Julián is a successful video-game designer whose life is plagued by a dark secret. But when Diana pops up in his life, the man will feel as though a chance at happiness is within his grasp.
A group of childhood friends has gone to a country house to celebrate the bachelor party of one of them. But the years do not pass in vain, and, although they feel a very strong bond between them, nothing is what it used to be; or yes...
Aitziber’s father travels to the city daily in order to prevent his childhood home from demolition. This apparently senseless action will end up becoming a way to vindicate his own memory.
After a period of time without seeing his mother, Anjel Mari decides to bite the bullet and go and visit her at the nursing home to which she has been admitted. He doesn’t like seeing how his mother has disappeared under the skin of a senile old woman who does not recognise her own children.
Картина рассказывает о странствиях Рафа, андалузца чистой виноградной лозы, который никогда не покидал своей родной и любимой Севильи, так как она давала ему все, что нужно для жизни — хорошее вино, гель для волос и женщин. В один прекрасный день жизнь Рафа меняется, после того, как он встречает первую женщину, устоявшую перед его обаянием — басконку Амайю. Чтобы завоевать ее, Рафа совершает путешествие в Страну Басков, чтобы доказать прекрасной девушке, что он в душе настоящий баск и достоин ее любви.
Mugaldekoak is set in the early 40s, when, on this side of the border, the wounds of the Civil War were still open and, on the other, they were living under occupation by the German Army. The tale revolves around the Comète Network, an initiative developed during World War II on the border with Navarre: the clandestine evacuation of British pilots brought down in enemy territory.