Fred Heggland


People Buy Flowers
Tom is released from prison after serving a 2-year-sentence and wants to get back at the man responsible for his arrest. He convinces his long-time friend Arne to assist him, but Arne doesn't know the extent of Tom's planned revenge.
90 минут
Drug Dealer
Йохан готовит последний ужин для своей жены. Фред встречается в уикенд со своими детьми. Тронд выплёскивает агрессию на недавно ставшую матерью жену. Три не связанных между собой истории по-своему отвечают на вопрос о том, что происходит в течение последних 90 минут, прежде чем произойдет нечто ужасное.
Første Skudd
A short documentary that take us into a defining moment in some peoples lives - the first time they injected heroin. Filmed in Oslo, the capital of Norway, a country voted by the United Nations to be the best in the world to live. Also one of the countries in the world with the highest number of heroin overdoses per capita.