Larry Justice


Laughing Dead
A young junkie emerges half dead out of a toxic river not knowing where he is or how he got there. His name is Hunter, and he can't possibly imagine the nightmarish reality he is about to face...and why. The landscape is a diseased post-apocalyptic Los Angeles populated by cannibalistic mutants, heavily armed survivalists and a terror-stricken citizenry that dares not wander the streets at night. This literal "hell on Earth" is controlled by Vincent, a genocidal madman who is even worse than he seems...a monstrous, ages-old vampire that has transformed the city into a human blood-farm and slaughterhouse. As Hunter battles to stay alive amidst the homicidal carnage and bloody spectacle of daily life, nothing could prepare him for his encounter with Vincent, the terrifying truth of his own existence, and a vampiric journey of lust, power and addiction that can only lead to utter horror and annihilation!
The Man Who Envied Women
A Manhattan professor's (William Raymond, Larry Loonin) unseen artist wife mocks his pitiful existence.
Вкусная дрянь
Зимой на Аляске группа людей находит на снегу некую липкую массу, похожую на сгущёнку. Люди пробуют её — она оказывается очень вкусной. Но эта масса обладает одним интересным свойством — она живая. Но такой её особенности люди не придают особого внимания...