Petra Špalková

Petra Špalková

Рождение : 1975-02-21, Brno, Czechoslovakia [now in Czech Republic]


Petra Špalková
Petra Špalková
Petra Špalková
Petra Špalková
Petra Špalková
Petra Špalková
Petra Špalková


Shadow Country
The film chronicles the events of a village on the Czech-Austrian border from the 1930s to 1950s, where genocide occurred due to fallout between German citizens and Czechs who collaborated with the Nazi regime during the war.
Wings of Steel
Jarmila Kopecková
Infiltration: Fake business with health - new facts
Charlatans or therapists offering alternative treatment? New Facts about Akvap's Prague Consultation and Therapy Institute in the current document by Šárka Maixnerová. (Česká televize)
Short Cut
Eleven years old Jacob does not know his Father. His picture is portrayed and idealized by his Mother and his own phantasy. Jacob is an uncontrollable and slightly asocial guy, who is lacking a male role model. He grows up among females- Mother, stepsister Pauline and Grandmother. Grandmother arrives to their small panel block building apartment at beginning of the Story. Jacob's resentment (a runaway escape through foggy neighborhood of concrete block buildings) is his way to finding out what' going on. It is his first disappointment, but also a first step of growing up. tease him. Mother has her hands full with the household and barely makes it. She does not have time to care about her children 's feelings. Money is tight. Among his schoolmates Jacob is considered poor and that bothers him as well.
Eda's aunt
Во время немецкой оккупации семья Эды вынуждена переехать из Праги в деревню. Место, куда мальчик приезжал только на каникулы, становится его новым домом. Городская семья должна приспособиться к новой обстановке и совместной жизни с тётей и её близкими, среди которых и строгий дедушка. Перед Эдой стоит нелёгкая задача: найти и удержать своё место в компании деревенских мальчиков, чьи взгляды на мир кардинально отличаются.
Ice Mother
After her husband's death, Hana lives on alone in the family villa. Her two sons visit her with their families, but these visits frequently end in quarrels. When Hana meets Brona, a hardy fellow, inured to winter swimming, a new world opens before her. Brona's team-mates absorb her into their team and Hana gradually learns to overcome her fear of icy water. Her relation with Brona grows into love.
The Good Plumber
The story is about a plumber, who is called Good man from the bones. He is not afraid of any work, he manages all the work he gets. Wittily responds to every situation that befalls him.
Případ pro lyžaře
The American Letters
Anna Dvoráková
Bio-pic about Czech composer Antonin Dvoraák at the height of his career. Dvorák learns that his love and lifelong muse is ill and must return to her side.
Jako nikdy
Můj vysvlečenej deník
nevlastní matka
Tense Czech war drama.
Vřesový trůn
The City of the Sun
Lovers & Murderers
Jolana Tušlová
Lovers & Murderers is about the ongoing war between those who have and those who want to have what the others have. The have-nots see themselves as poor victims trying to get for themselves what is justly theirs. But when the have-nots become haves, they continue to see themselves as victims of the hordes baying for what is justly theirs, and they have neither the energy nor the security to enjoy what they have obtained. The movie takes place in the microcosm of a small apartment building. The principal goal of the young people who share rooms in the building is to move into their own room and, some day, a real apartment. They scheme to get what they're after: form short-lived alliances, petition, frighten, marry, become pregnant, anything that might work. Lovers & Murderers presents Páral's vision of mankind caught in a cyclical process in which ideology pales before the pettiness, cruelty, and self-justification of human nature.
Pánská jízda
manželka Viktora
Monika Šírová (mother)
Film about racial problems in the society, love, family, people and their relations.
Бабье лето
Трагикомическая история молодого душой 75-летнего Франтишека Ганы, вечного мечтателя и игрока, который сильно отличается от своей любящей и беспокоящейся жены Эмили. Он не желает жить как старик, уже приготовившийся к смерти, поэтому пускается в новые и новые авантюры, играя самые разные роли в жизни.
At Night
Чешский музыкант, убежденный холостяк по меркантильным соображениям вступает в фиктивный брак с русской женщиной. Судьба наносит ему неожиданный удар. «Жена» исчезает и герой вынужден заботиться о ее пятилетнем сыне Коле. Коля не понимает ни слова по-чешски, а его воспитатель не говорит по-русски. Их ждет трудный путь к пониманию, — путь, полный забавных недоразумений, веселых и грустных приключений, улыбок и любви…