Rory Stewart Kinnear


Executive Producer
A young man swims across the rivers and lakes of Britain to a soundtrack of assorted nationalistic music. As he passes people on the banksides including children, lovers and a tramp their thoughts and conversations are also heard. Ultimately, after walking through a wood at night, the boy returns to the water and appears to sink below the surface.
Music Supervisor
A young man swims across the rivers and lakes of Britain to a soundtrack of assorted nationalistic music. As he passes people on the banksides including children, lovers and a tramp their thoughts and conversations are also heard. Ultimately, after walking through a wood at night, the boy returns to the water and appears to sink below the surface.
Что-то не так с Кевином
Отложив в сторону все личные и профессиональные амбиции, Ева посвящает жизнь рождению и воспитанию сына. Однако их отношения с самого начала оказываются крайне сложными. В пятнадцать лет Кевин совершает непоправимое, и Ева мучается сознанием ответственности и собственной вины. Достаточно ли она любила своего сына? Какова доля ее вины в происшедшем?..