Barry Lee-Thomas


Umpire - Final
Питер — типичный неудачник, ему одинаково не везет как в личной жизни, так и на профессиональном поприще. Каким-то чудом горе-спортсмену, чья фамилия находится в самом конце мирового теннисного рейтинга, удается стать участником престижного Уимблдонского турнира. Там-то он и встречает Лиззи — звезду американского тенниса, в которую безумно влюбляется. Вдохновленный обретенной любовью и собственным мастерством на корте, Питер все выше поднимается по турнирной лестнице. Еще немного, и мечта всей его жизни — выиграть чемпионский кубок — вот-вот станет реальностью, если, конечно, удача снова не изменит ему…
Stan is a troubled child with a vivid imagination. He lives with his mother and sister near a mental hospital, which fills him with horror. His nasty older sister thinks Stan is a nuisance and threatens to kill him. When it becomes night, all the impressions come back in nightmares.
Day Of the Sirens
A serial killer goes out in a blaze of terror on a summer's day in London
Free Spirits
Lionel (the Porno Vicar)
This comedy, 'about being who you want to be and doing what you want to do', centres on a bar in Peckham whose customers are struggling through the hottest day of the summer. The proprietor Bandana Bob is fighting off a takeover bid from a ruthless developer, while looking out for the dilemmas of his regulars. Matty, Bob's best mate, is under pressure from Carla, his terrifyingly maternal girlfriend. Jimmy, a boxer struggling to make his comeback but thwarted by his sneaky manager, is worried about how to support his family. And Kelly, an aspiring actress with a crush on Bob, must take the plunge with a role of 'epic proportions' to overcome her shyness and show the busy landlord how she feels.
4 PM
Jack Douglas
Belinda Douglas is a famous politician who is attacking the government on not being transparent enough. She's married to Jack, but has not always been faithful. Today she can't resist the urge either and picks up Jenna as one-night-stand. The next day Belinda has to leave early and tells Jenna where to find the keys. But the keys accidentally fall behind the door and Jenna is locked inside. As time is running out, she decides to check some personal belongings of Belinda. Then fate strikes.
Sugar, Sugar
Mr Sugar
The story of Sugar Sugar, a troubled runaway and her descent into the London underworld.