Director of Photography
An American airbase in Canada provokes resentment from the nearby residents after fallout from nuclear experiments at the base are blamed for a recent spate of disappearances. A captain from the airbase is assigned to investigate, and begins to suspect that an elderly British scientist who lives near the base and conducts research in the field of mind over matter knows more than he is letting on..
Director of Photography
A researcher investigating a notorious serial killer who was hanged 20 years earlier seemingly becomes possessed by the long dead strangler.
Special Effects
London, England, during World War II. After living a tragic life experience, young Violette Szabo joins the Special Operations Executive and crosses the German enemy lines as a secret agent to aid a French Resistance group.
Director of Photography
Когда его пациент умирает во время операции, хирург прибегает к убийству, чтобы скрыть свою халатность.
Director of Photography
In a French coastal town, Det. Dermot Kinross is inspecting the murder of antiques dealer Maurice Lawes, and the evidence points to Lawes's son, Toby -- and especially to Toby's bride-to-be, Eve Atwood. Eve's ex-husband, Ned, had his eyes set on something Lawes possessed.
Director of Photography
At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a Royal Navy officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initially dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.
Director of Photography
Inspired by the real events of the attempted heist at Heathrow Airport in 1952, a criminal tricks an old friend into giving away the location of a shipment of gold bullion so he and his gang can steal it.
Director of Photography
After their honeymoon, Johnny Lipton and his wife Kit move into their small apartment. Kit runs the flat on a tight budget, for she hopes that one day with her support her husband will eventually run his own business. A lack of understanding of each other s character and aspirations, however, leads to many problems before Johnny and Kit are able to attempt a 'good beginning' to their marriage.
Additional Director of Photography
Эксцентричный изобретатель Сидни Стрэттон работает на текстильной фабрике. Однажды ему удается создать нечто необыкновенное. Новая ткань, изобретенная им, не рвется, не мнется, не изнашивается. Конкуренты начинают за ним охоту…
Additional Director of Photography
Jewel thieves, murder and a manhunt swirl around a sailor (Bonar Colleano) off a cargo ship in London.
Director of Photography
A classic Ealing comedy in which a young boy steals a magnet and becomes a hero.
Additional Director of Photography
P.C. George Dixon is a long-serving traditional copper who is due to retire shortly. He takes a new recruit under his aegis and introduces him to the easy-going night beat. Dixon is a classic ordinary hero but also anachronistic, unprepared and unable to answer the violence of the 1950s.
Director of Photography
Классическая британская комедия студии "Илинг". Обнаружив старый договор, юридически относящийся к давно несуществующему герцогству Бургундия, жители одного района Лондона объявляют независимость и формируют правительство. Теперь, чтобы попасть туда, нужно иметь "Пропуск в Пимлико".
Director of Photography
A train disaster is told in four short stories to give character studies of the people involved, how it will affect them and how they deal with it.
Director of Photography
A disparate group of volunteers are trained as saboteurs and parachuted into Belgium to blow up an office containing important Nazi records and to rescue a prominent S.O.E. agent, who is being interrogated by the Germans for vital information.
Special Effects
Joanna Godden falls heir to a farm when her father dies.
Special Effects
Англия, XIX век. Когда отец Николаса Никльби умирает и оставляет свою семью без средств к существованию, его дядя, жадный ростовщик Ральф Никльби, находит племяннику работу в отталкивающей школе в Йоркшире. Николас сбегает оттуда, взяв с собой одного гонимого мальчика по имени Смайк, и они присоединяются к актерской труппе. Потом Николасу пришлось защищать Смайка, сестру Кэйт от попыток дяди извлечь выгоду, и затем его возлюбленную Меделайн Брэй, чей отец погряз в долгах.
Special Effects
Беделия счастливо живёт в Монте-Карло со своим богатым мужем Чарли Каррингтоном. Но тут появляется молодой художник Бен Чейни, который начинает проявлять особое любопытство к её прошлому. Скоро Чейни, который на самом деле является детективом, узнаёт, что предыдущие три мужа Беделии скончались, и в каждом случае незадолго до смерти ими была оформлена страховка в пользу жены.
Special Effects
Таинственный клиент приглашает архитектора Крэйга в свой дом, и по прибытии у Крэйга появляется странное чувство, что это место ему знакомо, несмотря на то, что ранее он никогда тут не бывал. Вскоре выясняется, что это на самом деле кошмарный сон, и чтобы пробудиться, Крэйгу придётся выслушать пять страшных историй от собравшихся здесь людей.