František Řehák
Рождение : 1923-10-04, Nový Bydžov, Československo
Смерть : 2017-06-28
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История взлета и падения карьеры одного пражского официанта в первой половине двадцатого века. Амбициозный молодой человек из официанта в гостинице маленького чешского приграничного городка попадает в огромный отель в центре Праги, и даже удостаивается награды от императора Абиссинии. Но настоящий взлет карьеры официанта случается после захвата Чехословакии немецкими войсками.
Returning to their ancestral lands, descendants of a formerly aristocratic family hunt for mythical creatures that occupy the nearby wilderness.
Чтобы узнать мир за пределами императорского замка, король Максимилиан покидает свой дом. Во время одной из своих прогулок он встречает барабанщика, который возвращается с войны. Король и его подданный становятся друзьями. Вместе им предстоит пережить множество приключений и испытаний.
This production of Ostrava TV Studios was inspired by actual events which occurred in the Ostrava region of Moravia during the 1920s and 1930s. A hedonistic bon vivant of a lawyer named Zajícek (played by Václav Postránecký) came up with a sophisticated finance speculation scheme which exceeded the bounds of law. When discovered it became one of the most closely-followed First Republic scandals.
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A group of children are helping a good spirits who are living in a cave near school.
Tankový prapor (Tank Battalion) is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 1991. The movie represented the first privately produced movie in Czech Republic. It was a blockbuster. Today, the movie is perceived as a classic, it is the most acclaimed movie of his creator, director Vit Olmer, it starred Lukáš Vaculík, a popular star of youth movies in the main role, as well as the by-then well received comedian Miroslav Donutil.
Один из самых именитых чешских режиссеров снял заведомо непроходной фильм - крайне жесткую сатиру на тогдашний коммунистический режим. Фильм пролежал на полке 20 лет, вышел на экраны лишь в 1990 году и получил восторженные отзывы критиков. По роману Богумила Храбала. Прага начала 50-х. Действие фильма происходит в трудовом лагере. Разношерстная команда рабочих, среди которых и профессор литературы, и повар, и несколько женщин-заключенных, открывает в себе солидарность после того, как двое молодых людей влюбляются и решают пожениться. Они готовятся к свадьбе...
Josef Čapek
Biography of Karel Čapek.
Sonya is the heiress to the riches of a Czech noble family—the Hajns. Petr, a social climber marries her, ignoring some shady goings-on—in particular, an insane uncle who prowls the mansion believing himself invisible, a peccadillo the family indulges. The uncle’s stalking every corner of the house, popping out of cupboards and out from behind curtains slowly takes its toll on the young bride.
The story takes place in the Czech-German border region in 1938. The hero Tomás Jakl marries but the marriage is not very lucky and falls apart. His German friend forced him to enter the Nazi party.
The film tells the exciting life of the great Czech composer Leos Janácek (1854-1928), also known by the thick silver hair that crowned his head and his strong character, which could overcome the adversities of fate.
Drama directed by Karel Kachyna.
předseda družstva Josef Bžoch
In his feature debut, Dneska přišel nový kluk (A New Boy Started Today) from 1981, the director Vladimír Drha set the tone for a number of Czech films, which critically depicted the state of society from the perspective of young protagonists. Although, Drha primarily found scope for his work in television, he returned to the world of a “working youth” in his second film Mezek (The Mulish Victor, 1985) – albeit following him from the point of view of an educator. NFA.CZ
statkář Vejvoda
Francin, manager of a small-town brewery, has a charming wife whose abundant blonde locks are an adornment to the town. Maryska looks ethereal but loves meat and beer, while Francin is an ascetic. The strict members of the brewery board of directors come to audit the accounts, but are diverted from concentrating on Francin's detailed reports by Maryska, who has organized a pig-killing feast and is ably assisting the butcher. When she invites the old curmudgeons on the board to enjoy the fresh pork, they are too happy to agree. Francin doesn't know whether he is going to get a permanent contract. To make things worse his brother Pepin - eccentric, noisy and garrulous - turns up on an indefinite visit.
A young engineer, Štěpán Pavlík, dreams of becoming a cosmonaut.
The opera lady singer Ema Destinnová is in all her splendor at the American stages. But in Europe there rages war and she decides to return home to Bohemia.
The Lavicka's, a Czech family from the city, rents a house in the country with the option to buy. However, old Mr Komarek seems reluctant to sell the house as they agreed.
otec Petry
When he returns to Prague from a stint in the Army, Lada does not seem to fit in anywhere, and he cannot get the hang of the system of deliberately underperforming on the job. His girlfriend tries to keep him in the city with a variety of stratagems, but he eventually takes a job as a truck driver on a dam-building project. He uses the truck to visit his girl on weekends. Ingenuous, he is unaware that the truck is being used for black-market smuggling, and that his girlfriend two-times on him when he cannot arrange to leave on time for his weekend.
After returning home from the army, Vasek (Ladislav Potmesil) has married Bozka (Eva Trejtnarová) and the couple now live at her parents' house. Vasek is unhappy both with his work and with sharing the house with Bozka's parents. He and his friend Ruda (Oldrich Vlach) decide to take a temporary job in Ostrava for a year. Bozka is against this, but Vasek gets his way. Mining is hard work but Vasek gradually adapts to it. He gets homesick from time to time and wants to go back, but his pride always wins out. Once he really does travel back to see Bozka, but he doesn't find her at home.
Stage Director
Stage Director
The female employees of the poultry-processing factory find relief from their monotonous work in chatting about weddings and marriages. The very young Zdena (Marta Vancurová), too, dreams about a white veil and an entourage of bridesmaids. On her return home from work, she runs into a peculiar man on an abandoned road who pertinaciously offers to read her palm for a few crowns to buy soup. His augury is rather usual - wealth and poverty, suffering and happiness. Then however, he declares that Zdena must marry exactly on 3 November of that year otherwise she will be unhappy.
A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Canon Roch
Смешная история о трех друзьях, которые пытались ухаживать за девушкой приезжего фокусника.
Фильм снят по роману Жюля Верна. На далеком острове хранится эликсир, который жаждут заполучить пираты. Но с принципом его действия знаком только талантливый профессор Том Рок, которого злодеи похищают вместе с его помощником Симоном Хартом. Именно в руках Харта окажется судьба всего мира, когда ему удастся покинуть плен.