Giulia Valentini


The Armadillo's Prophecy
Pischella centro #1
A 27-year-old guy from a peripheral Roman suburb leads a normal but repetitive life: his conscience manifests in the form of an armadillo with whom he has conversations bordering on paradoxical during which he updates him on what's happening in the world. Based on the best-selling graphic novel.
Vanessa Paris
On Christmas Eve, Manuela Paris returns home to a seaside town near Rome. She has been absent for some time, ever since she left - still a girl - to be a soldier. With determination and sacrifice, Manuela laboriously built the life she dreamed of, until she became an army non-commissioned officer and platoon commander in an advanced base in the Afghan desert, responsible for the life and death of thirty men. But the bloody attack in which she was seriously wounded forces her into a very different and no less insidious war: against memories, disillusionment and pain, but also against the stereotypical role of woman and victim that society tries to impose on her. The meeting with the mysterious guest of the Hotel Bellavista, Mattia, a man apparently without a past and, like her, suspended in his own personal limbo of expectation and hope, is an opportunity to come to terms with his story. And to find that life is always worth living - because nobody, not even her, is what they seem.
Arance & martello
A 'period' piece set in the hot summer of 2011, in the midst of the Berlusconi era. The life of a quiet corner market is shaken when the mayor decides to close it down. The only political organization people can turn to is the local section of the Democratic Party, which is separated from the market by a concrete wall, built to allow the construction of the subway.
Особый день
19-летняя Джина живет в бедном пригороде Рима и мечтает стать знаменитой актрисой. Сегодня у неё особый день – она отправляется на встречу с влиятельным политиком, который может дать толчок её карьере. У Марко сегодня тоже особый день – первый день на работе. Его взяли на место личного шофера и поручили привезти к боссу молодую девушку из рабочего района. Застрявший на бесконечной парламентской сессии политик просит секретаря отложить встречу, а значит, у Марко и Джины есть свободное время, которое они проводят вместе в центре города. Они забывают обо всём, но звонок секретаря возвращает Марко и Джину на землю. Она должна отправиться на встречу, которая навсегда изменит их жизни.