Juda Goslinga

Juda Goslinga

Рождение : 1971-01-01,


Juda Goslinga


Pirates Down the Street II: The Ninjas from Across
Ken Susake (voice)
The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...
Several years after her win with Whitestar, Megan (Britt Dekker) runs her own equestrian center. When Whitestar's son, the young horse Silverstar, gallops into the woods in a barn fire, he is found by 16-year-old Esmee. The two have a special bond. After the fire, horse dealer Carina offers to help Megan, but can she be trusted? Esmee finds out that strange things are happening, but nobody wants to listen to her. To save Silverstar, she sees no option but to run with the horse. Together, Esmee and Silverstar must survive in nature.
Куда ты идёшь, Аида?
Sergeant Rutte
Аида — переводчица при нидерландском контингенте войск ООН. В Сребренице живут её муж и сыновья, им грозит гибель. Обе стороны конфликта игнорируют ультиматум ООН, и Аида понимает, что голубые каски не остановят кровопролитие. Используя инсайдерскую информацию, женщина с риском для жизни пытается спасти свою семью.
(Your) Moral Courage
In (Your) Moral Courage, three people are facing three ethical dilemmas, putting their moral courage to the test.
A mysterious voice invades a university campus. It is looking for unity and connection in a world trapped in isolation, where everyone is pursuing their own individual goals. At the same time we follow Philine in her battle to earn a spot in the competition boat of her university rowing club. The rivalry is fierce, which is putting a huge strain on her.
Николин устраивается на работу психиатром в исправительное учреждение. Здесь она знакомится с Идрисом, отбывающему срок за совершение нескольких тяжких преступлений на сексуальной почве. После пяти лет лечения все считают, что он готов к жизни в обществе. Но Николин сомневается в Идрис и выступает против его досрочного освобождения. Заключенный пытается убедить Николин в своих самых добрых намерениях используя всевозможные методы манипуляции, чем только убеждает психиатра в ее правоте. Между ними идет психологическая игра, и вскоре Николин начинает понимать, что ситуация вышла из-под ее контроля.
Пороки Амстердама
Детектив полиции Юрре де Кок поступает на службу в полицейский участок Амстердама. В первые же дни работы он сталкивается с заговором против голландской королевской семьи.
Till the End of the World
A young girl and her father struggle with the consequences of alcoholism.
The Return of the Honey Buzzard
Vader Ralph
With his familial bookshop on the verge of bankruptcy, Simon finds himself retreating more and more to his cabin in the woods. After witnessing the suicide of a stranger, a childhood trauma involving his bullied best friend resurfaces and he withdraws even further into the past, estranging himself from his wife and his responsibilities. The only glimmer of hope is a young girl who needs help with her book review. But there is more to the girl than there seems to be.
Alleen op de wereld
Jerome Barbarin
Remi (played by Julian Ras) is a foundling, but apart from that he's just a normal boy, who lives an ordinary life together with Betty Barbarin, the mother who found him. Untill his eleventh birthday, when a big truck stops at their door and Betty's husband returns home after many years. Jerome thinks it's too much, two men under one roof. He takes Remi with him in his truck and abondons him at a gasstation.There Remi is found for the second time in his life. He travels with Vitalis and his animals in their old van. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey in which Remi makes and loses friends and through all the ups and downs finally finds his happiness.
A Noble Intention
1888: a luthier, Vedder, has to step aside when his home, opposite the recently completed Central Station in Amsterdam, must yield for the planned Victoria Hotel. His cousin Anijs, pharmacist in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands, has gotten into a fix after illegal medical practices, and is looking for a way out. For himself and his wife Martha, but also for a colony of poor peat cutters whom he promises a future in the United States. Committed - or is it pride? - the two of them think up a scheme from which they all will fully benefit. With tragic consequences.
In a society in which conscious lies and double morals are easily justified with excuses and laughs, a needlessly complex society is created, that deviates from the core of tangible life. Freek has a difficult time maintaining himself in his normal day life. When he looses his grip, he breaks and marks his most beloved person, his son, for life.
Jonny, a deadbeat groomer, follows a young woman through the streets of Amsterdam to find out if she is the girl he accidentally killed in a recurring dream, a hallucination or, worse, a memory.
Private chauffeur Robert picks up a boy from a schoolyard. They spend the day together within the safe environment of the car and share a moment of being together that unfortunately is not obviously.
As a child, Amadou flees his native country Guinee to escape from the rebels. He ends up in the Netherlands and spends several years in a centre for asylum seekers, waiting for a decision on his asylum application to be taken. Meanwhile, he learns the language, goes to school and nearly graduates. Before he can actually graduate, however, the authorities decide to send Amadou back to Guinee. Together with four fellow-countrymen he is taken to the airport in a small van. The five foreigners whose asylum application has been rejected decide to put up a resistance against their expulsion. In view of the interests at stake, the authorities go to great lengths to deport the five men. This incident, based on true facts, leads to a night full of violence and intrigue that only produces losers.
The Resurrection of a Bastard
A criminal from Amsterdam barely surviving a liquidation. An old Frisian farmer bent on revenge. An illegal immigrant with uncertain prospects. Eventually, they meet under an ancient oak tree. Beyond the last town.
Новая земля
В 1594-1597 годах Баренц совершил три экспедиции в Арктику для поиска Северо-Восточного прохода в Тихий океан, открыв и описав берега Новой Земли. Во время последнего плавания корабль Баренца затёрло во льдах, и команде пришлось остаться на зимовку в условиях полярной ночи на побережье архипелага. Многие члены команды, в их числе сам Баренц, не выдержали лишений арктической зимы и погибли. Об этом путешествии повествует дневник одного из членов команды — Херрита де Фейра. Дневники де Фейра сегодня воспринимаются как источник научного материала, а голландские дети изучают историю мореплавания Баренца по гравюрам из дневника моряка.
Bruno Schepers
К молодому скотоводу Джекки Вэнмарсениллу приезжает недобросовестный ветеринар, чтобы заключить теневую сделку с печально известным западно-фламандским торговцем говядины. Но убийство федерального полицейского, и неожиданное столкновение с тайной из прошлого Джекки, приводят в движение цепь событий с далеко идущими последствиями. Захватывающая трагедия о судьбе, потерянной невиновности и дружбе, о преступлении и наказании, но также и о противоречивых желаниях и необратимости судьбы человека.
Sonny Boy
Matroos Suriname
Waldemar Nods, a young man from Suriname, meets the older Dutch woman Rika van der Lans and they fall in love. In pre-WWII Netherlands they could not be more different. The one black, the other white, 17 years between them and on top of that Rika already has four children with another man. They love each other, but then Rika appears to be pregnant.
Robbie, a divorced Amsterdam commoner, is meanly denied access to his son Tommi, except for monthly visitation. He grudgingly accepts when a loan shark offers to scrap his debt and throw in some cash for a simple service. Robbie must simply trick Marius, a man he never knew, to the port for a fictitious job. As he gets to know Marius, he starts feeling for the generous sociable type. His conscience wants him to warn the mark he's likely to be beaten up.
Life In One Day
Barman Mort Subite
Benny Wult grows up in a world where each human life lasts only a few days and everything happens only once. Sexual intercourse can be done only once after which the genitals are useless. The same goes for drunkenness. Get drunk again, you die. Woman are also only pregnant once. Clothes are worn only 1 time and children literally grow out of their clothes. Only eating repeats itself, but each person eats only three times and each meal is different.
Stella's oorlog
Dutch working mother, Stella, was supportive of international mission in Uruzgan, even if that meant missing her husband Jurre for months. After her brother is killed in action there, nothing can return life to normality, not even the return home of her military husband, Jurre. Flash-backs from a trial nine months later show the tragic developments
Taxi 656
Plasterer Cor has been an introvert all his life. When he is retrained to become a taxi driver, he is forced to crawl out of his shell, but it also put his marriage under a lot of stress.
Dag in dag uit
Every morning six people who live in the same street are taking the bus into town. Thanks to their own routine they survive each day, until one of them meets death.
«Скин» рассказывает о рабочем классе Голландии конца прошлого века. Рассказывает историю Френки, который начинает как «традиционный скинхед», и заканчивает в неонацистской банде. Его отец, еврей, прошедший через концентрационный лагерь, неспособен нормально общаться с женой и сыном. Когда мать Френки серьезно заболевает, он еще дальше отстраняется от своего отца, и постепенно находит утешение с группировкой бритоголовых…
Sarah & He
Steven #4
When Sarah looks out of her window she sees several situations between couples take place. It is like she is watching her own life and all the choices that could change it. In the end she can take a decision about her own life by looking at others. The couples tell a story about a world in which you can loose the direction of your life just like that. And find it again.
Small events in the lives of three people eventually lead to the moment at which a boy throws a rock from a bridge to hit a car. Small, unimportant causes can have big consequences.
A psychological drama with thriller elements about despair of love. Forty year old Thomas stalks his ex-wife while struggling with his emotions.
A psychological drama with thriller elements about despair of love. Forty year old Thomas stalks his ex-wife while struggling with his emotions.