Kazuo Kumakura

Kazuo Kumakura

Рождение : 1927-01-30, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

Смерть : 2015-10-12


Kazuo Kumakura (熊倉 一雄) was a Japanese actor, voice actor, and theatre director. He was the head of the Theatre Echo agency at the time of his death.


Kazuo Kumakura


Reign: The Conqueror Movie
Prince Alexander, son of King Philip, and heir to the Macedonian empire, must fend off political saboteurs, assassins, and the jealousy of his own father to ascend to the position of king. Once there, he begins his quest to conquer all nations and become known as the Great King, though an ancient prophecy foretells that he will be the destroyer of the world and forever remembered as the Devil King.
Kuzuri-kun's father
The first theatrical release, titled Bonobono, opened in theaters on 1993-11-13. The film has since been broadcast on domestic television in Japan, including on broadcast satellite channels such as NHK BS-2. The film has been released on VHS and DVD in Japan, including in a "no cut" edition.
Doraemon: Nobita and the Steel Troops
The story begins with Nobita and Shizuka sitting on the pipes in the yard they hang out at while Suneo showed off his robot. Nobita grew jealous and asked Doraemon to build him a giant robot. Coincidently, robot parts began to fall from the sky. Then Nobita and Doraemon began to assemble the robot. As soon as they finished, Nobita, Doraemon, and Shizuka realized that the robot (Zanda Clause) was a war machine in an incident. After that Nobita met a girl name Riruru, she told Nobita that the robot was her's. Nobita gave her the robot and the entrance to mirror world. Doraemon and Nobita followed Riruru and recognized that she was a spy from Metropolis and built a base to welcome the army.
Eleven Cats and an Albatross
Eleven naughty cats on the run from the neighborhood police chief hear that a giant fish is nearby for the taking. They go on a hazardous quest find it, learning that they must work as a team to reach their goal.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Sima Hui (voice)
Sangokushi is set in the waning days of the Han dynasty. Central rule has disintegrated, and the land is controlled by multiple warlords. Liu Bei Xuande is a warrior who aspires to build a just state and to serve the people.
White Fang Story
Judge Scott (voice)
White Fang is born on the planes of Alaska to a wolf father and a half-wolf, half-dog mother. One day he and his mother run into an Alaskan inuit boy Mit-sah, who has long dreamed of a dog of his own, and by a marvellous twist of fate, the wolves are taken in by him and his father. But life in Alaska is harsh for humans and wolves alike, and as winter comes, hardships lie in waiting for White Fang and Mit-sah. Facing the extreme coldness of their habitat and that of humans' greedy hearts, the two journey towards what they hope to be a happier environment.
Жар-птица 2772: Космозона Любви
Ban / Dr. Saruta
2720 год. Цивилизация несётся навстречу катастрофе. В изолированной и напичканной электроникой комнате подрастает ребёнок — мальчик. На один из своих дней рождения он получает в подарок андроида — красивую девушку-трансформер, которая должна заботиться о своем новом хозяине и защищать его. Со временем мальчик вырастает и поступает в Космическую Академию, где он получает задание отыскать Жар-птицу — мифическое существо, обладающее колоссальной энергией.
The Legend of Manxmouse
Tondemo Neko
A ceramic figure of a blue mouse with long ears, stubby legs, and no tail suddenly comes to life. He is a “Manxmouse” as known in the legend. Since he is new to this world, his fearless curiosity leads him to meet a frog couple, an aviator hawk, a stray tiger, and a girl. Although he learns about his ultimate fate-to be eaten by a “Manxcat”-he decides to face this cat and challenge his destiny.
Таро, сын дракона
Red Oni (voice)
Ленивец Таро любил только поесть, поспать и поиграть с лесными зверями, и у него не было никаких целей в жизни, до тех пор, пока один колдун не наделил его невероятной физической силой. Однако воспользоваться этим даром Таро мог, лишь помогая другим. Случайно узнав, что его давно пропавшую мать в наказание за жадность превратили в дракона, мальчик отправляется на ее поиски, чтобы снять заклятие, и по пути помогает всем нуждающимся, будь то жители его родной деревни или невероятные существа, обитающие в близлежащих горах.
The Japanese Belly Button
Helen's father
Helen and her associates stage a confession play in order to remedy stuttering, but things go amiss.
Panda! Go Panda!
Papa Panda (voice)
Cheerful Mimiko has a wonderfully strange family—a Panda for her Papa; and his son Panny, calls her Mom! When Panny follows Mimiko to school, he must pretend to be a teddy bear so Mimiko won't get into trouble. Despite his efforts to behave, Panny causes trouble in school and now the school is after Panny! Then, Panny makes a new friend, Tiny, a baby tiger who's wandered off from the circus.
Большая Панда И Маленькая Панда: Дождливый День В Цирке
Проводив бабушку в длительную поездку в Нагасаки, Мимико осталась совсем одна — родителей у нее не было. Каково же было ее удивление, когда вернувшись домой с вокзала, Мимико обнаружила у себя дома двух панд — отца и сына. Девочка очень обрадовалась неожиданным гостям. Узнав, что у Мими нет родителей, папа-панда решает заменить девочке отца, мотивируя это тем, что он и так уже отец и знает как это делается.
Панда большая и маленькая
Девочка Мимико – сирота. У нее нет ни папы, ни мамы, есть только старенькая бабушка, которой не по силам растить внучку. Но Мимико не унывает; она уверена, что справится со всем, благо готовить и стирать она умеет, а воров и разбойников не боится! И вот однажды во двор к Мимико забирается незваный гость – детеныш панды, а за ним приходит и Папа-панда. Папа-панда – обаятельный и положительный господин, с твердыми представлениями о том, как нужно растить детей. Детей должны растить родители! А у Мимико их нет... Недолго поразмыслив, Папа-Панда решает удочерить Мимико: «Папе трудно стать мамой, а вот стать папой два раза – в этом нет ничего невозможного».
Love Fantasia
A musical comedy.
Young Jack and the Witch
Little Bear (voice)
Jack is a boy who lives with his animal friends Barnaby Bear, Dinah Dog, Squeeker Mouse and Phineas Fox. He's challenged to a race with Allegra, who turns out to be a witch. She takes Jack to the queen witch, Auriana. She plans on turning all her slaves into evil harpies.
New Treasure Island
Blind Pew (voice)
This was the first episode of Mushi Pro Land, a unique series of 60-minute animated programs. It was also Japan's first 60-minute animated TV program. However, the series never materialized and only this episode was actually aired. The story follows Stevenson's "Treasure Island," featuring characters in the form of animals. For example, the pirate Silver is illustrated as a wolf, where the main character Jim is changed into a rabbit. This has, therefore, nothing to do with the "New Treasure Island," Tezuka's masterpiece Manga.
I Want to Be a Shellfish
Television production of I Want to Be a Shellfish. On a post-war peaceful day in Japan, Toyomatsu Shimizu, a barber as well as a good father and husband, is suddenly arrested by the Prefectural Police as a war criminal and sued for murder. According to the accusation by GHQ, Toyomatsu "attemped to kill a US prisoner", which was nothing but an order by his superior and failed after all with hurting the prisoner by weak Toyomatsu. Also, Toyomatsu was driven to corner at the trial by the fact that he fed the US prisoner some burdock roots to nourish him. Toyomatsu believes nothing but being not guilty, but he is sentenced to death by hanging. Prior to the execution, Toyomatsu writes a long farewell letter to his family, the wife and the only son: "If I ever incarnate, I hate to be a human being any more.... Oh yes, I would like to be...a shellfish living on the rock-bottom of the sea."
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