Herb Hall
This entry in the long-running romance of Jonathan and Jennifer Hart picks up following the death of their beloved friend Max when the Harts go to Montreal for the reading of his will. While there, they learn of a clock Max has left for them with his niece, Marie, which is stolen before they can receive it. Meanwhile, Marie’s partner in their antique shop, Vivienne, meets with Ronnie, her secret lover and the husband of the Harts’ friend Lady Camilla Ashley, and is subsequently killed. The clock seems to be at the center of a mystery which includes kidnapping and murder, and the Harts will have to unravel it if they want to get their gift from Max back.
This entry in the long-running romance of Jonathan and Jennifer Hart picks up following the death of their beloved friend Max when the Harts go to Montreal for the reading of his will. While there, they learn of a clock Max has left for them with his niece, Marie, which is stolen before they can receive it. Meanwhile, Marie’s partner in their antique shop, Vivienne, meets with Ronnie, her secret lover and the husband of the Harts’ friend Lady Camilla Ashley, and is subsequently killed. The clock seems to be at the center of a mystery which includes kidnapping and murder, and the Harts will have to unravel it if they want to get their gift from Max back.
Bob the Guard
A man is seduced by a stranger and awakens to a corpse.
Сэм и его старший брат Майкл — американские подростки со своими типично американскими интересами. Но после того как они переехали со своей мамой в тихий городок Санта Карла, в штате Калифорния, все вокруг внезапно начинает меняться самым таинственным образом. С Майклом происходят странные перемены, и его маму сильно пугает такое неожиданное перевоплощение сына.