Frank Craven
Рождение : 1875-08-24, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Смерть : 1945-09-01
The story takes place in 1940. On the eve of America's entry in World War II, a colonel retired to his small Southern town, and discovers that there is a plan afoot to tear down Confederate Monument Square. He begins a campaign to rally the townspeople to save the square.
Uncle Charles
A young woman who has been stricken with infantile paralysis gives up hope and is trying to "will herself" to die. A doctor who has been conducting experiments with patients with paralyzed nerves is convinced he can cure her.
Clem Broderick
Framed for two crimes he didn't commit, and betrayed by his girl, Cliff Banks finds himself on the run from the police. Now distrustful of everyone, he finds a safe haven hiding out at a quaint country cottage under the care of a kindly old farmer and his daughter, a Cinderella-like blind woman who seems to be able to communicate with nature. There he is forced by their love to question his misanthropy.
The hometown life of a young soldier suffering from shellshock amnesia is revealed in flashback.
Danny O'Hara
A girl from a show-business family seeks a backer for her boyfriend's musical.
Old Tom
The adventurous and remarkable life of the US writer Jack London (1876-1916).
Dr. Harry Brewster
Путешествуя по американскому югу, венгерский граф Алукард находит себе невесту. Вскоре выясняется, что его пассия сильно увлечена оккультизмом, и граф, будучи вампиром, решает удовлетворить её любопытство в этом вопросе.
Inspector Joseph Clinton
Mystery writer Barry Craig (Allyn Joslyn) and his wife Jane (Evelyn Keyes), prefer solving crimes rather than writing about them. They get a chance when killings plague the fashion photography studio of Ralph McCormick (Edmund Lowe). After his secretary, Julie Taylor(Anita Louise) reports an attempt to murder her there, Erika McCormick's (Ann Savage) Aunt Isabel Fleming (Mary Forbes) is stabbed and the evidence points to Madge Lawrence (Bess Flowers) an older model and an apparent suicide. Police Inspector Joseph Clinton (Frank Craven) declares the case closed...but then Erika is murdered.
Docteur Fielding
В автокатастрофе погиб национальный герой Роберт Форрест, и вся Америка погрузилась в траур. Из Европы возвращается его горячий поклонник журналист Стив О'Мэлли, с намерением написать биографию этого великого человека, однако вскоре он приходит к убеждению, что вдова Кристин Форрест скрывает какую-то тайну.
Walter Garnet
A former jockey teaches a newcomer the dirty tricks of the track.
Ed Randall
In this documentary short film, a woman volunteer for the civilian aviation observer corps in World War II explains how the U.S. military depends on civilians watching the skies to warn of possible attacking or spying enemy aircraft. An army major explains to a group of civic leaders how volunteers are to be recruited and organized. Then the volunteers man posts day and night, always watching for unidentified aircraft that might be enemy forces.
J.M. 'Doc' Powers
Charles 'Pittsburgh' Markham rides roughshod over his friends, his lovers, and his ideals in his trek toward financial success in the Pittsburgh steel industry, only to find himself deserted and lonely at the top. When his crash comes, he finds that fate has dealt him a second chance.
Ambrose Murdock Flint
A South American in New York rents the apartment of a socialite who pretends to be his maid.
Steve Pettijohn
A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
Asa Timberlake
Молодая женщина по имени Стэнли бросает своего жениха Крейга и сбегает с мужем своей сестры Питером. Беглецы женятся и переезжают в Балтимор. Однако скверный характер Стэнли доводит Питера до алкоголизма и в конечном счете до самоубийства. Стэнли возвращается в родной город и решает вновь завязать роман с бывшим женихом, однако выясняется, что он собирается жениться на ее сестре…
Abb Crothers
The conflicting views of two leading citizens in a small town are reconciled when they come across a promoter who is planning to defraud the town. He is reformed by the daughter of one.
Hank Foreman
Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
Narrator (voice)
Documents farming practices in the New England states, showing the prosperity that fertile soils brought to hardworking farmers who cleared the hilly land. That fertile soil, rich in minerals, accumulated over the course of centuries covered in forests. Shows that generations of farmers have enriched themselves from these fertile soils without adequately caring for them. Failing farms, dilapidation and abandonment are shown to follow farming these depleted soils. "But it doesn't have to be this way," states a narrator in the character of an old Yankee. Application of lime and phosphorous fertilizers recommended by soil scientists are shown to restore and maintain soil fertility. Abundant harvests of hay are shown resulting from well-fertilized fields. Depicts pre-mechanized farming and logging practices, hand harvesting, and use of working animals.
Dr. Walter Barnes
Lum and Abner work at a general store in Arkansas. There they get involved in some misadventures with the locals.
'Old Timer'
Бывший чемпион по боксу Данни Кенни уходит на покой. Он собирается вложить все свои сбережения в мечту своего брата — написание симфонической оды городу, в котором они оба живут — Нью-Йорку. Но все складывается не так как хотелось…
Change comes slowly to a small New Hampshire town in the early 20th century. We see birth, life and death in this small community.
Mr. Morgan
Change comes slowly to a small New Hampshire town in the early 20th century. We see birth, life and death in this small community.
Dad Morgan
A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.
Mr. Frank Schofield
Penrod Schofield's mischievous dog, Duke, is falsely accused of biting Penrod's spoiled friend, Rodney.
Frank Redmond
Andy Hardy and his sister find romance during a family vacation in Catalina.
P. T. Quinterfield Sr.
A young singer hopes to become a success on Broadway.
Mr. Schofield
A boy (Billy Mauch) and his gang catch bank robbers using their clubhouse as a hide-out.
Dialogue Coach
Patrick Henry's rousing speech before the Virginia legislature argues for colonial independence.
Mr. Biddle
In a small town in Indiana in the 1890s, the domineering and ambitious Mrs. Biddle arranges a marriage between her spoiled daughter Thelma and the town's prize catch, harvester David Langston, who is wedded to the soil. David is friends with orphan Ruth Jameson and, although she is in love with him, he eventually gives in to the machinations of Mrs. Biddle and consents to marry Thelma. Meanwhile, technological advances come to town, including its first gasoline buggy, galvanic battery, and metal bathtub fitted with running water. When Mrs. Biddle tries to convince David to give up the farming life and join her husband in real estate, Mr. Biddle, hen-pecked and dissatisfied with city life, warns David against selling his farm.
Will "Pa" Brannan
Жизнь Кэй протекает в провинциальном городке скучно и размеренно. Возможно, хуже всего, ее совсем неромантичный, с далеко идущими планами, то ли друг, то ли ухажер — Элмер. Единственное развлечение, когда стекаются толпы любителей игры в футбол и тогда в городке не протолкнуться. Однажды в такой же суматошный день, Кэй вечером выходит из дома, чтобы хотя бы подышать атмосферой толчеи и судьба ставит на ее пути молодого и обворожительного Боба Дакена, который просит ее указать дорогу к местной таверне.
Он слегка навеселе и просит проехаться с ним, так как он не может «понять» ее объяснений. Так жизнь расставила хитроумную ловушку обоим. В ресторане они весело отмечают свадьбу знакомых Боба, и совсем захмелевший спутник везет Кэй в соседний городок к судье, который в любое время суток готов зарегистрировать брак…
Col. Marcus Aurelius Cobb
Мэри прибывает в Сан-Франциско и узнает, что ее жених убит из-за проигрыша в карты. Она увлекается молодым золотоискателем, но у нее возникает много трудностей из-за совершенных ранее ошибок в выборе друзей.
Commodore Fitzhugh, an old retired naval officer, lives at the Annapolis Naval Academy and, unhappy with the "modern" navy, likes to talk about his days in the "old" navy, especially about his part in the Battle of Manila Bay under Adm. Dewey during the Spanish-American War, when he commanded the USS Congress. That ship, now decommissioned and docked in Annapolis harbor, is--unknown to Fitzhugh--about to be towed out to sea to be used for target practice. When Fitzhugh finds this out, he sets out to either save his beloved vessel or "go down with his ship".
This short documentary narrated by sportscaster Ted Husing explores the free-time activities of some of Hollywood's most popular celebrities. Big names such as Boris Karloff, Buster Crabbe, and Clark Gable make appearances, enjoying games of golf, field hockey, swimming, and many other fun hobbies.
'Spiggy' Spiggins
Josephine Spiggins is thinking of marrying John Spear, the stuffed-shirt son of a department store owner. When John's free-spirit brother Tony returns from touring the South Seas in his boat, the "Vagabond Lady," Jo is attracted to him instead.
Sheriff Peter Arnot
A story of the Michigan State Police and the strong sense of loyalty and duty it instills in its men. It follows the career of a newly-inducted rookie, Ross Martin, who has joined the force at the urging of his sweetheart, Mary Adams. Martin soon distinguishes himself by his bravery in the apprehension of criminals. But when the leader of a gang of bank robbers falls into his hands and then escapes, because of carelessness on Martin's part, he is suspended from the force.
The story of a theatrical producer, his divorced wife and their four children.
Pop Sims, aka Jim Parker
A safecracker goes straight after doing a stretch for a bum rap. He agrees to do one last job for his "pals".
Mr. Rockland
A young sailor saves a woman from drowning. The woman turns out to be a rich heiress; unfortunately for the sailor, she was only pretending to be drowning so that another young man she had her eye on would save her.
John B. Matthews
The wealthy president of a big railroad, who's beginning to crumble under the combined pressure of business, personal and physical problems, meets up with a pair of hoboes from whom he starts to learn how to really enjoy life in ways he never knew were possible.
Когда Стэн и Олли, собираясь на конференцию, говорят своим женам о том, что собираются совершить лечебное путешествие, у них появляется шанс по достоинству оценить все прелести лжи и правды в семейных отношениях.
Theatre Play
A camp butcher on an Albany night boat dreams of the South Seas.
Additional Writing
Семья Фрэйков отправилась на ярмарку штата Айова. И пока отец с матерью принимали участие в различных соревнованиях и конкурсах, их сын с дочерью нашли свои вторые половинки.
Семья Фрэйков отправилась на ярмарку штата Айова. И пока отец с матерью принимали участие в различных соревнованиях и конкурсах, их сын с дочерью нашли свои вторые половинки.
Radio Announcer
Bill Gordon (James Dunn), whose lot-in-life is rising, falls in love with Helen Barlow (Boots Mallory), who is raising two cute motherless children who nearly wreck her romance when they can't understand why grown-ups kiss...and other complications.
Bill Gordon (James Dunn), whose lot-in-life is rising, falls in love with Helen Barlow (Boots Mallory), who is raising two cute motherless children who nearly wreck her romance when they can't understand why grown-ups kiss...and other complications.
Theatre Play
Grace Livingston is leading a happy life in her small town, with her mother and father, being courted by two men, the steady but predictable Tommy Tucker and the more ambitious, flashy, and worldly Dick Loring, who seems closer to Grace in his desire for travel and adventure.
Bobby Jones gives Frank Craven some helpful tips on his short game.
Alan Camp
Pre-code comedy (1929) about a young married couple's unsuccessful efforts to become parents.
Pre-code comedy (1929) about a young married couple's unsuccessful efforts to become parents.
One of the films that Borzage shot under contract for Fox before he began his run of box-office hits. This is a comedy built up around the disastrous dinner that a couple of newlyweds organise for an important financial partner of the husband's.
Theatre Play
Thomas Bates Sr. (Robert McWade) takes his broom manufacturing business very seriously, and his idle son, Tom Jr. (Neil Hamilton), calls him a grouch. As a result, Bates decides to teach his son a lesson by putting him in charge of the business for a year.