Peter Marshall

Peter Marshall

Рождение : 1964-01-01, Townsville, Queensland, Australia


Peter Marshall is an Australian actor. Discovered by Geoffrey Rush who directed him on stage in Merry Wives of Windsor, Marshall has often headlined for Queensland’s best theatre companies.


Peter Marshall


Задняя дверь
Молодой человек просыпается запертым в багажнике автомобиля. Ни водитель, ни человек, оказавшийся в ловушке, Люк, кажется, не знают, почему он здесь.
Talking Back at Thunder
All is good for Jacob. A plumber by trade, he has a job he enjoys, and a fiancé whom he loves. He’s the quintessential, everyday man living his life in a provincial coastal Queensland town. A veritable bomb soon shatters his path by way of an old demon from his childhood. Surrounding lush cane fields turn to icy tundra, as Jacob tries to cope with the crippling anxiety and haunting trauma that he’s managed to suppress over the years. Facing his biggest task yet, he is forced to tackle these issues before they swamp his soul and ruin his life. How will he cope with his mental demons? Can he hide them from his loved ones, and continue on with his life unabashed? Will he choose to confront the very source of his anguish head on? Set with northern Australia’s cane country as its backdrop, Talking Back At Thunder delves fearlessly into the barely- lit cavern that is anxiety, trauma, and rage in the everyday Aussie male.
A Better Man
Father of Bride
David has something very important to say from the heart. He's a legend at choosing his moments.
После смерти своей дочери Кристиан получает видеозапись, на которой возможно запечатлены последние часы ее жизни. В поисках ответа, ему предстоит погрузиться в круговорот насилия и жестокости, преследуя одного за другим участников видео.
Грозовой понедельник
Chief Constable
Действие фильма происходит в Ньюкасле — городе, переживающем экономический упадок, где людям отчаянно нужна работа. Американский магнат с темным прошлым по имени Космо решает провести грандиозную операцию по отмывке денег, скупая городскую недвижимость. Финни, владелец процветающего джаз-клуба, отказывается от щедрых предложений американца. Но Космо не привык отступать и намерен добиться своего любой ценой.
Three's One
Maggie's son
Are Maggie and Tony using each other as a means of communicating with Dr Leafer? Or are they using Dr Leafer as a means of communicating with each other?