Brian Gordon


Unit Production Manager
Tori, a sports agent who values winning at all costs, decides to become more feminine in order to impress her crush at work. When she finally lands the guy, she realizes she's lost not only her true self, but also the respect of those who've loved her all along.
Santa Switch
Co-Executive Producer
A struggling dad gets a new start after a strange encounter replaces his mall Santa gig with the real thing.
Looking for Mr. Right
Co-Executive Producer
A struggling writer is forced to fake a relationship to save her career, while overlooking the love of a longtime friend.
Second Chances
Co-Executive Producer
Jenny McLean is a single mom working at a 911-call center struggling to make ends meet and raise her two kids, Elsie and Luke. Although still reeling from her divorce, Jenny can’t help but flirt when she gets emergency calls from Jeff, a local firefighter she nicknames “Cowboy” for his handsome voice. When Jeff is hurt in the line of duty, he finds himself unable to climb stairs and needing to rent a first floor room from Jenny. It isn't long before the sparks are flying but can Jenny allow herself to take the risk?
After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a shadowy criminal known as Charles Keller. Requested to hack into the state’s highly advanced electrical system and shut it down, it’s clear what Keller wants—total chaos. When California goes dark, he gets what he wants. And tonight, no one will be prepared for what’s about to happen.
Unit Production Manager
День святого Валентина приближается, и телеведущая Ева Лаветт все чаще вспоминает, что до сих пор не нашла настоящую любовь. Но все меняется, когда на съемочной площадке появляется таинственный незнакомец, утверждающий, что работает на Купидон Inc.
День святого Валентина приближается, и телеведущая Ева Лаветт все чаще вспоминает, что до сих пор не нашла настоящую любовь. Но все меняется, когда на съемочной площадке появляется таинственный незнакомец, утверждающий, что работает на Купидон Inc.
Oliver's Ghost
Eleven-year-old Oliver has a unique ability to see "full-bodied apparitions," otherwise known as ghosts. When his family moves from the bustling city to an older home in the suburbs, only Oliver is able to see the spirit of Clive Rutledge (Martin Mull), the previous owner. Clive causes every manner of destruction to force Oliver and his family to leave. But perhaps Oliver's special talent, along with the help of a kind neighbor (Rhea Perlman), will show Clive how to release his earthly regrets so he can leave the house and the family in peace.
A Crush on You
When Ben McCauley daringly introduces himself anonymously via email to his secret crush, he mistakenly sends a message to single mother Charley Anderson. Ben begins dating Chloe, but she never quite lives up to the e-mail relationship and anonymous friendship he develops with her co-worker Charley.
Farewell Mr. Kringle
A skeptical journalist is assigned to chronicle the 50th anniversary of Kris Kringle, a Santa Claus in the town of Mistletoe. As her involvement in the town grows, she begins to open up to the enchantment of Christmas and some other wonders of the season.
After the Fall
A serious accident that leaves a champion horseback rider paralyzed. The movie tells the story of the young rider’s indomitable spirit as she fights to walk again, and the response she gets from her family and friends as she makes her incredible journey
Backyard Wedding
Kim Tyler grew up loving her next-door neighbor, Evan Slauson. Now she's all set to have the wedding of her dreams to stable Jeffrey in her parents' backyard, but her ex-husband, and first love—whose parents still live next door—keeps popping up causing her to seriously question her big plans.
Dad's Home
When a widower loses his job, he must become a full-time housekeeper and stay-at-home dad. He gains a new perspective as he gets to know his two kids better and struggles with the household chores, but faces losing it all when he gets a job offer in another city.
A Soldier's Love Story
Ten year old Jared Marshall's life crumbled down after his parents' divorce a year ago. Not only does his dad put his job first since, mother uproots him from Iowa by moving in with her ma so she can take a job in California. When Jared's class writes letters to US troops in Bosnia from the nearest base, kindhearted Sergeant First Class Vince Carerra, who grew up fatherless and got divorced because his wife wasn't faithful while he was on tour of duty, takes to the kid and starts a correspondence with 'fatherly' advice. Once his unit returns to Fort Sebastian, Vince calls on Jared's home, warmly welcomed. Vince becomes Jared's personal baseball coach and after some Cupid encouragement, his mother's boyfriend, but on an understanding not to commit because he's likely to be redeployed.
Chasing a Dream
When high school football player Cam Stiles loses his best friend, he decides to drop football and focus on attaining his friend's goal of running a mile in under four minutes. Cam's decision tears apart his relationship with former teammates and his father—who happens to be his demanding football coach.
Grave Misconduct
A fledgling mystery writer sees an opportunity to advance her career after the death of a novelist/friend but faces dire consequences when a series of vicious murders occur that seem to implicate her.
Ladies of the House
When three women are asked to refurbish a house for their church, they find that they must break down their own self-perception in order to build something together.
Тревожное чувство
Немолодая писательница устала от жизни. Ее дочь стала совсем взрослой, муж постоянно занят на работе, а новая книга вот уже шестой год не двигается с места. Однажды она получает письмо от одного из своих читателей, который после смерти жены чувствует себя ужасно одиноким…После недолгой переписки они договариваются о свидании. Героиня надеется, что это хоть как-то разбавит бесконечную скуку. Приехав на встречу, она обнаруживает труп своего поклонника с перерезанным горлом… Под подозрение в убийстве попадает не только она, но и ее муж.
Этот обычный день не предвещал ничего необычного. Утром мама отправила дочку в школу и поехала на работу, в банк. Вечером она получает конверт с фотографиями своего ребенка и анонимным письмом о том, что девочка украдена… Похитители требуют, чтобы мать вскрыла одну банковскую ячейку и передала им ее содержимое. Только так она сможет получить свое дитя обратно. Женщина, понятное дело, ради дочери согласна на все. Открыв нужную ячейку, она обнаруживает карту памяти, на которой хранится видеозапись, компрометирующая сотрудников прокуратуры…
Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses
Unit Production Manager
Dr. Maxwell is called in to investigate the kidnapping of a prize race horse. When the case leads to murder, Maxwell and Detective Bryant suspect the horse's owner.
Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses
Dr. Maxwell is called in to investigate the kidnapping of a prize race horse. When the case leads to murder, Maxwell and Detective Bryant suspect the horse's owner.
Love's Unending Legacy
Missie three years later: being a single mother after her husband Willie was shot during a poker scuffle. She and Maddy move back in with her parents Clark and Marty. She finds a new home, and finds a new teaching position that she settles right into, but Missie has lost all faith in herself, until a chance encounter at her father's church where she adopts homeless orphan Belinda Marshall.
Радость любви
В четвертой части сериала по романам-бестселлерам Жанетт Оук ее герои, Мисси и Вилли ЛиХей с тремя детьми, обосновались и счастливо живут в маленьком приграничном городке..
Desolation Canyon
Following a bank robbery, the responsible gang stops by the home of one of their members and kidnaps his son. The sheriff enlists the aid of a retired gunfighter, who is the boy's grandfather. On the gang's trail, they find there are two bounty hunters also after the gang for crimes in Mexico.
Love's Long Journey
Missie's surprise pregnancy sets her on a new course that is both thrilling and terrifying. After all the planning and dreaming, she and her husband, Willie, have headed west in a covered wagon, leaving behind the prairie home of Missie's parents. Now, caught between the excitement of the new adventure and the pain of not knowing when she'll see her family again, Missie copes with the challenges, and cherishes the rewards, of her new homestead.
Что если следующей сверхновой станет наше Солнце? Команда ученых предсказывает Армагеддон, который поглотит Землю в пламени взрыва. Как же спастись от кошмара мощностью в 1028 мегатонн, несущегося быстрее света?
МакБрайд: Убийца-Хамелеон
Макбрайд берет на себя защиту молодого парня, обвиняемого в ограблении и убийстве женщины, которая случайно его подвезла. Расследование обнаруживает, что жертва одновременно имела несколько имён, личностей и мужей...
Россия на грани анархии, и президент бессилен остановить рост инфляции, преступности и коррупции. На улицы выходят толпы отчаявшихся людей, но лидеру праворадикальной партии Комарову на руку этот хаос. Он обещает, придя к власти, закон, порядок, процветание и восстановление утраченного величия страны. Но какова изнанка "иконы", призванной возродить Россию? Ответ знает бывший агент ЦРУ Монк. Он видел тщательно скрываемый Комаровым "Черный манифест" - настоящий новый "Майн Кампф". Монк полон решимости разоблачить планы Комарова. Но для этого Монку нужно как минимум остаться в живых...
Murder Without Conviction
Supervising Producer
Recently released from her vows as a nun, Christine Bennett is discovering "life on the outside." After a visit to her mentally-handicapped cousin Gene, Christine becomes embroiled in the investigation of the murder mystery surrounding James and Edward Talley, twin savant brothers accused of killing their mother on Good Friday.
Одинокий Санта желает познакомиться с миссис Клаус
Бет Эндрюс — мать-одиночка, потерявшая веру в любовь и чудеса. А ее сын просит в подарок на Рождество нового папу. В это время в Калифорнию приезжает Ник. Его отец — Санта-Клаус, но он выходит на пенсию, и Ник должен его заменить, а для этого ему необходимо жениться.
Audrey's Rain
Supervising Producer
Audrey Walker has given up her hopes and dreams, until an ex-love returns to town and helps her realize a second chance at life.
Любовь приходит тихо
Мартин Клэридж мечтала, что в Америке, в Новом Свете, они с мужем начнут новую жизнь. Но отважная женщина внезапно становится вдовой, и у неё появляется возможность выйти замуж за мужчину, потерявшего жену. В этом браке, заключенном по расчету, рождается истинная любовь.
Straight From the Heart
Supervising Producer
Jordan Donavan, a photographer in New York, is so disappointed when after five years of going steady Edward Morgan offers her not marriage but just to move in with him, that she accepts the match-making arranged via a magazine by her female friend with Tyler Ross, a horse rancher in the West, whose candidacy was actually also posted by his sister. After a bad start they soon grow closer.
Санта младший
Supervising Producer
Сына Санта Клауса ошибочно принимают за известного Рождественского бандита и арестовывают. Судьба Рождества висит на волоске…
Night of the Wolf
Supervising Producer
Claire and her teenaged son, Jesse, along with their friend and ranch foreman Purly Owens, work the cattle ranch that Claire once shared with her husband who was killed in a ranching accident. As the over-protective Claire contemplates selling the ranch, a life-threatening accident strands her deep in the wilderness with only a wild wolf for company. While Claire and the wolf form an unlikely alliance in their struggle to survive, Jesse is forced to grow up fast as he races to evade poachers and rescue his mom before it's too late!
Roughing It
A teenaged Mark Twain travels to the American West during the "Gold Rush" days in search of fortune and his destiny.
Последний ковбой
Supervising Producer
После нескольких лет отсутствия своевольная женщина по имени Джейк возвращается на родное ранчо по случаю похорон деда, что приводит к новому серьезному конфликту с ее отцом.
Горец 4: Конец игры
Прошедшие сквозь пространство и время двое бессмертных: Коннор и Дункан Маклауды сталкиваются с общим врагом — Джейкобом Келлом, самым могущественным из оставшихся воинов. И теперь, когда впервые нарушены незыблемые правила, время подводит жестокий итог: в схватке бессмертных должен остаться только один!