Patrick Shai


Life, Above All
Dr. Charles Chilume
A touching mother-daughter relationship that reflects the modern South Africa.
Monique, a high class escort, has always been able to give her clients exactly what they want, while clean cut Thomas has always been exactly what everyone has expected. But tonight Thomas' curiosity is going to get the better of him while demanding of Monique the one thing she's reluctant to offer. Honesty, costs more.
Critical Assignment
Charles Ojuka
The President of an African country decrees that the Arms budget will be diverted in to the "Water For All", project. The journalist, Michael Power, discovers a Coup set by the arms dealers.
Похититель костей
В южноафриканской пустыне Намибии таинственным образом исчезла группа из нескольких человек. Из Канады приезжает ученый Зак Стрэкер, который должен отправиться на поиски пропавших вместе с отрядом спецназовцев. Поиски подтвердили факт случившейся трагедии. Однако, хотя тела пропавших нашли, их в то же время как бы и не нашли. Потому что найдены были лишь кучки костей, остатки скелетов, без единого признака человеческой плоти на них. Отряд спецназовцев начал продвигаться в глубь пустыни, но чем дальше бойцы шли, тем быстрее росло число трупов, и от всех погибших оставались одни лишь только кости.
Professor Zamani Vuthela
Charterston Township 1990. Professor Zamani is respected in the township. To be sure, he once raped one of his students but the community turned a blind eye. Zamani used to rail against the apartheid system but those days are long gone. Now he teaches South African history in the Afrikaner language and grudgingly organizes the picnic for National Day, which commemorates the Boers' massacre of the Zulu nation... When Zani, the rape victim's brother, returns from Swaziland where he won a place in school, he is determined to change everything. In the small hours, in the waiting room at Johannesburg station, he runs into Prof. Zamani, who's spent the night on the town. They travel back together to the harsh reality of the township. In due course, Zamani regains some of his pride and Zani, inevitably, loses some of his...under the gaze of the women, who never renounced their dignity.
A South African political prisoner is tortured to obtain information on apartheid conspirators. Ten years later, the head officer in charge of the questioning is similarly held as prisoner and questioned about his past offenses.
Опасная зона
Rick Morgan, an American engineer who runs a mine in East Africa, is approached one day by his friend Jim Scott, who needs someplace to store canisters of toxic waste. Unfortunately, a spill occurs a short time later, resulting in deaths and Morgan having to leave the country. A year later, he is approached by a government agent looking for a missing supply of potentially hazardous poison, which in truth hides something even more valuable.
Hearts & Minds
In the final days of the pro-apartheid government, bigoted policeman and assassin Andries Fourie is assigned an undercover job. His task is to pose as a political progressive to infiltrate the African National Congress and assassinate one of the party’s leaders.
Hearts & Minds
Matthew Kage
In the final days of the pro-apartheid government, bigoted policeman and assassin Andries Fourie is assigned an undercover job. His task is to pose as a political progressive to infiltrate the African National Congress and assassinate one of the party’s leaders.
Taxi to Soweto
A Gentle story with a moral of forgive and forget at the kernel of its’ comedy exterior ~ but also one that accurately foretold the changes that were to sweep across South Africa in 1994, as an uptight suburban Johannesburg housewife (Elize Cawood, with an equally uptight husband played by Marius Weyers) accepts a lift from a Sowetan taxi driver (Patrick Shai) and gets taken into another world entirely
The Land of Dreams
Joseph Mnwana
Joseph Mnwana arrives at Heathrow on a flight from Johannesburg and asks for political asylum. But what is he fleeing from? The authorities are suspicious, and Joseph has an uncertain future in store.
Красный скорпион
African Soldier
Николай Раченко — гордость элитного отряда спецназа, идеальная машина смерти на службе у высшего руководства СССР. В обстановке абсолютной секретности бесстрашный боец получает рискованное задание: устранить в далекой африканской стране лидера повстанцев, бросившего вызов коммунистам.Николай не привык обсуждать приказы, в диких пустошах, среди первобытных племен и кровожадных наемников есть где развернуться его широкой душе и пудовым кулакам, но постепенно он понимает, что является слепым орудием сил зла.Встав жертвой предательства и двойной игры, Николай переходит на сторону своих противников, верша правосудие по своему усмотрению, и вскоре его бывшие командиры понимают, что у них появился смертельно опасный враг.
Blind Justice
Samson Snhlova
Intrigue and injustice in Rhodesia
Place of Weeping
South Africa has a conflicted past, a beautiful landscape, and Africa's strongest economic engine. The multiple ethnic groups give the country vitality and instability. View the multicultural cities, and the striking rural environments.