Alwyn Kumst


Director of Photography
Девушка-полицейский охраняет в больнице выжившего после ограбления ювелирного магазина раненого преступника. Через несколько часов в больницу пробираются бандиты, чтобы забрать своего сообщника и выяснить, куда он спрятал бриллианты, а потом убить. Девушке и грабителю предстоит объединить свои усилия и оказать сопротивление головорезам.
Тень из прошлого
Director of Photography
В рамках внедрения новой программы по борьбе с преступностью детективу Вину Горано поручают расследовать дело 40-летней давности. Тогда убийца, прозванный СМИ «бостонский душитель», так и не был найден. Приступив к работе, детектив обнаруживает поразительное сходство между обстоятельствами старого преступления и убийства, совершенного в Бостоне на днях. Вооружившись новыми фактами, Горано приступает к поискам убийцы, не подозревая, какая опасность угрожает ему и его семье.
Фактор риска
Director of Photography
Окружной прокурор Моник Лэмонт собирается баллотироваться в губернаторы штата. В качестве предвыборного лозунга она выбрала: «Любое убийство можем раскрыть в любое время». Она нашла очень старое и запутанное дело двадцатилетней давности в Теннесси. Если ее команда сможет его раскрыть, она сможет набрать хороший процент голосов на выборах.
Шпионка Хэрриет: Война блогов
Director of Photography
Молодая шпионка Гарриет Уэлш, всегда мечтала писать на блоге своей школы. Ведь это самый популярный блог. Но Гарриет сталкивается с проблемой в лице популярной школьницы Марион Хоторн. Теперь девочкам надо доказать, кто из них лучшая блогерша… хотя Марион пойдёт на всё, чтобы стать ещё более популярной школьницей.
Roxy Hunter and the Secret of the Shaman
Director of Photography
Serenity Fall's favorite super sleuth is on the case again! The town is alarmed when a priceless crystal turns up missing. The only suspect seems to be a strange man living in the woods known as Shaman. It's up to Roxy Hunter (Aria Wallace) and her best friend Max to discover the identity of the true thief and recover the precious jewel. Could it be the Shaman? Or is it the person no one would ever suspect? In the tradition of Nancy Drew and Harriet the Spy, here comes the irrepressible Roxy Hunter. In the young sleuth's second adventure, a priceless crystal goes missing on the eve of Serenity Fall's 150th anniversary celebration, leading the entire town to suspect a bizarre recluse known as the Shaman living in the woods. It's up to Roxy and her best friend Max to sort the matter out.
Roxy Hunter and the Horrific Halloween
Director of Photography
It's Roxy's first Halloween in serenity falls and it looks like it's going to be a bust until Roxy discovers that her classmate Stefan is actually a vampire from Transylvania...or so she thinks. The truth she comes to find is actually much darker.
Bobby and Tracy are a young couple who want to get out of the city and start a family. They find a home in a nice community, where people look out for each other. Little do they know the extent to which some are willing to go to protect their little heaven on Earth.
Roxy Hunter and the Myth of the Mermaid
Director of Photography
Roxy is at it again when, in pursuit of a local journalism award, she brings home a mysterious amnesiac who was found soaking wet outside of the local coffee shop. After ceremoniously naming her ANNIE NONYMOUS, Roxy takes the young lady home and finds that even the most common household item is a complete mystery to Annie. When Annie returns dripping wet from the lake several nights in a row, Roxy determines what is abundantly clear to her, Annie is a mermaid. A mermaid who has to find her way home.
Roxy Hunter and the Mystery of the Moody Ghost
Director of Photography
After moving to an eerie old house in the country, nine-year-old super sleuth Roxy Hunter stumbles into a world filled with unsolved mysterieus, secret plots and spooky spirits! Now, Roxy and her best friend and boy genius Max, must race to save their home, re-unite a lost love and uncover the true villain. Is it the Moody Ghost...or something even spookier?
Cheaters' Club
Director of Photography
A controversial therapist assembles a group of discontented wives and prescribes using adultery to save their failing marriages, only to have her patients killed off one by one.
Gospel of Deceit
Emily, a preacher's wife, is as faithful a spouse as they come — until her hubby, Ted, takes in a handsome drifter who's down on his luck. (Red flag!) Emily finds herself drawn to this sexy wanderer, and it doesn't take long for the pair to begin a steamy affair — right under unsuspecting Ted's nose. When a guilt-ridden Emily eventually tries to call it quits, the real drama begins!
The delicate world of an upper-middle-class woman is suddenly turned upside down when her husband recounts a nightmare in which he brutally murders her.
The Divine Ryans
When Draper Doyle’s father drops dead two days after his birthday, Draper realises that he his memories of visiting his father two days previously have vanished. With the help of Uncle Reg, he attempts to piece his memory back together.
The Stay Awake
The ghost of a serial killer, executed for murdering students at a Catholic girls' school, returns to the school to take revenge on the current student body.