Koji Nelissen


Pink Moon
A young woman struggles to cope with her elderly father's out-of-the-blue announcement he considers his life complete and will end it by his next birthday.
A passive mother who dedicates her life to her husband and children. Stuck in daily, repetitive, mundane chores, she has made herself as little as she possibly could. When a magic trick goes wrong at her 4-year-old son's birthday party, an avalanche of coincidental absurdities befalls the family. The magician turns her husband, the authoritarian father, into a chicken. The mother is now forced to come to the fore and take care of the family while moving heaven and earth to bring her husband back. As she tries to survive, she goes through a rough and absurd transformation.
Капитан Нова
Пилот боевого корабля отправляется назад в прошлое, чтобы спасти мир будущего от экологической катастрофы, но после путешествия сквозь время ей снова становится 12 лет, из-за чего все перестают воспринимать её всерьёз.
Мария, новая пациентка в интернате для душевнобольных, сразу же подружилась с темпераментной Драганой. Выяснилось, что обе они неравнодушны к более сдержанному Роберту.
Блуждающее сердце
Executive Producer
Гей-отец-одиночка Сантьяго достиг переломного момента в своей жизни. Находясь в стадии горького разрыва, Сантьяго также сталкивается с неизбежным отъездом своей дочери Лайлы, с которой его связывают близкие, но эмоционально напряженные отношения. Поскольку страх остаться в одиночестве грозит поглотить его целиком, его поведение становится все более беспорядочным. В течение хаотичного лета, разделенного между Аргентиной и Бразилией, Сантьяго должен научиться отпускать Лайлу, чтобы каждый мог найти свою свободу. Эта эмоционально волнующая драма с участием сложных, чутких персонажей и непринужденных диалогов рассказывает о сильном желании любить и быть любимым.
A strange crea­ture washes ashore on an island where two scien­tists live and work. It appears to possess dark powers.
Verdwenen Dagen
In a virtual reality simu­la­tion that allows people to relive precious moments, a young woman is unin­ten­tion­ally confronted with deeply suppressed memo­ries of her first true but lost love.
A meek football steward's workday goes from bad to worse as he attempts to catch a glimpse of his favorite player.
Days of Cannibalism
A Western-like documentary set in a remote rural region in Lesotho: a frontier space where the ways of modern society are of little, if any, value. The arrival of economic migrants from China has irrevocably upset the balance of power, as old laws and ancient gods are doddering away. Subtle moments and small gestures reveal the trauma of expatriation, the burden of personal sacrifice, solitude and alienation, as well as the painful experience of otherness. As old structures begin to disintegrate and violence is about to erupt, one rule asserts itself above all others: eat or be eaten.
Любовь по-кубински
Executive Producer
Женщина отправляется на Кубу, чтобы остановить свою дочь, которая собирается замуж за местного.
There is a meal on the fire. The cat walks across the table. In one smooth shot, we see there is still warmth in the large, secluded house of fresh widow Thea. Still, her son is worried about her. One stormy day, he drops by to check how his mom is doing. Wouldn’t it be better if she moved to a nursing home or if he arranged home care? Thea resolutely rejects all suggestions. She does not need more care, she claims. The question is if this is really the case.
In Limbo
Acquitted of a fatal on-duty incident but tormented by its harrowing personal repercussions, a police officer and impending father struggles to piece his uprooted life back together while sent on leave to a holiday resort in Greece.
When a sweet and innocent parakeet is found inexplicably dead in her cage, all fingers seem to point towards cat Rodney. To prove his innocence, he desperately tries to put the blame on others, with disastrous consequences.
The Hero
Executive Producer
After Sara Silverstein suddenly finds herself involved in a series of violent attacks she realizes she needs to unravel her father’s past in order to neutralize this threat.
Skirt Day
Executive Producer
Every spring, there comes a day when women appear on the streets wearing skirts. Love is in the air on skirt day and the film follows sixteen colourful characters who attend a ‘Cooking Class for Singles.’ They hope to find their match during cooking speed-dates. Will ambitious lawyer Marijke win from her sexy best-friend Danielle? And is the shy Edwin able to put to practice what he learned through lessons on ‘how to seduce a woman’? And what about the founders of the Cooking Class: Alexandra and Bor. Is their marriage as good as Alexandra so desperately needs it to be? We follow them and other characters in this modern day romantic comedy on their collective journey in finding true love.
Опасная встреча
Executive Producer
Симона и Эрик унаследовали старинное поместье во Франции. Они решают, что это прекрасная возможность начать новую жизнь и вдохнуть свежее дыхание в свои отношения. Эрик сразу загорается идеей устроить в поместье отель, а Симона скучает и вскоре оказывается в постели соседа – красивого, молодого человека. И пока муж строит отель и грандиозные планы, жена с соседом занимаются сексом… Но рано или поздно все заканчивается, и все тайное становится явным…
Shocking Blue
William, Jack and Chris have been friends for as long as they can remember - until that day in April when Jack ends up under the wheels of a tractor, his body crushed, William at the wheel. Suddenly nothing is left of the boys' friendship. Chris tries his best, but William is one lump of impenetrable rock, secretly wondering if the events of the night before, when Jack went off with fifteen-year old Marianne, had anything to do with the accident...
Stella's oorlog
Dutch working mother, Stella, was supportive of international mission in Uruzgan, even if that meant missing her husband Jurre for months. After her brother is killed in action there, nothing can return life to normality, not even the return home of her military husband, Jurre. Flash-backs from a trial nine months later show the tragic developments