Ricard Farré

Ricard Farré


Ricard Farré


The Bigger, the Better
Mosso 1
The lower part of Barcelona’s best district is a quiet and stately neighbourhood. The House of Columns hides many secrets, and has witnessed many events. The Catalan capital’s multiculturalism has a lot to offer. It’s better to laugh than to cry!
Oh, Quina joia!
Berenguer wants to be an actor. He fights with all his strength, but it’s not an easy profession for youngsters. His grandfather, an authoritarian patriarch, is against Berenguer's "misguided passion": he only enjoys bringing home young mulato girls. An accident will knock him down. In Los Angeles, Berenguer will search for a secret buried during many years. Will this trip change his fate, his way of understanding the world and the land where he was born, and his own life? It will be a short and powerful emotional journey full of smiles and some tears.
Shirts to Heaven
Quim is an 'enxaneta', the kid who climbs up a human tower, like his father and grandfather did, but his mother believes that his son is taking too much of a risk. A story set in a small town full of traditions.
Секс ангелов
Карла и Бруно влюблены друг в друга и наслаждаются беззаботным времяпровождением в компании друзей, пока однажды в их жизни не появляется Рей — обаятельный и загадочный парень, живущий не по правилам. В этой истории о любви и дружбе все привычные границы стираются ритме брейкданса и провокационном, возбуждающем и глубоко трогательном взгляде на романтические взаимоотношения.