Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Duc H. Nguyen follows the stories of Vietnamese refugees who have been living in a condition of statelessness in the Philippines for 16 years while awaiting a rare opportunity for resettlement in the United States.
Following the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, hundreds of thousands refugees took the perilous escape route across South China Sea to find freedom. Many died of drowning or starvation and thirst. Others were lost at sea, or robbed and killed by pirates. More than 30 years later, no major film or television program has told their stories. Bolinao 52 presents this long-silenced voice, an unspoken legacy of the Vietnam War. Filmmaker Duc Nguyen, also a boat refugee, retraces the odyssey of Bolinao 52 – a vessel adrift on the sea for 37 days—and a survivor Tung Trinh as she returns to her past to tell her story.
AMERICAN SONS is a provocative examination of how racism shapes the lives of Asian American men. A simple but compelling performance piece featuring four of the country's best Asian American actors, AMERICAN SONS is a challenging exploration of how prejudice, bigotry and violence twists and demeans individual lives.
Social Club Band
В 1936 году киномеханик Джек МакГанн приехал с Восточного побережья в Лос-Анджелес, где случай помог ему устроиться на работу в маленький кинотеатрик, которым владел японский иммигрант Кавамура. Через несколько дней Джек познакомился с Лили Кавамура, дочерью своего хозяина, которая потом вышла замуж за МакГанна. Тогда они еще не знали, что впереди — вторая мировая война, бомбежка Пирл-Харбора, ссылка граждан США (японцев по происхождению) в лагеря для интернированных, смерть родных и близких…