Straight-laced, honest Japanese travel agent Misuzu gets a job as a tour guide so that she can the world. On her first assignment in Bangkok, Thailand she does her best for her ungrateful charges, but gets fired when the hotel (through no fault of her own) misplaces all their passports. She also finds herself the victim of a scam by two Japanese con-artists (innocent-looking Tondabayashi and half-Thai Thuy) living in Bangkok. When the hotel finds the passports, she decides to buck the system and sell them on the black market. She teams up with the two con-artists to scam, rip off and rob all the Japanese tourists in Bangkok. They keep trying to pull off bigger and bigger jobs, and end up in trouble with two dumb, sightseeing yakuza, among others. Also, a love triangle forms as Tondabayashi falls for Misuzu, and Misuzu falls for the older Thuy.
Depicting the friendship of three boys in New York, Los Angeles and Tokyo.
Masahiko's mother
Mitamura Yuka is a normal, shy high school student. Except for the fact that she has psychic powers. When a new student with similar powers begins to show her skills, creating a force of psychic Nazi student enforcers, Yuka and her friends vow to stop her. But behind it all is a mysterious force that will put Yuka's powers to the ultimate test!
История незадавшейся женитьбы Тора-сана. Он отправляется на Хоккайдо, где встречает свою прежнюю возлюбленную Лили. Расставшись с мужем, Лили планирует снова стать певицей, а заодно восстановить свои необычные отношения с Тора-саном. С этой целью она предпринимает поездку к нему домой. Родные Тора-сана счастливы: будущая невеста им приходится по душе, чего не скажешь о самом герое…
Hiroshi (Tatsuo Umemiya) has the biggest penis in all of Japan and everyone who touches (or is touched by) it, is blessed by good fortune. After buying his sister a washing machine for her wedding, he travels to Tokyo, where he must help his friend Masa out of a half-million yen debt. Among other hijinks, he becomes a penis god in the process.
Hoodlum group helps fishermen against firm polluting their fishing ground.
Pinku from 1971.
Kinuko Aso
A man is inspired to build a hospital after his mother falls ill and becomes a host to swindle money out of women.
An uptight young man comes to suspect that his factory worker girlfriend has a secret involving his boorish older brother.
Clerk at department store
Nobuko and five male friends graduate from a high school, promising to remain friends forever. One year later, Nobuko is working as a mediocre actress for TV commercials, and the five men are wearing beards and have formed a psychedelic rock band. One day, Nobuko meets Jun, who draws cartoons based on his experiences.
Второй фильм трилогии о приключениях Хадзимэ Хана. Хозяин мясной лавки заходит в ресторан, чтобы съесть бифштекс, за его стол присаживается прелестная молодая девушка. Так начинается невероятная история, в которой участвует Африка, Франция, бриллианты, Японские Альпы, гангстеры, коварные убийцы и безнадёжно больные альпинисты. В захватывающих приключениях вместе со старшей сестрой Тиэко Байсё смогла поучаствовать и младшая Мицуко Байсё. В персонаже Хадзимэ Хана отчетливо читается будущий бродяга Торадзиро.
Kiki's brother (voice)
Jack is a boy who lives with his animal friends Barnaby Bear, Dinah Dog, Squeeker Mouse and Phineas Fox. He's challenged to a race with Allegra, who turns out to be a witch. She takes Jack to the queen witch, Auriana. She plans on turning all her slaves into evil harpies.
Saotome is a white-collar worker on the brink of a burnout who one day strikes up a friendship with Gen, a boorish drifter who approaches life one day at a time.
A young yakuza who respects obligation and humanity must face cruel and heartless turf wars leading to a fight to the death with his own brother.
Two friends, both members of a Japanese cargo boat, return to Japan after a three-month voyage and have just 24 hours shore leave. In those hectic hours, they vie for the affections of a hotel owner's daughter but wind up with separate girl friends and attempt to bring together the parents of a baby who have separated.
Kazuko Yamagami
A boy who dreams of being a yakuza leader is reformed by a girl's pure love for him.
A Tokyo student transfers to a rural school and finds it difficult to adjust himself to its customs and traditions. One of the customs is the wearing of an old school cap by a senior. It is a symbol of courage and bravery and is handed down to a new senior each year.
Every day a car accident happens in the city. The involved parties are prey to the settlement agents (jidanya), mediators between the parts and the insurance companies to avoid time-consuming legal actions that could come when no settlement is reached (while cheating both parties out of some piece of the settlement pay). Genkichi is a well versed old-timer, that sees how his freshly out of collage son struggles to fit into the business, while at the same time facing one of his lowest rivals in a car crash incident.
Юный Того, исключенный из элитарного учебного заведения в Кобэ за драки и распутство, помещен матерью в школу провинциального городка Тоёока. Втайне от Того мать поручает его заботам школьного директора. Директор Кондо немало мучается с новым учеником, бунтующим против школьных правил и жесткой иерархии. Все попытки дисциплинировать его наталкиваются на умные и логичные контрдоводы юноши, подкрепленные прекрасным знанием литературы. Именно литература является страстью Того, он стремится в Токио, чтобы осуществить своё призвание.
Akahana (voice)
In this influential* cult-classic animated film based on Japanese folklore, Susano is the youngest son of Izanagi and Izanami, the heavenly couple who created the Earth. Still a young boy, Susano is devastated by the passing away of his mother. Determined to find her despite the reprimands of his father, he embarks on a journey to find his brother and his sister for spiritual guidance. *Genndy Tartakovsky identifies this film as a primary influence on the direction and design of his TV series Samurai Jack (2001–2004; 2017). Yōichi Kotabe was a character animator on the film, and used it as inspiration for the art direction of the video game The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2002). Tomm Moore, director of the Oscar-nominated films The Secret of Kells (2009), Song of the Sea (2014), and Wolfwalkers (2020), has identified the film as a major influence.
Japanese comedy film.
A life insurance agent has a drinking problem causing him to lose his company a fortune. He heads to another town to sell insurance, but to his surprise, the elderly are all healthy thanks to a special local sake. Along the way, he meets an eye-patch-wearing killer, which only confounds his misadventures.
Такаси Кигути – ничем не примечательный сотрудник текстильной фабрики «Тоё». Когда его фирма разоряется, он совершает неожиданный поступок: выхватив пистолет, угрожает дирекции убить себя. Чудом Такаси остается в живых, но о случившемся быстро узнают газеты. Скромный и неуклюжий клерк в одночасье делается знаменитостью. С ним заключают контракт на участие в рекламе, и он становится лицом страховой компания «Сёва». На главном здании фирмы появляется гигантский плакат, на котором Кигути изображен с пистолетом у виска. Идея создать медийную фигуру из маленького человека принадлежит девушке по имени Юки. Она работает в рекламном отделе фирмы «Сёва», хочет изменить мир, и надеется, что герой из народа ей в этом поможет.