Katarzyna Bargiełowska

Katarzyna Bargiełowska

Рождение : 1962-03-17, Rudki, Poland


Katarzyna Bargiełowska


When Ewa’s family is preparing for the holidays, some unsettling things start to happen. At first, the mother and daughter, who don’t necessarily see eye to eye, blame each other, but it soon turns out that the author of erotic writings appearing here and there is not a family member.
Молодой человек устраивается на работу в рекламное агентство, где находит инструменты для запуска онлайн-атак на людей, которым он хочет отомстить.
Playing Hard
Sekretarka Iwona
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
Zacma: Blindness
A little known episode from the life of Stalinist security police office Julia Brystiger. Her nickname Bloody Luna was a reference to her incredibly brutal methods of interrogation. In the early 1960s, she appears in a centre for the blind on the outskirts of Warsaw, a place often visited by Cardinal Wyszyński, whose imprisonment in 1953-1956 Brystiger supervised personally. During a difficult and heated discussion with the cardinal, Brystiger denounces the communist ideology and begs for forgiveness for her crimes and for guidance in her search for God.
Historia Roja
Matka Marty
In the spring of 1945, the commanding officer of the National Armed Forces in Mazowsze and older brother of 20-year-old Mieczyslaw Dziemieszkiewicz, is assassinated by Soviet soldiers. Mieczyslaw then joins the National Military Union. He becomes the commander of a partisan unit fighting for the next six years to free Poland from Soviet tyranny by terrorizing the UB and its collaborators. Communist authorities will do whatever it takes to track down the "enemy of the people's power."
37-year-old Marta gets married and wants to have a baby. But her toxic relationship with overbearing mother complicates her life in many ways.
Małe stłuczki
Piotr's Mother
Two girls clean places after somebody dies there. Sometimes they sell the belongings of the dead at a flea market. When they meet an odd guy who has a passion for boxes, a strange game unfolds. An unconventional love story about the oddity of ordinary things. Eccentric and natural at once.
Беги, мальчик, беги
Riwa Fridman
Это судьба восьмилетнего мальчика, беглеца из варшавского гетто, который потерял всю семью и получил помощь от чужих людей. Он попадает в дом доброй польки. Женщина решается его приютить и уговаривает, чтобы ради безопасности выдавал себя за осиротевшего поляка католического вероисповедания. Из-за драматически сложившихся обстоятельств мальчик должен был уйти из гостеприимного дома и отправиться в полную приключений и опасности дорогу по охваченной войной стране. Благодаря помощи польских семей, он пробует пережить кошмар оккупации…
Within the Whirlwind
During Stalin's reign of terror, Evgenia Ginzburg, a literature professor, was sent to 10 years hard labor in a gulag in Siberia. Having lost everything, and no longer wishing to live, she meets the camp doctor and begins to come back to life.
Lekarka Katarzyna
Piotr (Paweł Królikowski) jest psychiatrą. Siedzi na nocnym dyżurze, gdy na jego oddział przywożą chłopaka. To Kamil (Lesław Żurek), syn którego nie widział całe lata. Chłopak znika ze szpitala równie szybko, jak się pojawił. Jednak Piotr postanawia nawiązać z nim kontakt. Zaprasza go do siebie i poznaje ze swoją piękną, młodą narzeczoną (Anna Geislerová). Po wizycie Kamila kobieta uświadamia sobie, że Piotr jest dla niej zagadką i naprawdę nic o nim nie wie. A Piotr rzeczywiście skrywa mroczną tajemnicę…
Wailing Woman
Фильм снят по автобиографии Владислава Шпильмана, одного из лучших пианистов Польши 30-х годов прошлого века. Главный герой фильма — Владек — занимается искусством до тех пор, пока территорию Польши не занимают нацисты. Жизнь всех евреев меняется: их помещают в Варшавское гетто, запрещают работать, унижают, заставляют носить отличительные повязки, а через некоторое время отправляют в концлагерь.
A Man Thing
Hanka, Mother
13-year-old Bartek tries desperately to hide the fact that his father beats him. Lonely and with no support from his mother or his school, tyrannized by his soccer coach, the boy finds his only friend in an old dying stray dog.
В отдаленном будущем человечество осваивает виртуальный мир компьютерной игры под названием «Авалон». Лишь немногим удается достичь в игре финального уровня, а те, кто возвращаются с него, впадают в коматозное состояние, почти не отличающееся от смерти.Чтобы попытаться спасти своего возлюбленного от этой участи, героиня фильма преисполнена решимости пройти всю игру по его стопам и встретиться в финале с загадочным персонажем по имени «Призрак».
‎Daughters of Fortune‎
Criminal in jail #2
A story of a mother who had to change her profession from a teacher to a high class prostitute to make a living.
Boris, a teenager, is arrested by the police. As part of the cooperation, he agrees to infiltrate the gang.
asystentka reżysera "Tramwaju"
An actor returns to Poland after 12 very unsuccessful years in the United States only to find himself entangled in a noirish situation reminiscent of California in the 1940s.
Nothing But Fear
TV presenter Katarzyna has been a teetotaller for a year now. She attends regular AA meetings and even takes care of a novice there. Will she really manage to stay sober?
A Time for Witches
sekretarka burmistrza
Twenty years old prostitute and drug addict, Jola, by chance meets Andrzej, a "railway station gay". They try to stay together, in spite of numerous diffculties. They both are carriers of the HIV virus. At the end of their travels they find themselves in the Red Palace - formerly the recreation centre for Party dignitaries, now a home for AIDS sufferers - which is run by father Jan. In the nearby small town aggression begins to grow again the unwanted guests; the house have been promised to the local people for housing purposes... The lives and fates of Jola, Andrzej, and father Jan become increasingly intertwined with one another...
The Great Give-Away
prostytutka Mariolka (nie występuje w napisach)
Partly thriller, partly dark comedy, the tagline of this film announce that any resemblance to real-life characters and situations were completely intentional. This had the audience guessing who the main characters were supposed to represent: those biznismeni and post-socialist yuppies who after 1989 teamed up with their former enemies to exploit Poland ruthlessly.
Gwiazda Piołun