Daniel Martin Berkey

Daniel Martin Berkey


Daniel Martin Berkey


Til Death
An elderly Ruth is a loyal spouse who painstakingly cares for her mentally distant husband, Bert. She becomes so enveloped in her care giving that she fails to notice a drastic change in her life.
Stage V
Lydia attends a bereavement group for people who have lost a loved one to cancer. As she hears the different stories of loss around the group and how grief has manifested itself in so many different ways, she is triggered to remember different memories during her father’s illness where each stage of grief affected her own life.
Он пытается восстановить утраченную память. Мужчина возвращается в загородный дом своей семьи в Вермонте, где в детстве с ним произошло страшное событие. Оно оставило его с психологической травмой на всю жизнь.
Скорбящая мать ищет волшебного суррогата для своего потерянного ребенка. Но маленькие чудеса идут с большими последствиями.
The Woman in the Movie
Uberholtz Wunderhaus
Inspired by an old documentary film, a man in the year 2087 volunteers as the world's first human time traveler to find the woman who changed his life, the woman in the movie.
A struggling young actor begins to see disturbing visions of the immediate future and he soon realizes that having this ability is not exactly a welcomed gift unless he is ready to do something about it.
The Vixens
Zender La Manner
Three overgrown punk women set their violent anti-male sights on a beauty pageant and its buffoonish billionaire director.
Исчезновение Ленки Вуд
Dexter's Dad
Сыграв свадьбу, молодожены Декстер и Ленка Вуд из Нью-Йорка отправляются в Турцию, чтобы провести там незабываемый медовый месяц. Поначалу их отдых действительно великолепен, однако через несколько дней Ленка становится жертвой похищения. Её супруг, в прошлом бывший военным, видя беспомощность местной полиции, лично берется за поиски девушки. Чтобы вернуть её живой Декстеру придется действовать быстро и жестко.
The Shriven
A science fiction film about a doomed love affair between two shape shifters.
No Man's Land
Bernhard Benson
In the winter of 1919, American war hero Luke Benson returns to his father's New England estate.
Чумной город
В отдаленной деревне страшная тайна окружает каждого живущего и рождение каждого ребенка. Она гласит, что все дети — создания Бога. Но не здесь… Для группы заблудившихся туристов любое понятие семьи скоро будет разбито на кусочки. А надежду немногих обреченных попасть домой окружает ужас.
MURDER and murder
Mildred and Doris are two middle-aged white women, from very different backgrounds, who become lovers and set up house together. Film explores the pleasures and uncertainties of later-life emotional attachment and lesbian identity in a culture that glorifies youth and heterosexual romance.
Privilege is an intelligently conceived, boldly anarchic, and wickedly insightful exposition on the culturally ingrained and socially divisive malaise of isms that artificially define and characterize empowerment in contemporary society: ageism, sexism, economic elitism, and racism. Yvonne Rainer conveys texture through the intercutting of archival footage, video, and film - as well as compositional layering through the film-within-a-film structure, elliptical (and self-referential) fusion of past and present, and the filmmaker's idiosyncratic penchant for superimposed typed text.
Unto the Son
Based on actual events, Unto the Son follows a young man and his family's journey following the mysterious disappearance of his gangster father.