Bruce Hanifan


A Bitter Taste of Freedom
In her quest to uncover the wrongdoings of the Russian authorities, Anna Politkovskaya inspired awe in some and fear in countless others. At age 48 she was assassinated for simply doing her job. This documentary is based on Anna's conversations with filmmaker Marina Goldovskaya, Anna's former university professor and personal friend. Shot over a period of 20 years, this exclusive footage creates an incredible story of a woman who consciously gave her life for her convictions.
Чужие миры
Далеко-далеко, в скрытых глубинах космоса, планеты настолько удивительны, что их описания нет даже в научной фантастике. Впервые в истории ученые открывают чужие миры за пределами Солнечной системы. Пространства, где лёд горячий, а дожди железные. Их нет на карте, они загадочны и непредсказуемы. Учёные стремятся к величайшему открытию — найти спрятанные где-то среди неведомых миров планеты, похожие на нашу.
Christa McAuliffe: Reach for the Stars
The amazing story of NASA's Teacher in Space, Christa McAuliffe - and the impact her death had on her family and the nation - watching in horror as space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28th 1986. Narrated by Susan Sarandon, music by Carly Simon.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Scrabylon is an award-winning, critically-acclaimed documentary on the cut throat world of tournament SCRABBLE®.
The Stalking of Laurie Show
Original Music Composer
A teenage girl becomes entangled in a volatile relationship with a pair of high-school lovers.
Painful Secrets
Dawn isn't like other kids her age full of typical teenage angst about boys, school and parents. Her pain goes far deeper, and to deal with her emotional overload she physically cuts herself. The problem of adolescent girls committing self-mutilation is very real, and this movie exposes the growing epidemic. It's a film you can't afford to miss.
Love Her Madly
Three men are dangerously obsessed with the same woman.
A Crime of Passion
When a physician is murdered, his eldest daughter is accused of the crime, but the man's seductive new wife may not be all that she appears.
Уволенная из правоохранительных органов за регулярное превышение полномочий офицер МакКей нанимается в качестве телохранителя к местному миллионеру, чьи тёмные делишки вскоре заставляют её вновь вспомнить свою работу в полиции.