Воспитанный одинокой матерью Хаси рос избалованным ребенком, ни в чем не получая отказа. Повзрослев, он непроизвольно ищет в других женщинах черты своей матери, затевая один мимолётный роман за другим с дамами, намного старше него. Но все его приключения заканчиваются возвращением домой с букетом роз для той единственной, кого он любит по-настоящему. Однажды он застаёт свою мать в постели с любовником. Шокированный произошедшим, Хаси уходит из дома, решив жить самостоятельно. Единственное место, где его ждут – маленькая коммуна хиппи во главе с художницей Элен, пытающейся заработать, подделывая картины Пикассо.
A mysterious bounty hunter goes after a town boss who is murdering homesteaders for their land.
Barton's (Michael Forrest) family is massacred by outlaws. Vowing revenge, he sets out to hunt down the killers. Along the way he meets a mysterious, flute-playing gunslinger (Steven Tedd) who claims to know the identity of the killers and agrees to help bring them to justice. But he has a secret of his own.
Judy's Brother
Marisa and Judy need mental help, but find themselves in a poorly managed clinic. While Marisa's husband cares for her and helps her out, Judy's brother cares more about his idea of family honor and the protection of his investments in factories, leaving his sister alone...
Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Foul, twitchy, and deranged sex maniac Johnny Laster comes up with a plan to abduct a lovely young heiress in order to obtain her considerable inheritance.
A gang of outlaws gather at a desert saloon after robbing a bank. However, the loot is missing and paranoia sets in, as the outlaws start knocking each other off
Ted, der Italiener
Мадам Оберст имеет двух молоденьких племянниц, кои открыты в собственной сексуальности. Она пытается подыскать им молодых людей, и в результате все трое оказываются в самых всевозможных необычных ситуациях…