Set in 1901, this period epic follows Willem Morkel, a Boer family man whose wife and son are murdered during the Anglo-Boer War. Captured as a prisoner of war, Willem must survive incarceration in the notorious St. Helena concentration camp and defeat the ruthless Colonel Swannell, at his own game—Rugby
Set in 1901, this period epic follows Willem Morkel, a Boer family man whose wife and son are murdered during the Anglo-Boer War. Captured as a prisoner of war, Willem must survive incarceration in the notorious St. Helena concentration camp and defeat the ruthless Colonel Swannell, at his own game—Rugby
Juan returns to Cape Town with his family from their life in England when he discovers his mother is dying. She insists she wants her conflicted son to reconcile with his alcoholic dad, but all the younger man remembers of his childhood is disappointment and shame and although he wants to be with his mother he intensely dislikes his father, though it's probably more a case of Juan hating who he is himself, because of his father.
Juan returns to Cape Town with his family from their life in England when he discovers his mother is dying. She insists she wants her conflicted son to reconcile with his alcoholic dad, but all the younger man remembers of his childhood is disappointment and shame and although he wants to be with his mother he intensely dislikes his father, though it's probably more a case of Juan hating who he is himself, because of his father.
Platteland features a stellar cast of actors and musicians and puts a vibrant new spin on some of the most popular Afrikaans hits of the past few years. It tells the story of Riana van Niekerk who is desperately fighting to save her family's farm from Mike Ferreira. He has his own agenda and is determined to drive Riana from the land and seize her farm. When Dirk Pretorius, a drifter with many secrets of his own, arrives in town, new alliances are formed and love blossoms in unexpected ways.
Ed Janis
Фильм основан на реальных событиях из жизни Андре Стандера, южно-африканского полицейского, совершившего однажды убийство взбунтовавшихся чернокожих. После этой жестокой расправы жизнь его принимает крутой оборот: неожиданно он совершает крупное банковское ограбление. Разрываясь между чувством вины и отношением к нему общества (которое когда-то принимало его за национального героя), Стандер вновь приходит в полицию, но теперь уже в качестве знаменитого преступника.