Koji Ishizaka

Koji Ishizaka

Рождение : 1941-06-20, Tokyo, Japan


Koji Ishizaka
Koji Ishizaka
Koji Ishizaka


Joou no Houigaku ~Shikatsushi~
A genius forensic scientist pushes around one of her students while investigating a case.
Five loosely connected storylines concerning the secrets and lies, the fears and tears, and the puerile potty jokes that punctuate the characters' daily (and in one eerie case, nightly) encounters.
Mio's Cookbook
When Mio was young, she lost her parents in a great flood and also became separated from her best friend Noe. Afterwards, Mio found her talent in cooking and eventually became a cook. Meanwhile, Noe has become an oiran (high-ranking courtesan).
Yuien is a troubled young man. He meets the Buddhist monk Shinran, and listens to his teachings. Shinran takes him on as his disciple, and they travel together, with experiences both joyous and heartbreaking awaiting them on the road.
AIBOU: The Movie IV
Mineaki Kai
A mysterious international crime organization makes a demand of 900 million yen from the Japanese government for the release of hostages. The group then targets a victory parade of a world sports game to commit indiscriminate terror.
Library Wars: Book Of Memories
Iwao Nishina
Iku (Nana Eikura) joined the Library Defense Force after a member from that team retrieved an important book that was targeted for censorship. She is assigned to work under Atsushi’s (Junichi Okada) team. She endures Atsushi's harsh treatment and looks for the member who retrieved her book. She also finds herself becoming attracted to Atsushi. Iku meets female high school student Marie (Tao Tsuchiya) at the library. Maries has a hearing disability. She is also a childhood friend of Mikihisa (Kei Tanaka). Iku senses Marie’s strong feelings for Mikihisa. Asako (Chiaki Kuriyama) works as a clerk for the Library Task Force. She has frequent meetings with curator Shuji (Aoi Nakamura). This creates complicated feelings for Hikaru (Sota Fukushi). One day, Mikihisa is arrested because of a book he recommended to Marie. Official reason given is because the book is unsuitable for disabled people. The members of the Library Task Force are angered by Mikihisa's arrest.
Library Wars: The Last Mission
Iwao Nishina
Set 18 months after movie "Library Wars." After the government's enactment of the Media Betterment Act, battles wage between the Betterment Squads and the Library Defense. The Library Defense resists censorship and advocates freedom of expression. The biggest battle awaits for the Library Defense.
Woman Lived Mori Mitsuko
Drama special "Mori Mitsuko wo Ikita Onna" follows the life of actress Mitsuko Mori and, in particular, when she 26 to 42 years old. Mitsuko Mori went through struggles to find happiness as a woman and an actress.
AIBOU: The Movie III
Mineaki Kai
A news report circulates about a man who died after being kicked by a horse on a small island located 300km away from Tokyo. National Police Agency director Takeru Kanbe assigns Vice Director Mineaki Kai the task of making sure rumors surrounding the incident are fully investigated. Soon, partners Ukyo Sugishita and Tooru Kai are dispatched to the island to conduct the investigation. When Ukyo and Tooru arrive on the island, which is privately owned by a wealthy businessman, they discover a unit of former Self-Defense Forces personnel who have set up a small community as they participate in training exercises. While Ukyo initially expected to be investigating an accidental death, he quickly becomes convinced it was actually murder. However, when they finally manage to uncover conclusive evidence of this, the soldiers attack.
AIBOU: The Movie III
A news report circulates about a man who died after being kicked by a horse on a small island located 300km away from Tokyo. National Police Agency director Takeru Kanbe assigns Vice Director Mineaki Kai the task of making sure rumors surrounding the incident are fully investigated. Soon, partners Ukyo Sugishita and Tooru Kai are dispatched to the island to conduct the investigation. When Ukyo and Tooru arrive on the island, which is privately owned by a wealthy businessman, they discover a unit of former Self-Defense Forces personnel who have set up a small community as they participate in training exercises. While Ukyo initially expected to be investigating an accidental death, he quickly becomes convinced it was actually murder. However, when they finally manage to uncover conclusive evidence of this, the soldiers attack.
Library Wars
Iwao Nishina
Set in the year 2019 in Japan. In order to crack down on free expression, a new law is passed, which allows for the government to create an armed force to find and destroy objectionable printed material. Meanwhile, to oppose this oppressive crackdown, the Library Force is created. The Library force, including instructor Atsushi Dojo and Iku Kasahara, work to protect the libraries. A fierce battle then ensues between these two groups.
One in a hundred thousand
Narration (voice)
Tamura Masakazu plays Shohei Yamauchi, a freelance reporter obsessed with finding out the truth about a traffic accident in which his beloved daughter died. Judging by the photo of the accident, which appeared in the news described by photojournalists as "one coincidence in a hundred thousand", and the survivor's testimony that "I saw a red fireball" immediately before the accident, the circumstances of the accident are questionable. The film is based on a late masterpiece by Seicho Matsumoto.
Izakaya Moheji
A small, out-of-the-way izakaya in Tokyo has become the favorite hangout of people searching for nourishment…for their bodies and their souls. The proprietor of Izakaya Moheji is Heiji, played by Yutaka Mizutani, star of the popular AIBOU series. Izakaya Moheji is a place where regulars and strangers alike can find comfort and comfort food.
Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial
Ultraman Zero, the rookie Ultraman from Tsuburaya Productions’ 2009 theatrical movie returns, and getting full-fledged. However, he is confronted with the empowered Kaiser Belial, back from the evil Ultraman Belial whom he and other Ultraman warriors battled so hard on the m-78 Planet. Can Ultraman Zero live to the expectations of his legendary father Ultra Seven? Check it out in the latest Tsuburaya Productions’ action packed movie.
An unscheduled late night train arrives at Tokyo station on 15 August, the anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II. Boarding the train are spirits of great men who died honourable deaths in the war more than 60 years ago. They have come to the modern world to see their homeland as a peaceful country and to tell the lingering spirits of the war dead about the current conditions.
The King of Jail Breakers
Kogoro Ura
Masayuki Suzuki (Itsuji Itao) is known as "Datsugoku Oh" (King of Escape) because of his incredible ability to escape from any prison. Even though his ability to escape from prison was unmatched he would normally get caught within a few hours from his escape. He is then sent to Prison Island ... can he escape ?
The Unbroken
Masayuki Kokumi
Onchi was exiled to posts around Asia and Africa due to his work as head of a labor union for National Air Line. He is ordered to return to head office after ten years, and continues to struggle. When a National Air Line plane is involved in the worst air disaster in Japanese history, he is assigned to console and provide restitution to the families of the victims.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2009 Fall Special
Haha no Okurimono
Based on novel by Kuniko Mukoda, "Haha no Okurimono" tells the story of a soon to be married couple and their respective mothers. On the eve of Akiko and Masaaki's wedding, Akikio's mother Nobue shows up. Many years when ago, Akiko's mother ran off with a married man and since then Nobue has dropped all relations with her mother, even telling Masaaki that her mother was dead.
Teiichi Kozuka
An employee of a bank goes missing following his retirement from the bank. Veteran detective Yobuno (Koji Yakusho), who is set to retire himself, is charged with the investigating the missing person case. Det. Yobuno quickly finds more mysterious as he delves into the case, but a woman named Keiko Fukumura (Eri Fukatsu) surfaces who may hold the key to case.
Подозреваемый Икс
У дeтeктивa Kaopy Уцyми нoвoe дeлo. B зaбpoшeннoм пapкe былo oбнapyжeнo тeлo зaдyшeннoгo чeлoвeкa c изyвeчeнными лицoм и кoнчикaми пaльцeв. Глaвнoй пoдoзpeвaeмoй cтaнoвитcя бывшaя жeнa жepтвы. Oднaкo, y нee oкaзывaeтcя идeaльнoe aлиби и cлeдcтвиe зaxoдит в тyпик. Toгдa Уцyми oбpaщaeтcя зa пoмoщью к пpoфeccopy Maнaбy Юкaвe, гeниaльнoмy физикy, вpeмя oт вpeмeни пoмoгaющeмy eй pacпyтывaть кaзaлocь бы нepaзpeшимыe дeлa. Oкaзывaeтcя, чтo coceд пo квapтиpe пoдoзpeвaeмoй Tэцyя Иcигaми — бывший oднoкaшник Юкaвы и тaлaнтливeйший мaтeмaтик. Юкaвa нaчинaeт пoдoзpeвaть, чтo Иcигaми кaк-тo зaмeшeн в yбийcтвe и oкaзывaeт вдoвe пoмoщь в coкpытии пpecтyплeния.
Покемон: Восход Даркрай
Darkrai (voice)
Было предсказано, что однажды встретятся две силы, повелевающие временем и пространством, которые столкнувшись уничтожат город… Предсказанное время настало, но в схватку сил вмешалась третья… И Эш с друзьями, естественно…
Ten Nights of Dreams
Hiraga Gennai
Based on renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki's same-titled short story collection, Ten Nights of Dreams brings ten fantastical dream sequences to film with great visual and psychological panache. Representing the combined efforts of eleven directors, this outstanding anthology delves into the surreal subconscious with ten madly imaginative, reality-subverting visions that range from wonderfully wacky to nightmarishly unsettling.
Murder of the Inugami Clan
Kosuke Kindaichi
Inugami Sahei, who built up the wealth of the Inugami Clan, passes away, leaving a will with Furudate, his legal adviser, for his daughters Matsuko, Takeko and Umeko, all of whom have different mothers, and for their sons, as well as for Nonomiya Tamayo, the granddaughter of a person to whom Sahei feels heavily indebted. The will states that all his assets are inherited by Tamayo alone, on the condition that she marries one of the sons of the daughters. Furudate's assistant learns the content of the will, and seeks advice from Kindaichi Kosuke, a private detective, as he senses the air of unease. Shortly afterwards, murders start to occur one after another in the clan.
2012: Гибель Империи
Учёные вычислили, что Япония уйдёт под воду в течение сорока лет из-за того, что тектоническая плита, находящаяся под Японским архипелагом постепенно перемещается на запад. Однако доктор Тадокоро, который возглавляет группу по исследованию океана, вычисляет, что это произойдёт через 338,58 дней. Он показывает результаты своих исследований Премьер-министру и другим. Правительство ему не верит. В то время как на территории Японии начинаются разрушительные землетрясения и извержения вулканов, в точности, как и предсказывал Тадокоро.
Star Reformer
Hitoshi Koga
Satoshi Nomura, a top-level bureaucrat of a prefecture government, has passion for his career. One day, he is hired by the fixed-term personnel exchange training between public and private businesses. This personnel exchange training is part of some big prefecture project. This project is very big, so success of this personnel exchange training will probably determine his career. Nomura goes to a supermarket called "Mantendo".
古畑任三郎ファイナル 今、甦る死
ウルトラマン怪獣伝説 40年目の真実
Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet
It has been a year since Musashi retired from being a Team EYES member and now he is finally pursuing his dream of becoming an astronaut.
Produced for Fuji TV in 2000, the film reinterprets the story of a special samurai force - the Shinsengumi - at the end of the Edo period.
47 ронинов
Yoshiyasu Yanagisawa
Во дворце сёгуна знатный придворный Кира Кодзукэ-но сукэ тяжко оскорбил Асано Такуми, правителя области Ако. В гневе Асано обнажил меч и ранил Киру. Подобные действия во дворце сёгуна карались смертью; Асано был арестован и приговорен к самоубийству. Самураи, находившиеся у него на службе, оказались без предводителя, то есть стали ронинами. Верные долгу, они поклялись отомстить за своего господина.
Тайна деревни Тэнкава
Yoichiro Asami
По роману Ясуо Утида. Детективная история начинается в Токио с убийства торгового агента фирмы по производству костюмов для театра Но. Мицухико Асами волей судьбы попадает в круговорот загадочных событий.
Tistou the Green Thumb
When eight-year-old Tistou is sent home from school after being unable to stop falling asleep at lessons, his father decides that he will continue his education by learning from observation of real life, and where better to start than in the garden! With the gardener Mr. Moustache, Tistou discovers he has a remarkable gift—the green thumbs: everything he touches grows into beautiful plants. His next lesson is with the stern Mr. Turnbull, manager of his father's armament factory who takes Tistou to visit the town to learn about "order." Over the course of the next few days Tistou learns many new things as he visits the town prison, the slums, and the hospital, and everywhere he tries to change the world into a better place with his new extraordinary power. Finally, he learns about war, and upon visiting his father's factory, he finds out that they supply the two countries at war with their weapons...
Ultra Q The Movie: Legend of the Stars
A series of serial murders occurred in a historic ruins where a TV crew is shooting a documentary.
Yawara Inokuma is a girl who aspires to an ordinary life but due to her innate talent is forced to practice judo by her authoritarian grandfather, Jigorou Inokuma, with the aim of achieving the championship in Japan and the gold medal in the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games. Because of the pressure from her grandfather she has a generally bad attitude about judo, avoiding it as much as she can. However, over time she comes to understand why her grandfather loves judo and appreciates it more.
Set on a quiet ranch in Hokkaido. One day, a colt is born from a legendary bloodline. It is given the name Oracion or "prayer". When Oracion is grown, a factory owner buys the horse. Will he be the key to solving the man's problems? Based on the novel by Teru Miyamoto.
Однажды вечером на пороге дома бедняка Тайдзю оказалась красивая гостья. Она назвалась Цуру и сказала, что пришла, чтобы стать его женой. Цуру привела избу в порядок и заботливо ухаживала за свекровью. Увидев ткацкий станок, стала ткать на нём, но при этом попросила, чтобы никто не заглядывал, когда она будет работать. Цуру соткала ткань невиданной красоты. Тайдзю немедленно отправился продавать ткань местному старосте Ханава, даже не заметив, что его жена немного похудела. Благодаря ткани, сотканной Цуру, Тайдзю и его мать стали жить лучше. Но староста потребовал, чтобы Цуру соткала ещё одну красивую ткань. Она отказалась, сказав, что такую ткань можно соткать только один раз в жизни. Но, пожалев Тайдзю, всё же решилась, и на этот раз строго наказав, чтобы во время работы не заглядывали к ней. Утром Тайдзю не утерпел и заглянул…
Princess from the Moon
Two poor, married farmers have recently lost their only child; after a freak visitation, they pry open an alien cocoon to greet their new daughter.
Shiro Kido
Биография великой японской актрисы Кинуё Танака (1909 — 1977) представлена в обрамлении истории возникновения и развития японского кино. К сожалению, молодая красавица Саюри Ёсинага не может передать полностью обаяния своего прототипа. Ведь Кинуё Танака прошла путь от юной симпатичной простушки, героини немого кино до маститой актрисы, способной на самые трагические роли. Авторы фильма, режиссер Кон Итикава и сценарист Канэто Синдо пытались подчеркнуть значение Кэндзи Мидзогути в формировании её таланта. Но на самом деле среди великих режиссеров того времени трудно встретить того, кто не снимал эту потрясающую актрису.
The Hall of the Crying Deer
Godzilla 1985
Power Plant Guard
Originally released in Japan as "The Return of Godzilla" in 1984, this is the heavily re-edited, re-titled "Godzilla 1985". Adding in new footage of Raymond Burr, this 16th Godzilla film ignores all previous sequels and serves as a direct follow-up to the 1956 "Godzilla King of the Monsters", which also featured scenes with Burr edited into 1954's "Godzilla". This film restores the darker tone of the original, as we witness the nuclear destruction of giant lizard terrorizing Japan.
Бирманская арфа
Cmdr. Inoue
Японский солдат после войны остается в Бирме, чтобы хоронить погибших соотечественников и пытаться спасти выживших, отговаривая их совершать «благородное» самоубийство по японскому воинскому кодексу. Солдат странствует по Бирме в облике буддийского монаха, но рясу он украл у настоящего монаха, который спас ему жизнь…
Power plant guard
After a fishing boat is attacked, the sole surviving crew member realizes it is none other than a resurrected Godzilla. However, efforts to bring the story to light are suppressed by the Japanese government amid growing political tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, who are both willing to bomb Japan to stop the monster.
A story of a shopkeeper and his ex-wife, lives full of tragedy.
Мелкий снег
Teinosuke, Sachiko's husband
В начале 2-й Мировой Войны четыре сестры (Цуруко, Сатико, Юкико и Таэко) из знатной семьи Макиока борются за сохранение традиций, хотя времена изменились и знатное имя значит в Японии намного меньше, чем деньги и карьера. Жестокие времена рождают жестокие чувства, но любовь к своей семье, тесная связь между сестрами помогают им преодолеть все невзгоды и добиться счастья.
The Legend of Manxmouse
A ceramic figure of a blue mouse with long ears, stubby legs, and no tail suddenly comes to life. He is a “Manxmouse” as known in the legend. Since he is new to this world, his fearless curiosity leads him to meet a frog couple, an aviator hawk, a stray tiger, and a girl. Although he learns about his ultimate fate-to be eaten by a “Manxcat”-he decides to face this cat and challenge his destiny.
Дом повешенной на Больничном Спуске
Kosuke Kindaichi
Детектив Киндаити решил уехать за границу, ему осталось только сделать фото и оформить паспорт. Приехав в родные места, он становится невольным свидетелем нескольких убийств, которые непонятным образом связаны с фотостудией и заброшенным домом семьи Хогэн, которая владеет местной больницей.
Akio Jissoji's Ultraman
Akio Jissoji's Ultraman is a 1979 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film directed by Akio Jissoji. It is a compilation film made up of scenes from Jissoji's episodes of the original Ultraman TV series.
Пчелиная матка
Kosuke Kindaichi
Очередная история по детективу Сэйси Ёкомидзо. Коскэ Киндаити расследует серию убийств, связанную с событиями произошедшими в деревне Гэккин на полуострове Идзу за 19 лет до описываемого времени. Как всегда в действие вплетены многочисленные япоские традиции: игра на лунной гитаре, театр кабуки и чайная церемония во время любования кленами.
Остров Гокумон
Kosuke Kindaichi
Япония, 1946 год. По поручению друга частный детектив Киндаити отправляется на небольшой остров Гокумон (что значит «тюремные ворота»), чтобы передать влиятельному семейству Кито известие о смерти сына-наследника. Чувствуя приближение собственной кончины, тот был уверен, что трём его младшим сёстрам грозит смертельная опасность. Киндаити решает провести на острове несколько дней, и в первую же ночь происходит убийство одной из сестёр - девушку находят повешенной на дереве вверх ногами.
Дьявольская считалочка
Kosuke Kindaichi
Инспектор Исокава нанимает частного детектива Киндаити для расследования убийства, произошедшего в глухой деревне 20 лет назад. Но им приходится искать человека, совершившего несколько новых убийств - одну за другой в деревне убивают молодых женщин. Как выясняется позже, убийства происходят согласно старой детской песенке, которую поют, играя с мячом.
Клан Инугами
Kosuke Kindaichi
Частный детектив Киндаити приглашен, чтобы предотвратить трагедию в семье, связанную с разделом огромного наследства семьи Инугами. Сыщик проявляет удивительную находчивость, но его усилия не могут предотвратить убийств, которые следуют одно за другим.
Flower and Dragon
Kingoro Tamai moves with his wife and son to the port city of Wakamatsu. He organizes the Tamai-gumi, a stevedore group, to vie for work with two other powerful groups. Gingo is Tamai's chief rival who falls in love with the latter's wife and tries to kill Tamai.
Hana no fushicho
Osamu Kubota
My Destiny
Yamamoto Yasushi
Dianas of the Campus
Young Girls Are Everywhere
Shôkichi Murase