Alessandro Partexano

Alessandro Partexano


Alessandro Partexano


Принцесса и нищий
Cameriere Chalet Des Roses
Что делать, если ты принцесса маленького европейского княжества, если твой отец увлечен только эротикой в интернете, а о тебе не пишет пресса, потому что ты занимаешься открытием ветеринарных лечебниц? Правильно! Устроить небольшой скандальчик! Или очень большой скандал! Принцесса по совету дворецкого находит самого никчемного жителя княжества, молодого балбеса Антонио, и притворяется, что влюбилась в него! Они гуляют по улицам, ужинают в ресторане, а специально предупрежденные папарацци снимают их! Это скандал! Принцесса выходит замуж за нищего. Принцесса добилась своего, но что теперь делать с Антонио?
Senza Movente
Prete confessore
Giallo based on the true crime of Rita Squeglia, who killed her lover and hid the body in a suitcase.
Il signor Quindicipalle
Francesco is a Tuscan who is very good at playing American pool, so much so that he is nicknamed "Mr. Quindicipalle", for the time he performed the unlikely feat of pocketing fifteen (quindici) balls (palle) in one shot, using the wooden handle of a broom as his cue stick. Francesco is also an experienced womanizer, like his recently deceased father. Indeed, Francesco meets the woman of his dreams at his father's funeral – a prostitute who calls herself Sissi. The two fall in love, and so Francesco thinks she might be a lucky charm for him, in his training for a big pool tournament. But Sissi frequently infuriates Francesco, compromising his skill and his training for the tournament.
Ladri si diventa
Dio c'è
Tutti giù per terra
Military doctor
The vicissitudes of Walter – a dissatisfied and disenchanted 20-year-old on-and-off philosophy student without a job, a girlfriend or any real beliefs – who reluctantly returns to his native Turin to live with his irascible blue-collar father and his mother, almost mute due to a severe nervous breakdown.
Camere da letto
maitre al ristorante
Camere da letto
Maître del ristorante
Strangled Lives
Francesco is an entrepreneur in the building industry. His company is near to collapse if it doesn't win a deal to build a new school complex. It needs at least 60 million liras to participate to the deal, but all the banks refuse to lend the money. A corrupt bank employee introduces him to Claudio, apparently an assistant of Sergio, Francesco's old school friend. Sergio is an accountant available to lend Francesco the money he needs. Francesco wins the deal, but soon he discovers that Claudio is not what he says.
I'll Leave It All Behind Me
poliziotto alla frontiera
Franco is tired of his life as a shopkeeper in Rome and decides to leave his wife and daughter to begin a new life in Tunisia.
Gole ruggenti
Donne con le gonne
Inserviente lavanderia
Renzo falls in love with feminist Margherita, too emancipated for him: they start a troubled relationship until he kidnaps her, forcing her to be an housewife devoted to her husband.
Da grande
Marco, a nine year old boy, is in love with his elementary teacher, and feels neglected by his workaholic parents. When they forget about his birthday he wishes he could grow up at once. This really happens and Marco begins a new life as an adult. He rents a room in his teacher's flat and she falls in love with him. He even fakes a kidnapping when he runs out of money but he is mistaken for the kidnapper.
Alex, l'amico pianista
Puro cashmere
Giuliano, kindergarten teacher, goes to his ex's birthday, meets Liliana and falls in love with her.
Дьявол во плоти
Повтор классического французского фильма 1946 года. Голландская актриса Детмерс с риском для своей карьеры сыграла в этом очень современном, почти порнографическом фильме о любовном треугольнике, в который, помимо нее, вошли ее дружок-террорист и мальчик-подросток. Она на грани безумия разрывается, не зная, кого из них ей хочется больше.
Il tenente dei carabinieri
Graduation Party
The endearing efforts of a divorced, simple baker to capture the attentions of a bourgeois society woman.
Liberté, égalité, choucroute
Le portier de la Bastille
A parody of the French Revolution, on Arabian Nights background. Bagdad Calif is in Paris in 1789, where he decides to visit the Executionner equipment exhibition.
Friendship and competion among the clerks of a bank.
Blame it on Paradise
Mario (spazzino)
A former convict discovers that his son has been adopted by a couple living on the mountains and tries to establish a contact with him
И корабль плывет
Из Неаполя отплывает роскошный лайнер, на борту которого страстные почитатели оперы провожают на родину прах оперной дивы Эдме Тетуа. По палубе слоняются ее многочисленные друзья и поклонники, жизнь кажется прекрасной. По пути корабль подбирает потерпевших кораблекрушение сербских беженцев. Австро-венгерский броненосец требует их выдачи. Завязывается сражение.
The Sword of the Barbarians
A swordsman's wife is murdered by followers of the evil Goddess Rani. He vows vengeance upon the cult and journeys to the Ark of the Templars to get a magic crossbow that will help him accomplish his mission.
Francesco Improta is an honest fruit and vegetable peddler who lives with his elderly mother Assunta and daughter Fiorella. His wife Lucia left home two years earlier, as, in order to help the family, she did not hesitate to give herself to the boss Peppino Ascalone, with whom she is now forced to live together.
With Aunt It's Not a Sin
Antonio / engineer
The rich Gloria, resident for years in the United States, returns to live in her native country in Sicily, where she is welcomed by her sister-in-law, widow Antonia and her son Saro. The beautiful Gloria does not fail to arouse particular interest in the inhabitants of the place, especially in a building speculator, the engineer De Vita, who intends at all costs to get hold Gloria's land. She will be able to seduce the man, and then allow herself to the sister-in-law and the nephew before leaving for the USA.
Куда ты едешь в отпуск?
globetrotter (episodio "Le vacanze intelligenti")
Три комедийных новеллы, объединенные одной темой: человек и его свободное время. 1) "Я буду вся твоя". Нагулявшись, Энрико решил, наконец, пожить на вилле с женой. Но Джулиана устраивает ему настоящее испытание воздержанием и флиртом с молодыми красавчиками. 2) "Да, Бауна". Незадачливый путешественник Вильсон прибыл в Африку охотиться на зверей, но вынужден был переквалифицироваться в проводники для туристов сафари. 3) "Культурный отдых". Взрослые дети убедили родителей впервые в жизни культурно отдохнуть и отправиться в путешествие по Италии. Это привело ко множеству курьезных приключений.
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Don Salvatore Savastano, a boss involved in the smuggling of contraband cigarettes, is forced to watch four masked robbers kill his wife and his only son in a restaurant where he and his family are celebrating the young boy's first Holy Communion. From that moment on Don Salvatore has no other purpose in life but to get his revenge on the four assassins.
Монастырские соблазны
Статуя дьявола в женском монастыре начинает воздействовать на монашек, пробуждая в них экстремальные сексуальные потребности...