин, поскольку их мужья очень редко бывают дома. И тогда жёны решают объявит мужьям сексуальный бойкот…
Nights and Loves of Don Juan
Queen of Cipro
Film inspired on the character from "Don Juan Tenorio".
Zenabel, a young woman from a humble background, discovers that she is actually the daughter of a Spanish nobleman who was killed by a ruthless don, Alonso, who took the title. So Zenable assembles a group of misfit friends to reclaim her title.
From Istanbul with Orders to Kill
A starving writer is offered $20,000 by an old friend in the intelligence service to pose as “Felix,” an international smuggler, because the writer looks exactly like this Felix. There’s lots of action, beautiful locations in Italy and (presumably) Istanbul, double-crosses galore, fistfights and chases, etc.
Phenomenal and the Treasure of Tutankamen
Mike Shevlove
A masked superhero searches for a magical golden relic while trying to prevent the plundering of an Egyptian tomb.
Colt in the Hand of the Devil
Pat Scotty is hired to eliminate a gang of Mexican bandits led by El Condor. Scotty craftily earns the trust of the bandits, enabling him to trap them all, but in the meantime, genuine friendship and respect have developed between him and El Condor.
Go with God, Gringo
The Cris brothers kill Gringo's brother and frame Gringo and his friend, Mexico, for a murder. They are taken to jail and along with the four bandits who are the real killers, escape and reach a village in which a fair is being held. Someone recognizes them and they must leave taking a dancer, Carmen, as a hostage. Gringo tries to protect her and is left in the desert all alone. Meanwhile the bandits rob a mail-coach and kill the escorts with Gringo hot on their trail. Source: SWDB
The She Beast
Groper's Niece
A young woman is driving alongside a lake. She has an accident and the car plunges into the water. Her body is then possessed by the spirit of an 18th-century witch who was killed by local villagers, and is bent on avenging herself on them.
K.O. va e uccidi
Eurospy movie
Love Italian Style
Anthology comedy structured in 10 episodes (The Exam, Blue Bloods, Too Easy, Love Italian Style, Sunday Story, Wedding Present, Gold Fischer, The Tuxedo, Railway Courtesy, Play Boy). Whimsical exploration of the mores, customs and vices of Italy at that time.