Эрнст всю жизнь жил по правилам, которые диктовал ему крайне религиозный отец. У него никогда не было друзей, он не общался с женщинами и даже не праздновал свой день рождения. Поддавшись на уговоры заядлого тусовщика Тилля, Эрнст всё же решает наплевать на Божью кару и отпраздновать сорокалетие ради пообещанного лишения девственности с гостьей по имени Нокта. В начале вечеринки его ждут крепкие алкогольные напитки и толпа незнакомцев, среди которых можно найти чернокожего мусульманина, братьев-нацистов и девушку с фонтаном из месячных. Но это только начало, и он даже не догадываться, что что-то ещё может пойти не так.
Special Effects
A young man is confronted with the abyss of his soul and becomes more and more enslaved by insanity.
A young man is confronted with the abyss of his soul and becomes more and more enslaved by insanity.
A young man is confronted with the abyss of his soul and becomes more and more enslaved by insanity.
A young man is confronted with the abyss of his soul and becomes more and more enslaved by insanity.
Who dares to venture into the forests of Silschede, is in deadly danger! It seems that some of the stories that inspired our earlier works are true. In the forests of Silschede not only a bloodthirsty creature is up to no good, it seems that perhaps the last cannibal in Germany is living here...
Special Effects
Who dares to venture into the forests of Silschede, is in deadly danger! It seems that some of the stories that inspired our earlier works are true. In the forests of Silschede not only a bloodthirsty creature is up to no good, it seems that perhaps the last cannibal in Germany is living here...
Alan Jates
Who dares to venture into the forests of Silschede, is in deadly danger! It seems that some of the stories that inspired our earlier works are true. In the forests of Silschede not only a bloodthirsty creature is up to no good, it seems that perhaps the last cannibal in Germany is living here...